de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

April Habit: Making Your Bed May Habit: Moving
Sneak Peek for the Week: April 27, 2014 - May 3, 2014

This week we are in 2 Zones: Zone 5: The Living Room and Zone 1: The Entrance, Front Porch and Dining Room

Zone 5: Mission #1 Monday. STARTED

Work in Zone 5 for three days this week. This is the Living Room and Family Room. Go after the hidden clutter in these rooms. Take a look around you and see what is laying around that is really clutter but because you have become so used to it being there you don't see it as clutter. Have you purged those magazines and books lately? How about the videos, dvd's and cd's? Are they strewn in piles all over that because they belong in these rooms you don't see them anymore? Your mission for today is to set your timer for 15 minutes and go after the "hidden" clutter in these rooms. You will be amazed at how much neater the rooms look when you tackle this. Do not get obsessed and take apart the whole room. This is about progress NOT perfection. Just tackle one thing at a time!

Zone 5: Mission #2 Tuesday DONE

Yesterday we went after the "hidden" clutter in the Living Room and the Family Room. Today you are going after the trash. Now you may think you have no trash in these rooms but look under the couch and the chairs. Lift up the cushions and check out what seems to magically get swallowed up in the couch. Check under the end tables and the coffee table. Set your timer for 15 minutes and grab a trash bag and start tossing. You will be surprised at how fast you can do this mission. I bet you all will have time left to spare!! Be careful not to lift things that are too heavy and awkward on your mission. Ask for help if you need it!

Zone 5: Mission #3 Wednesday DONE

Today is our last day in Zone 5!! Today is the day we go after that "stuff" that gets left in the Living Room and the Family Room. The shoes, jackets, laundry baskets etc. Set your timer for 15 minutes and go after the things that need to be put away. Deliver them to the proper homes and get back to the rooms and check them again. Do not get sidetracked when you are putting something away in another room and start picking up that room. Example if you are taking shoes to your room don't get sidetracked by stopping and straightening something in the bedroom. Put away what you need to and go back to the Zone rooms. If you notice that you need to straighten in another room that you have made a delivery to, then review your schedule and see if you can go to that room for a 5 minute room rescue. If you do not have time then look ahead to your schedule and try to figure out when you can get there!! This is not all or nothing! This is all about babysteps and being proud of the small things that we can accomplish!

Zone 1: Mission #1 Thursday DONE

We are only in Zone 1 for two days this week; let's make the most of it! Zone 1 is the Front Porch, the Entrance Area and the Dining Room. Today we are going to go on a Trash hunt! Set your timer for 15 minutes and spend 5 minutes in each area. Start with the front porch and gather up whatever needs to be tossed. Got to the entrance area next, look for the junk mail, newspapers, etc., that seems to accumulate here. Toss! Next head into the Dining Room, grab anything that is really trash but you just haven't noticed it. The stray napkins, magazines, junk mail, old school papers etc. You all know what seems to pile up! Go get it and toss it!

Remember this is only 5 minutes in each area, do not get sidetracked or obsessed!

Zone 1: Mission #2 Friday DONE

Today is our last day in Zone 1. Today's mission is very simple! Grab a broom and a vacuum cleaner. Set the timer! 5 minutes in each area. Sweep the front porch and shake out the door mat. Next a quick sweep or vacuum in the entrance area. Last dash around the dining room with a broom or the vacuum. This is just a quick mission that makes you feel so great. When there are no dust bunnies chasing you or gritty floors your home just feels better! You do not have to get overwhelmed by this. Do not move furniture around or get sidetracked. Just a quick maintenance sweep and vacuum.

Congratulations on a job well done this week! We are always so proud of you!!
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Sneak Peek for the Week May 4 - 10, 2014 This month's Habit is: Moving

This week we are in Zone 2: The Kitchen

Zone 2: Mission #1 Monday. DONE!

We are back in the kitchen!! The mission for today is not fun! So sorry! LOL! Clean your kitchen trash cans!! Take out the trash and wash those nasty gross cans out! You know what happens when that trash bag slips down and yet the rest of the family still tosses things in there! Use a soapy rag and wipe down the sides and the bottom. Some of you may need to take the can outside and spray it out with the hose. If you have a lid, don't forget to clean the underside.

