Daz FINALLY has a food diary

Thanks Daz I hope so. The thought of surgery terrifies me due to the job I do, I see the bad ones.

Any surgery has risks, but he has told me because of where the problem is he needed to put it to a panel ,to decide whether to go in through my back or my chest wall, because of all the little nerves that are surrounding the problem area.
Thanks Daz I hope so. The thought of surgery terrifies me due to the job I do, I see the bad ones.

Any surgery has risks, but he has told me because of where the problem is he needed to put it to a panel ,to decide whether to go in through my back or my chest wall, because of all the little nerves that are surrounding the problem area.

Wow, that sounds complicated.
Yeah thats what the consultant said too Daz - mine is an unusual and difficult case ( trust me eh! ) lol

Wouldn't have you any other way. haha.

It was the same for me, ok so it was mainstream with it being a stroke, but they said i was far to young, and the favtor of what actually happened, plus it didn't show up on the scans. Oh well, still here to tell the tale. ;)
Wouldn't have you any other way. haha.

It was the same for me, ok so it was mainstream with it being a stroke, but they said i was far to young, and the favtor of what actually happened, plus it didn't show up on the scans. Oh well, still here to tell the tale. ;)

Haha difficult? moi? pfttt

Yeah Sis is only 49 and they have told her it was a full blown stroke so I reckon shes been very lucky Daz
Haha difficult? moi? pfttt

Yeah Sis is only 49 and they have told her it was a full blown stroke so I reckon shes been very lucky Daz

Going by what You told me that she suffered i would say that she was amazingly lucky. A gentle but serious enough warning sign.
Shes been given a 4 week sick note and told to rest and cut out/down salt intake

Wow, more than 2 years and i am still not fit for work, they have signed me off as disabled indefinitely on the DLA side of things. Nobody seems to be certain if the vertigo is a true state or if it is just symptoms showing as that due to damage to the brain. I do see progress though, albeit very slight, but certain things are getting easier. I am actually walking down the stairs properly now, for the last week or so. I was having to step down one foot at a time onto the same step, now im going one foot onto the step below each time. Mind, that was a lot to do with the broken ankle as well, causing a lack of strength in the knee due to being non weight bearing while in a cast. The problem was that with the vertigo issues it was virtually impossible to set a physio regime for the ankle issues.

Ha, have your sister read this, she will see how lucky she has been. But for me personally it has been a bloody good thing. Stopped my lifestyle that i had with managing the pubs, caused me to settle back at home, eating properly, drinking far less, no stress, learning new things towards educating myself into a position to be able to work incorporating my issues, and such a positive approach now, to a point that it annoys the hell out of some. lol.
Wow, more than 2 years and i am still not fit for work, they have signed me off as disabled indefinitely on the DLA side of things. Nobody seems to be certain if the vertigo is a true state or if it is just symptoms showing as that due to damage to the brain. I do see progress though, albeit very slight, but certain things are getting easier. I am actually walking down the stairs properly now, for the last week or so. I was having to step down one foot at a time onto the same step, now im going one foot onto the step below each time. Mind, that was a lot to do with the broken ankle as well, causing a lack of strength in the knee due to being non weight bearing while in a cast. The problem was that with the vertigo issues it was virtually impossible to set a physio regime for the ankle issues.

Ha, have your sister read this, she will see how lucky she has been. But for me personally it has been a bloody good thing. Stopped my lifestyle that i had with managing the pubs, caused me to settle back at home, eating properly, drinking far less, no stress, learning new things towards educating myself into a position to be able to work incorporating my issues, and such a positive approach now, to a point that it annoys the hell out of some. lol.

Its nothing she doesnt know Daz having watched dad go through it, watching him crawl the floor to the bathroom to vomit, watching him unable to put one foot in front of the other.

She's just too stubborn to admit illness can beat her !!! grrrrr
Its nothing she doesnt know Daz having watched dad go through it, watching him crawl the floor to the bathroom to vomit, watching him unable to put one foot in front of the other.

She's just too stubborn to admit illness can beat her !!! grrrrr

it is somewhat scary being confronted directly by ones own mortality.
If she isn't affected with mobility issues then i doubt very much that she is going to sit and rest.

Its the tiredness, lack of sleep and forgetfulness thats got to her Daz. She cant sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time even with a sleeping tablet :-(
Its the tiredness, lack of sleep and forgetfulness thats got to her Daz. She cant sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time even with a sleeping tablet :-(

Memory should return. As for not sleeping, some of that could be the fear of not waking up. Trust me that was a massive issue to me. But clearly we are all affected differently.
Memory should return. As for not sleeping, some of that could be the fear of not waking up. Trust me that was a massive issue to me. But clearly we are all affected differently.

Could be - Im going to see her tomorrow see if she will talk to me. Shes not one for telling how she feels
Ah, an excuse to make a spreadsheet, although a lot less complicated than the challenge ones. A sheet to track my progress with calorie counting for a few weeks. It shows 8 in total but hoping to just do 2 or 3 and then take another look at how things lie. I liked the simplicity of the SW concept and would like to be able to eat around their structure, but for now, while their system couldn't impact on the belly fat i am going to give this a go. And so far so good. Granted i have the time and i find it no effort to weight everything (not sure how long that will last) but the results so far are enough motivation.

06-07-14 calorie count.JPG
...:hide: raises hand up to ask a question ... am I allowed to ask a question regarding your new funky spreadsheet ? which I might add is looking tops ! :p

Kay xx