Desperately seeking my slim self.

Aim thinking of having my birthday weekend off plan, I will have been on Plan 100 % around 6 weeks in total then ...... Do you think this will be ok ?
Don't do it!!! You've only got to read some recent posts of people going off plan to see its so hard to get back on it. It's sounds so simple, have a day or night off then start again the day, the reality is so different. It's just a day and missing eating normally won't kill you:)
Oh bugger, it's just I have my bestie asking me out for a meal the night before( I never go out lol) and the DH is away at sea so my mil will prob want to cook my lunch on the day ( a Sunday)

I was thinking of trying to allow myself those two meals and just try not to go over board but be relatively "normal"... I haven't even had a tiny cheat yet so I am pretty confident I could get back on it on the Monday morning
Everybody seems pretty confident that they can just get straight back on it and you might be right, maybe you can, but maybe you cant. After being on here a few weeks and reading most posts, those that have a planned or unplanned meal out or day off seem to stuggle to get back on. They all say, right back on it tomorrow 100%, that tends to be followed with a slip up the next day and then another restart promised, quite often you here no more from them so I assume theyve given up. I hope others, maybe MamaC and misssmileybrunette wil say the same as they seem to be struggling a bit after eating normally. If you were close for your ideal weight then it wouldnt really matter, your not so dont risk it x
have you thought about adding the protein/ veg option if you really cant miss out , have the evening meal as 1 then the mil Sunday lunch on that day, like porche04 sais it so hard to get back on track once you go out of ketosis and off plan, I've really struggled since drinking wine with hubby before he went back to work , the stricter I am , whether its the 3 or 4 pack program the better I do . I did 5 and a half months on ll total 7 years ago without a blip but I didn't allow myself even the slightest leniency . so weigh it all up see where you are in 6 weeks , I abstained though xmas and an all inclusive holiday while on l .l and I didn't miss out on anything other than food , something I learned didn't make an occasion. you might get to the pint in 6 weeks where you don't want to ruin a good thing , so don't stress yourself , see how you feel and take the best route for long term success available to you .xxx
Blurgggh just had a chilli pack for the first time and it has really turned my stomach , that will be the last time I have one of those !!
Lou u have really inspired me 2 do this ! Think I will start 2moro need all the help I can get! Giving myself an 8 week challenge x
So proud of myself, the inlaws invited themselves over for a BBQ tonight and I stuck to plan 100% , no lovely crusty sourdough bread passed my lips no gorgeous tomato an mozzarella salad, no hummus or other lovely dips, no kettle chips, no red wine , no garlic dough balls , no sausages , no burgers etc etc etc!!!!
I stuck to my lean beef steak , veggies, dry green salad and water , go me !
go you ! that's impressive xx :clap:
I'm drooling at the sound of all that! Red wine, houmous and bread, I could live on those three things. Well done for resisting, I bet you feel good for it :)
Another day on plan, really hop I have a decent loss tomorrow , I have worked so hard this week.
I really need to start working in some exercise, just not sure what as I am restricted as o when I can leave the house due o being on my own with the kids whilst DH is away at sea.

Also anyone have an tips on getting things moving (bowel wise) as I seem to e going days without and I'm normally a regular gal ..... Sorry for tmi
water water water :0) that helps me allot but you've got to remember your not taking in half as much so not as much will come out lol :0)
Well weigh in this morning, 3lbs off so a loss which is great, but I was hoping for more I have to say... I have so good this week resisted mega Amounts of temptation .
Lets just hope next week is a little better