Zone 2: Mission #2 Tuesday DONE!

Your mission for today should you choose to accept it: Scrub down your counter-tops. I don't mean to just wipe a rag across them! I mean you get some hot soapy water and you wipe down the counters from front to back and side to side. Yes, you have to move the stuff on the counters to do this. DON'T take everything off at one time and then plan to put it all back again, I promise you will get sidetracked and then you will all email me crying that it is all my fault!! LOL! You just move your toaster (or coffee pot or whatever this is an example here) over to one side and wipe down the counter, then move over a foot or so, move aside what is there and wipe down some more and so on. We are not marathon cleaning the kitchen here, just getting all the crumbs and junk that seems to build up behind and under things.

Zone 2: Mission #3 Wednesday. DONE!

Grab those toothbrushes and get ready! Yep! You guessed it! Get an OLD toothbrush and some soap and scrub those kitchen sink faucets! You will be amazed at how much gunk and grime will come off around the handles! You shine your sink everyday but today we are going to make those faucets sparkle! While you are at it take that soapy toothbrush and scrub your rings that you are wearing that have gotten grungy and make them sparkle too!

Remember this assignment is to use an OLD toothbrush not your husband's! LOL!

Zone 2: Mission #4 Thursday DONE! (except exterior of fridge - will do today)

Today we are going after the big appliances!

I am not telling you to clean your ovens and tear apart your refrigerators. Just wipe off the fingerprints, the spills and the dried food that gets stuck on the stove, the dishwasher and the refrigerator. Wipe down the doors,the handles and the surfaces.

This is not a detailed cleaning mission where you need to spend hours scrubbing, just 15 minutes to surface clean your large appliances.

Zone 2: Mission #5 Friday. DONE!

Today is our last day in the Kitchen!! For today I want you to grab your broom and your mop. Sweep your kitchen floor really well and then mop. There are several ways to mop a kitchen floor and no real wrong way. Hot soapy water and wipe. There is no "perfect" mop and no "perfect" way to do it. Just Do It!

ADDITIONAL - I will clean the window sill, all glass (window, French doors, glass fronted cabinets), the open shelves with bits on them (including washing the bits), and maybe one other higher zone -- every time the kitchen comes on the rota I try to clean a cup rack or the pool table light over the sink or my oven or some other not every week job - as the kitchen week list is done almost every week - its my "Monday Work" and so, when it's the assigned week try to tick off some things from the "deep clean" list.
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Sneak Peek for the Week: May 11 - 17, 2014. (This was all done or didn't need doing - I just washed the dog in the ensuite bath, so I'm cleaning that room now. Tomorrow is Monday and the downstairs loo gets cleaned Mondays or Tuesdays.)

This week we are in Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room This month's Habit is: Moving

Zone 3: Mission #1 Monday

We are in the Zone 3 which is the main bathroom and another room in the house. This week that other room will be the Laundry Room.

The bathroom: Clean around the backside and the sides of our toilets. The wipe down all the surfaces.

The Laundry Room: Today we are going to declutter all of the laundry supplies that we have hanging around. This means to toss whatever you have that you do not use or do not like. This also means to toss all of those empty boxes and bottles that seem to pile up. Those soap boxes, dryer sheet boxes, fabric softener bottles - you all know just what I am talking about! LOL! I think I have a few of these myself that need to be tossed!

Zone 3: Mission #2 Tuesday

This week we are in the main bathroom and the laundry room. Your mission for today combines both of those rooms!

Have you noticed that your bathroom begins to smell bad and you can't find the stinky culprit. We are going after these yucky odors.

Take your rugs, all the fuzzy stuff on your toilet, and the towels that are just for show and we are going to wash them. While you are in the laundry room grab an old rag or washcloth and wipe down the lid of the washing machine and dryer. I am always shocked at the dust and stuff that seems to just accumulate here. Shine those babies up!

With the rugs in the washer: Sweep the bathroom floor and take a dirty towel and wet it and just mop the floor. When the Rugs are finished put them back in your wonderful smelling bathroom!

