Day one on Lipotrim and I am sooooo hungry!


Just went for my weigh in and I have only lost 1lb but I am happy with that because I had my weekend away and didn't even attempt to do LT. I was a bit bit scared that I may have put on weight. So to still lose 1lb makes me happy!!!:D:D:D

Wow...well done a llb down and a weekend in templebar...that has to be record by anyones book!! So well done...its a great spot isnt it (if a bit pricey!!!) Best of luck getting back on the wagon!!
Thank you everyone for the congrats. Not that I feel i deserve them because I was bad. Temple bar is very bloomin expensive Bea. 5 yoyo 10 cents for a vodka!!
Hey, I think you do deserve them cos you've got straight back on track after your weekend :)
Start of Week 4.......I think


I have just had my weekly weigh in and I am very pleased with a 4lb loss!! I love this diet I really do!! 4lb in one week is fanbloodytastic!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Way to go 4llbs is will be fading away!!
Im not very Good at this!

Hi everybody,

I havent been around since friday because my cousin and his wife have been over from Brighton and all my good intentions went to pot.:cry:

I went for my wieigh in and I have put on 1lb !!:(

I am back on again from this morning and I know that I can't really expect to have lost but I had sort of hoped that I hadn't put any on.:sigh: I know it was only 1lb but it still makes me a bit cross at myself!! I must not have any will power at all !!

Anyway thats my rant over and now I will just have to put my head down and get on with it.:eek:
Rachel !!!!!

You will be fine hun , dont let this weekend put you off LT you can get back on track and you WILL !!!!!

dont give in to any cravings thou , no matter how hard it may get , ok !

Its always hard when we have other people around us but they will all look at you in total disbelief next time they see you !!!
You will get thru the first few days .... ive been there and dreading going back , but i know when i start it up again i will stick to it 100% for 2 months !!!

Just think Rach , in a months time ...4 weeks from now you WILL be another stone lighter ... i would even say another size smaller !!!! what a feeling to get you thru !!!
I know and I really have felt good recently because I am in size 16 again which is nice so I just have to keep thinking like that and I will be fine. i didn't find today too bad actually.
Today was good thats a huge bonus !!!!!
Have you got work tomoro ?
Im on 2 week hol , got friends over tomoro to clear my loft lol
Ok I wont give in!! I am going to think of you lot everytime I feel weak!! Thanks Sam x

A l lb is nothing...will be gone in a few days once you are back on the wagon....
Looking after family etc is very difficult not be tempted...but you can do of luck....