Daz FINALLY has a food diary

Hi Daz how are you ? I wanted to ask, have you got any target in mind for the new year, there's only 5-6 weeks left. We are almost the same weight now, you caught up with me :p. I'm hoping to get into the 11's, I have just re started some body magic, so hope to get back on track soon. I'm sure you must be burning a lot of calories with your house move :D .

Kay xx

All good here thanks Kay, still having issues with internet connection, costing a fortune to stay online through my mobile, but until the 9th December im pretty stuck.

Weight target for 23rd December is 12 stone, and then down to 11 stone by my birthday in March. After 12 though its not set in stone, i will go until i feel comfy, don't want to end up looking too thin and gaunt, need to keep a bit of meat. :D
Hope You are on the road to recovery.

Alreet son hows todays food been

Hi Mother. Still eating, actually had muesli with orange segments this morning, but only a couple pieces of fruit for lunch. Could have been worse, wasn't going to stop for anything. But then i did a huge roast for dinner. Just got so much going on with the flat that I'm not getting on here as much as i need to keep this going, but I will pop by as often as I can until things calm down a bit. Nice to have my independence back but ****** I'm knackered. lol.
Its bound to be a hectic time and we know your still busy and post when you can.

We will still keep posting (sometimes utter drivel) lol and still keep updating the challenges. You will have your work cut out when your back online properly lol
Its bound to be a hectic time and we know your still busy and post when you can.

We will still keep posting (sometimes utter drivel) lol and still keep updating the challenges. You will have your work cut out when your back online properly lol

I think im on top of it, just cant leave internet open like i normally do, which means i only update once or 3 times a day rather than always being active as i was before. I shall not let You ladies down. lol.
Feel as though i have totally failed this past month. Moving into the flat has not helped, as pleasing as it is to have my independence back, but that is no excuse. I have still been eating the right foods, only a very small amount of indulgences since getting here. (mainly an Antarctic roll that I made for a meal with friends last week, being a pig I only got 4 portions from it, at a whopping 37 syns each serving. Recipe available upon request. lol)

That has been my downfall. OK so maybe a few days went by where I didn't have the so called 3 square meals a day, but even so I still had enough food intake to be ok. No, beer in the flat, that's what has done for me. Like a kid in a chocolate factory, put the goods in front of them and they shall partake. Im the same with beer. My best mate brought me a box of ale from Lidl. (That is not a spelling mistake, he BROUGHT me a box, I had to give him the money for it. I only mentioned that they were selling them, not that i wanted one, lol) Great, £15 a box, but 12 pints to get through. And then I bought another 12 bottles for the meal on the Friday. Little did I know that Jamie was bringing some as well. So, I end up with all that beer and like I said, its in front of me so it has to be drunk.

That has to be my mantra for a few weeks, get to Christmas without the temptation in front of me. I still have 9 lbs to lose by 23rd December to reach my initial target. I was heading for an "early finish" at the beginning of November, but now I may not make it.

But, now I am settled, now I know what has gone wrong, now I know how to avert the problem going forward. So avert it I shall. Daily eats chart to restart again, more focus on getting active, and a determination to get to 12 stone for Christmas.

Watch this space.
But your not alone, I only buy Things I don't like, like certain biscuits, otherwise I'd eat the lot.
Feel as though i have totally failed this past month. Moving into the flat has not helped, as pleasing as it is to have my independence back, but that is no excuse. I have still been eating the right foods, only a very small amount of indulgences since getting here. (mainly an Antarctic roll that I made for a meal with friends last week, being a pig I only got 4 portions from it, at a whopping 37 syns each serving. Recipe available upon request. lol)

That has been my downfall. OK so maybe a few days went by where I didn't have the so called 3 square meals a day, but even so I still had enough food intake to be ok. No, beer in the flat, that's what has done for me. Like a kid in a chocolate factory, put the goods in front of them and they shall partake. Im the same with beer. My best mate brought me a box of ale from Lidl. (That is not a spelling mistake, he BROUGHT me a box, I had to give him the money for it. I only mentioned that they were selling them, not that i wanted one, lol) Great, £15 a box, but 12 pints to get through. And then I bought another 12 bottles for the meal on the Friday. Little did I know that Jamie was bringing some as well. So, I end up with all that beer and like I said, its in front of me so it has to be drunk.

That has to be my mantra for a few weeks, get to Christmas without the temptation in front of me. I still have 9 lbs to lose by 23rd December to reach my initial target. I was heading for an "early finish" at the beginning of November, but now I may not make it.

But, now I am settled, now I know what has gone wrong, now I know how to avert the problem going forward. So avert it I shall. Daily eats chart to restart again, more focus on getting active, and a determination to get to 12 stone for Christmas.

Watch this space.

Oh my goodness what was in the Arctic Roll to make it that many syns per portion??

We are all human Daz we all slip from time to time, but you have not failed otherwise you would have gained loads and you haven't. You said yourself you have been eating the right kind of foods for your main meals so it cant be all bad, something is still telling you subconsciously to eat healthy. Keep the faith :D
Oh my goodness what was in the Arctic Roll to make it that many syns per portion??

We are all human Daz we all slip from time to time, but you have not failed otherwise you would have gained loads and you haven't. You said yourself you have been eating the right kind of foods for your main meals so it cant be all bad, something is still telling you subconsciously to eat healthy. Keep the faith :D

Flour, cocoa, vanilla essence, eggs, salt, sugar.
That made the sponge part, then a chcolate truffle ice cream was the filling, with double cream poured over, and i didn't even count the syns in the choc chips, chopped nuts and marshmallow. lol. Was really nice though, and i mean, realllllllly nice. mmmmm.

As i said, i only made 4 portions from it, could have easily got 8 (18.5 syns) may even have got 12 (just over 12 syns).
Thats my intention, to indulge a bit once i hit 12 stone, which now should work out to be over Christmas. i will be happy fluctuating, but only once at target, dont want to be fluctuating back to 15 and a half stone.
Too right. I did hit 176 lbs last week, which is exactly 3 stone loss, will get back to at least that after the weekend, if not more, and no way am i ever going back to 15 stone or anywhere near it. I suppose, if there is a lucky aspect to all of this, i put the weight on due to health issues and a lack of mobility. I think that is why it has possibly been a little easier to lose the weight.
Right, time to do an online shop me thinks, and a new research into some different meals to have over the next few weeks. Want to start incorporating syn values into meals, giving me wider scope of what meals i can have, rather than using them on snacks (mainly go ahead bars) and the odd bottle of beer. I would much sooner a gratifying meal over a dessert for the sake of filling up and having the syns. Any tips gratefully received.

Really must knuckle down now, have set a target of 9 lb to lose through the December challenge, 10 would be perfect as that will make me bang on target, but as close as i can get will be awesome. Its been a good journey, just wish i hadn't run out of weeks as soon as i have.
What about cheese to make sauces if your using milk for your hex a choice
Corned beef to make a hotpot
Cereal for brekkie to keep you fuller until lunch rather than just a yogurt
soups with cream in
Casseroles with red wine
Pastry on a steak pie

just a few things off the top of my head
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You seem to be super super organised and doing really well x