Zone 3: Mission #3 Wednesday

When you go in your bathroom each morning do you have trouble seeing yourself in the mirror. Is your beautiful image blurred from the toothpaste splatters and water marks?

Grab your favorite window cleaner and let's bring a shine to the glass. This will only take a few short minutes and while you are at it, shine that sink too.

Your Laundry Room Mission is to clean out your lint filter and double check your vent hose. Lint build up in the filter and in the vent hose is a leading cause of house fires. Something so easy for us to check but something that we just don't remember to do. Also look underneath your dryer as well, lint has a tendency to fly around and then get caught up under the dryer.

Zone 3: Mission #4 Thursday

Your next mission is to clean out your bathtub. If you don't do it everyday, the bathtub ring takes on a life of its own. Let's wipe down our tubs and get rid of that ring. If you haven't done it in a while you may need to use a little cleanser. Most of the time a little soap on a rag will take care of it.

Your Laundry Room mission for today is to empty the trash can that always seems to get forgotten! You will get bonus points if you remember to replace the bag once you take out the used one!

Zone 3: Mission #5 Friday

You have scrubbed, shined, swished, swiped and washed this week, now it is time to enjoy the fruits of your labor! Your mission for today is to take time out for you. Take a bath or shower and enjoy it! Take your time when washing your hair, scrubbing your body, shaving the forest off your legs and just enjoy the moment of being alone in your fresh, sparkly bathroom.

Your laundry room mission for today is to place a picture of your family or favorite pet or a picture of something that is special to you in your laundry room. This allows you to see something pleasant when you are blessing the laundry.
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Sneak Peek for the Week: May 18 - 24, 2014. This month's Habit is: Moving

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom. If this Zone is good - then check out the "detailed cleaning list" below the zone.

** My Master Bedroom is pretty good - so, I will work on the insides on things - wardrobes, dressers, night stands - I worked on books last time it was Zone 4. It's time to toss or pack away, sweatshirts, sweaters, etc. and resize stuff to go when too big. Also, look at tossing tatty stuff or stuff never worn.

Zone 4: Mission #1 Monday

This week we are in the Master Bedroom. Today I want you to spend 15 minutes under your bed! LOL! Take this time to get the things out from under the bed that you have shoved under there during a mad stash and dash through the house. 15 minutes might not be enough, but for today, just try to put a dent in the stuff that you have put there. Things that just don't belong. If you don't have anything under your bed, then grab a vacuum cleaner or broom and get the dust bunnies that have been multiplying under there. Have fun with this, just 15 minutes, set you time and go go go!

Zone 4: Mission #2 Tuesday

It is time to fling some socks and pantyhose today. You know that drawer that is full of old pantyhose and mismatched socks that you have held on to for reasons you don't even know. It is time to go through and toss, toss, toss. Be good to yourself and let go of these things that are cluttering up your bedroom. Hidden in a drawer or not, it is still clutter. Take 15 minutes and toss, toss, toss!

Zone 4: Mission #3 Wednesday

Today is the day that you get a really short mission. The only thing you have to do is grab your feather duster or dust rag and dust off the tops of your door jambs and windows. I am short and don't really see the tops of these areas very often, so I have a tendency to forget about them. Take the duster or rag and wipe across the tops of the molding and jambs. Take a swipe across the hinges as well; they seem to collect little dusties as well. This is quick and easy and makes quite a nice difference.

Zone 4: Mission #4 Thursday

Back in the Master Bedroom we go. For today check the hotspot that might be warming up on your nightstand. Get it quick before it turns into a four alarm fire! Take a few minutes today to straighten up your nightstands. Have fun, this is not a chore, it is blessing your home.

Zone 4: Mission #5 Friday

Today is the last day in the Master Bedroom. Take 15 minutes to declutter your dresser. Get the things off the top of your dresser that you have placed there that you were going to put away later. Later is now. Take the time to take care of this; it really makes a great difference.

FlyLady's Detailed Cleaning List - Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This is her example for her bedroom, bathroom and closet. Adapt to fit your family. Copy and edit and print for your notebook/control journal.

Keep in mind, if you have not decluttered this area, don't even think about doing any of this, until the clutter is gone. It has been dirty for a very long time, work on the clutter first, then the detailed cleaning is a piece of cake. - FlyLady






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My living room isn't too bad, but it is 1/2 term. I should be able to do the regular list and tackle a couple of the detail items.

Sneak Peek for the Week May 25 - 31, 2014. This month's Habit is: Moving

This week we are in Zone 5: The Living Room

Zone 5: Mission #1 Monday

This week we are in the Living Room Zone and I want each and every one of you to go into your living rooms and stand there. While you are standing there I want you to look around you and look at the flat surfaces (end tables, coffee tables, tops of tv's/entertainment centers, bookcases, mantles, etc)

What do have on these surfaces? Are they the same decorative things that you have always had? Do you really love them? Are they cluttered up with too many things? Too many ducks, bunnies,candles, cows, precious moments etc? I am not condemning those things but asking you if they still bring you joy and do you still love seeing them in your living room? Or are you just used to them.

What about the piles of magazines and papers? Do you NEED those? You would be amazed at how much neater your living room will appear by just removing a few things.

How much easier would it be to dust these areas without all that stuff?

Your mission is to get rid of the stuff that is cluttering up your living room. Take a few minutes to let go of some things. I am willing to bet that more of you will find you do want to get rid of some things because they do not bring you joy and you are just used to them being there.

Zone 5: Mission #2 Tuesday

Today we are back to the Living Room!

Let's have a detailed vacuuming session. This means to vacuum the room, making sure to get up against the baseboards and to get under the furniture. Please be careful that you don't hurt yourself trying to move furniture. If it is too difficult to get under the couch or chairs then just try to get as close to the base of the furniture as you can. Don't forget the corners!!

Have fun and don't get sidetracked!

Zone 5: Mission #3 Wednesday

For today you are to take a few minutes and dust the decorative items in your living room. The picture frames, lamps and knick knacks, this is a detailed dusting. Turn on the music and move quickly, you will be amazed at how fast you can to this!

Don't overthink the mission, just do the mission! Have fun!

Zone 5: Mission #4 Thursday

Today we are going after the neglected areas of our living room/family room. Grab a feather duster or dust rag and go after the tops of door jambs, tops of pictures, molding, windows, corners of the ceiling and the tops of your curtains. Oh my it is amazing at what gathers higher up! If you happen to be rather short you may forget to look UP! Now do not get obsessed and start tearing the room apart. Just look up and dust! If you have something with a long handle it makes this easier.

Zone 5: Mission #5 Friday

Today is the last day of the Living Room Zone. Your mission for today is to place something pretty in the room that is just for you. I am thinking of some lovely flowers that are from your garden or a small bouquet that you can purchase for just a few dollars. Maybe you have a lovely arrangement or plant somewhere in your home that would be just "perfect". in your freshly cleaned living room! Enjoy!


Here is the cleaning checklist for Zone 5: the living room, family room or den.


Clean cobwebs
Clean windows
Straighten bookcases
Wash ornaments and what-nots
Clean out end table
Straighten closets and drawers
Wipe fingerprints from walls
Polish furniture
Clean out magazine racks
Clean phone
Clean under cushions
Clean out fireplace
Move furniture and vacuum
Shampoo carpet
Sneak Peek for the Week June 1 - 7, 2014. This month's Habit is: Drinking Water
This week we are in Zone 1: The Entrance, Front Porch and Dining Room

Zone 1: Mission #1 Monday

Today you are to sweep your front porch area around your front door. Shake out your welcome mats and wipe down your front door. This makes a huge difference in how your home looks. We have a tendency to neglect this area and yet it is the first thing that people see when they come to your home.

Spend 15 minutes taking care of this, you will be pleased with the results!

Zone 1: Mission #2 Tuesday

We are going to have a multi room mission today. It might take you longer than 15 minutes to do it, so set your timer for each room and FLY through it!

For the Front Porch, Entrance and Dining Room, put out the fires that are burning in your hot spots. Get rid of the pile of shoes by the front door, get rid of the pile of junk mail and put away the magazines and school papers that are piled on the dining room table.

Zone 1: Mission #3 Wednesday

Today take a look at the walls and the windows in your dining room. Grab some cleaner and a cloth and go after the finger prints and smudges that those mysterious little elves seem to leave behind as they run through your house when no one is looking!

Be careful with the walls as not to rub too hard to remove paint if you have a flat finish.

Zone 1: Mission #4 Thursday

We are heading into the Entrance area of your home today. Let's grab all those shoes, books and jackets that seem to pile up right by the front door and put them away. Grab these things and set your timer. I bet you can do this in less than 15 minutes.

Zone 1: Mission #5 Friday

Today we are going to do that in the Dining Room and Entrance Way. Let's go after the ceilings, light fixtures and window sills!

Using a feather duster or dust rag get the window sills, the light fixtures, the dusties in the corners and the ceiling fan if you have one (remember to put something underneath this to catch the falling debris, one member uses an old pillow case and slips it over the blade and wipes so the dust stays in the case, I think this is brilliant)!

FlyLady's Detailed Cleaning List - Zone 1: The Entrance, Front Porch, and Dining Room

Entrance Detailed Cleaning List (Start at the ceiling and work your way down to the floor)

Clean cobwebs
Dust window sills and front door
Clean switch plate of hand prints and walls if needed
Put plants in to the shower and give them a good rinse. Let them set there until you are finished.
Dust furniture
Dust baseboards
Straighten the coat closest
Sweep vacuum or mop the floor
Put back the plants. You would hate for DH to walk into a jungle tomorrow morning.
Add your own personal touches to make it more welcoming.

Dining Room Detailed Cleaning List (Start at the ceiling and work your way down to the floor)

Clean the cobwebs
Dust window sills
Clean the window
Clean doors of china cabinet after you straighten dishes if they need done. Dust.
Clean and straighten any drawer
Clean off top of dining table and polish
Rinse plants in the shower
Dust the bottoms of the chairs.
Dust the baseboards
Move furniture and vacuum underneath (except the china cabinet). I turned mine over one time. It was not funny.
Add your own personal touches to the table (table cloth, pretty bowl, flowers)

Front Porch Detailed cleaning

Sweep down cobwebs.
Sweep off porch furniture.
Sweep the porch.
Throw away any dead plants.
Prune back unruly bushes from the entrance.
Repot planters if necessary (in summer)
Refill bird feeders.
Wipe off tables, banisters, and light fixtures.
Get rid of unwanted items.
Add your own personal touches to welcome friends and family (wreath, welcome mat, bell)
Yes Getting this done tomorrow Baby steps :)
With help of hubby, today the kitchen, lounge and entrance were all cleaned :) Not deep cleaned, but very pleased at a good start to addressing the chaos.

My headspace feels better already! Tomorrow... Laundry! Well, some of it anyway, I've got quite a backlog... Oops :)

Although it isn't this week's zone - I went through my wardrobe (shelves of clothes) and sorted a bag to toss, several t-shirts and sweatshirts to be "repurposed" (I'm going the sweat shirts and use the t-shirts in a memory quilt -- like I need another project! I might try and get it made as a Uni graduation gift for my son.)

My "Monday Work" is the laundry and kitchen (counters, floors, paper clutter and a "hot spot" -- this week was a quick oven clean and replacement of the liner trays). I have almost all the laundry done - some putting away left.

Tuesday is all three loos (ensuite, family bath and downstairs loo), plus the "Monday Blessing" (knocking down cobwebs, light dusting, vacuuming the downstairs and stairs, emptying waste baskets through out the house). This week's zone will mean a more intensive "pull things out and clean behind them in the hallways (up and down). Plus, wiped own furniture and oil it (I have a lot of old oak).

I'm in the process of painting my DD's room - so, it's a huge mess. I'm still in the prepping stage. Rather than move everything out - I've moved it over and will paint 3/4 of the room , then move everything over and do the other 1/4. Meanwhile, she is sleeping in the craft room (formerly guest room - I decided keeping a room for use a few times a year was silly. I got rid of the double bed and have put DD's trundle in there for now. When, we do have guests they sleep in DS's room which has a double futon (on which we add a memory foam topper) - because he's at Uni.

Time to stop planning a cleaning schedule, and start cleaning! Get some control back :) Tomorrow: Front entrance!
Well, done . . . mine gets done today with the front hallway.

Yes Getting this done tomorrow Baby steps :)
Baby steps is right . . . I'm still working on it, but I can open my door when someone shows up unexpectedly.

With help of hubby, today the kitchen, lounge and entrance were all cleaned :) Not deep cleaned, but very pleased at a good start to addressing the chaos.

My headspace feels better already! Tomorrow... Laundry! Well, some of it anyway, I've got quite a backlog... Oops :)
Just do what you can - and the key is to not get too intense. Damage control, then next time around a little deeper. I was able to tackle my wardrobe shelves, because the bedroom was "in control".
Family bath and downstairs loo cleaned. DD's walls and door thoroughly scrubbed/washed. Paint prep started. Door taken down to be painted in garage or back patio. (Pending weather). Laundry done, dishes done, kitchen floor swept - but still need to work in the zone. I did take the dog on a three mile walk mid-morning.
I'm sitting outside the piano tutor's house ATM. Then, it'll be a quick stop at the shop, home to make dinner, then Aqua Fit, then back for my packet of dinner -- and a kitchen tidy as my family (bless them) wouldn't want to deprive me of clean up. ;)
Still prepping to paint - I haven done anything (in that room) in a few days, but I really need to get it done - as the rest of the upstairs is totally trashed with her piles of rubbish. She is such a sentimental hoarder (takes after me). I did start on my ironing mountain - its not finished but greatly reduced. I plan to get all of that caught up (again) and iron on Wednesdays EVERY WEEK - so, it doesn't get out of control.
For some reason this week I took a notion to paint my ensuite So took everything out, sanded window board, painted numerous coats (white) over the course of yesterday and this morning Then tonight I washed down all the tiles, wash hand basin, toilet and skirting boards ooh and front of shower Then mopped floor
Its lovely and clean and fresh looking so feel accomplished with that
Otherwise I didnt fly to plan but removes old masking tape from around door and window frames and from light fittings etc that was here from previous owners (I've lived here 5 years!!!!)
For some reason this week I took a notion to paint my ensuite So took everything out, sanded window board, painted numerous coats (white) over the course of yesterday and this morning Then tonight I washed down all the tiles, wash hand basin, toilet and skirting boards ooh and front of shower Then mopped floor
Its lovely and clean and fresh looking so feel accomplished with that
Otherwise I didnt fly to plan but removes old masking tape from around door and window frames and from light fittings etc that was here from previous owners (I've lived here 5 years!!!!)

That's fantastic -- it must be so good to have it sorted.
That's fantastic -- it must be so good to have it sorted.

Yeah feels great to tick things off a list More thinking room in my head now lol
Cleaned of my dressing table and mirror today and hoovered bedroom floor

How are you getting on with your daughters room?

I've a hotspot in a kitchen cupboard that needs attention big time Might give it 15 mins before I go to bed
I like being in the kitchen Its my least chaotic room
Definately drinking my water these days 3L most days
Hubby has offered to blitz the kitchen tomorrow, and he blitzed the lounge today while I was at work. What a lucky woman I am!

So my next priority is to deep clean upstairs bathroom, it's overdue and I'll be glad to get it done.

Yeah feels great to tick things off a list More thinking room in my head now lol
Cleaned of my dressing table and mirror today and hoovered bedroom floor

How are you getting on with your daughters room?

I've a hotspot in a kitchen cupboard that needs attention big time Might give it 15 mins before I go to bed
I like being in the kitchen Its my least chaotic room
Definately drinking my water these days 3L most days

I'm the same - my kitchen is usually the most presentable room (my bedroom is good, too -- but I'm not inviting someone in there for a cuppa).

Sunday night quite late, I noticed the roast was leaking juice in the fridge - so, I seared it and put it in the slow cooker on low and cleaned up the mess. Hot spot sorted and dinner started!

Thanks for asking - I'm going to start painting today. We had a family outing Sunday and yesterday was booked up. I've decided to just paint the walls white - for now (to get it done). It would probably take two coats of blue over the base coat white - and because the walls are pink I need to base coat. I'm just not motivated to paint the walls three or four times. Plus, as the trim needs redoing - I'm just painting it all white. DD seems okay with it. With her shelves and posters up - you don't see much wall.

Hubby has offered to blitz the kitchen tomorrow, and he blitzed the lounge today while I was at work. What a lucky woman I am!

So my next priority is to deep clean upstairs bathroom, it's overdue and I'll be glad to get it done.

It's nice to be able to see results! Well done.
Forgot to post on Sunday.
Sneak Peek for the Week June 8 - 14, 2014. This month's Habit is: Drinking Water

Zone 2: The Kitchen
Mission #1 Monday

We are in the Kitchen this week and we are going to work our way through from top to bottom!!

Your mission for today is to look UP! If you happen to be short you might have a tendency to only see what is at your eye level. Today we are going to look up. Set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom and get those dusties and cobwebs that are hanging on the upper walls that are taller than you, the corners of the ceilings and the ceiling. If you are feeling adventurous ask someone in the house to help you and take a damp rag to the light fixture and/or ceiling fan. Please be careful!! Check out the top of your refrigerator as well. I am always so floored at how much dust accumulates on top of the fridge!! Don't get obsessed and take your light fixture apart or repaint the ceiling! Babysteps!

Zone 2: Mission #2 Tuesday

Back to the kitchen we go! Your mission for today is to wipe down the doors of your cabinets. Use a damp rag and wipe down the fronts and the edges of your cabinets. This is really a simple thing to do but we have a tendency to ignore the cabinets because there is always so much more going on in the kitchen. Finger prints and grease attach themselves to the cabinets and make them a little sticky. A good wipe down will make such a difference. Remember we are taking babysteps!!! Small little missions that add up to a shiny kitchen.

Zone 2: Mission #3 Wednesday

It is Anti-Procrastination day and we are diving into the refrigerator! Grab your trash can and take it over to the refrigerator and throw open the door. First toss out any leftovers that have gotten pushed to the back and have now started to turn into a science project. Second, check the fruit/vegetable drawers and toss what no longer is appealing to eat. Third, check the meat and cheese drawer, check the expiration dates on your items in there and toss what needs to go. Fourth, check out the doors of the fridge, toss the empty condiment jars and bottles that always seem to magically go back into the fridge when empty but when full, get left on the counter. Recycle what you can!

Last, grab a damp rag and wipe down the shelves. Do not take every single thing out of your refrigerator and then take the shelves out to clean them. Just wipe them down. How many times have we decided to tear the fridge apart and three hours later we would rather move out than ever do it again.

Don't let yourself get sidetracked!! Have fun and enjoy your sparkling refrigerator!

Zone 2: Mission #4 Thursday

It has come to the time to go after the counter tops!! Your mission for today is to scrub those counter tops. Not just the average wipe down that we do after dinner. Now it is very easy to make this task overwhelming but if you take this slow and easy you can do this! DO NOT TAKE EVERYTHING OFF OF THE COUNTERS AT ONE TIME! You just move your toaster (or coffee pot or whatever this is an example here) over to one side and wipe down the counter, then move over a foot or so, move aside what is there and wipe down some more and so on. We are not marathon cleaning the kitchen here, just getting all the crumbs and junk that seems to build up behind and under things. Have fun! Don't obsess! Enjoy!

Zone 2: Mission #5 Friday

Today is our last day in the Kitchen!! For today I want you to grab your broom and your mop. Sweep your kitchen floor really well and then mop. There are several ways to mop a kitchen floor and no real wrong way. Hot soapy water and wipe. There is no "perfect" mop and no "perfect" way to do it. Just Do It!

Don't obsess and get caught up in perfection! It won't matter if you don't mop the way your Mother did as long as you do it. Remember House work done incorrectly still blesses your family!
I took a car load to the boot sale today and made over £100!! Really starting to get on top of my decluttering it is very therapeutic :) plus the impending house move is a good incentive.

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