Diary of losing my baby weight (now that my son is 5!)

Havent been on for a couple of days, have managed to catch OH's bug!!! so yesterday I can happily report that i had 0 syns - actually had 0 food at all in fact lol!! Am feeling much better today, am hoping i will get away with a much milder version of the bug than OH had. Although was really chuffed when I jumped on the scales this morning. I have to remember I will probably gain when I finally start eating properly so will have to be extra cafeful to stick to allowance. Am having my first attempt at food for today - a banana for lunch and will see how I get on.

My daughter is off school today too, she started diarhea this morning and momentarily lost her vision and her pupils were massive so that was very scary. Took her to the doc who calmly told me not to worry (yeah easy for you to say!!) I have antibiotics prescription for each of us, but have to wait a couple of days to see if our bodies gets over the bug by themselves. I wonder how many syns in antibiotics??

My task for today is bleaching all the door handles - that'll be fun lol!! But I guess I have to do it to try and get this bug out the house! Much as I appreciate the weight loss potential, having to stay within 10 seconds of a toilet is a little limiting!
Well the good news is I think I am on the mend! Managed a Chicken salad sandwich about 3 pm and about 7 I had a tomato soup and some french stick (didnt weigh it so gonna put that as 10 syns total) OH and kids tucked into chicken garlic balls and chips. The garlic balls smelled dead nice, but as my belly's still abit tender am pleased I abstained on all levels.

Tomorrow (all being well) am going back to a proper breakfast, lunch and diner and will be filling in a food diary like a good girl! Am not sure if I'll be going to step class, will have to wait and see how I feel. And I guess I'd better go shopping, my salad was looking a little droopy!!
Aw no, hope you're all on the mend soon :bighug: And I hope you were joking about antibiotics having syns otherwise I'd have to slap you for being silly.

Mn don't get upset if there's a little gain after you get back to eating normally - your body will probably have had a shock with you not eating much while sick so it will probably try and hold onto any calories/liquids you take in for a few days while you're adjusting.

I'm putting the slimpod things on my iPod (it seems apt ;)) so aiming to listen just before bed with headphones or while I walk to school on weekdays. Will be posting about how I find them in my diary if I get on well with them, sposed to try and stick with it for 21 days straight so it's sorted out my weekly challenges for three weeks reckon :D

The biggest loser game is pretty good - it schedules you some circuit training to do every week and includes rest days and things like that. I like that it sorts out a different circuit everytime with lots of different exercises so you don't get bored - though I can't always do them very well or the wiimote doesn't pick up I'm doing things right which is a little frustrating but no biggie. It has varying intensity levels (I just picked beginner to start with) and you can pick extra workouts to do - choices are full body, upper body, lower body, core and yoga I think so variety :) A few free recipes and a calorie counter in there too but not very handy for us SW'ers but a nice extra feature :D I'm going to ignore what they recommend I should lose, I'm not on the biggest loser ranch with doctors on call after all lol I usually hope to lose a stone every 4-6 weeks which is still pretty ambitious but near to recommended weekly weight losses at least :)

Hope you have a healthier day foodwise tomorrow chuck xxxxx

PS Where are you from originally (if you don't mind me asking)? xxx
Glad you are on the mend and your stomach is starting to settle.
It isn't easy being ill when a home and family to sort out.
Glad your back! Will have a proper read tomorrow when my eyes aren't all blurry! Very tired and time for bed :)

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Thank you ladies for your good wishes, am feeling stacks better today, if anything I have gone the other way, but am assuming that has more to do with a lack of food than any ill-affects. (sorry that is probably TMI!!)

Have had a pretty good day today foodwise, back to eating properly and did 1 1/2 hours on just dance 3 on the wii. Its way more fun without an audience, have to say I am defo a show stopper on the dance floor, but prob not in a good way lol!! Didn't intend to do so much, but just got carried away.

Food for today: Red day
B - Toast with marg and a banana Hex B (2 syns)
L - seafood salad from the deli in a sandwich with salad Hex B plus a yogurt - cannot find any info on the net on the NV of the seafood salad. The dressing is def not a skinny one, but you dont get much of it (est 5 syns)
D - smoked salmon salad and a little bit more seafood salad followed by fresh pineapple, strawberries and yogurt (est 2.5 syns for the seafood salad)
snacks - 2 more pots of yogurt. 4 pots in total today, but had no hex A's so prob a good thing to load up on the dairy.

Lo - am looking forward to hearing how you go with your new CD, I wish i knew how to get my cd onto my MP3 player then I could listen to my cd before I go to sleep with the diamonte headphones I got with fergies perfume (the singer not the ex wife of prince andrew lol). Unfortunately I have no idea where to start, so prob little chance of it ever happening! Funny, I used to laugh at my mum for being such a techno phobe, and I have turned into her - aaarrrrgggghhh!

Gotta go to bed now - keep yawning so much my eyes are all watery!!

Night xxx

Its ok - nothing has hit the fan, i was looking for a different smilie and saw this and just had to post!!!

In fact nothing much as happened except sleeping so a pretty boring post... oh except we have no hot water at the mo, hubby has gone to work and will try re-lighting the pilot light when he returns. As it is Saturday, he wants to avoid calling out anyone on a weekend (am sure the kids will understand - not!!) so am just off for a cold shower - *sighs* joy!!!
Morning to you, evening for me lol Glad you're feeling much better Val :D

My son's got just dance 1 and 2... I've never given them a go lol I think that would be one for when I'm alone in the house too, graceful I ain't :rolleyes:

Have you got windows media player on your pc? If you load that up and put your cd in it'll give you the option to 'rip cd' - that will put the files on your computer (look under Music) then you can stick them on your mp3 player :D Hope it works properly - I've got t'Ipod, itunes does the same thing pretty much xxxx
Lo - you are a true genius!!! Thanks for that top tip - I shall bung it on my phone then I can listen to it anywhere (tho it does suggest not listening to it whilst driving cos meant to relax you. I have rarely got to the end without going to sleep!!)

PS That shower was chuffing cold!
Lol let me know if it works before I go and get myself some sort of genius hat :giggle:

I was wondering about listening to mine on the walk to school but knowing me I'll go off into space and walk out into the road :eek:
Missed out doing my diary last night - had much fun being the ironing fairy instead. NOT!!!

Anyway, yesterday...

Was a pretty good day overall. I took the kids to the town pool in the afternoon - I didnt go in myself, but had to get my swim things on just incase. My 5 year old gets a little 'enthusiastic' and forgets he can only swim a few meters. The town pool is olympic sized, outdoors and unheated. This time of year, although it is about 30 degrees air temp, the water is flippin' freezing!!! :gen125: Will try and avoid getting in for another couple of months lol! Somehow the kids stayed in for 2 hours - it did help that they had friends to play with, every 15 mins my son kept getting out to get warmed up, his lips turned from blue back to red, then off he would go again - kids eh??

The good news from the pool is that they are not selling chips anymore, just a selection of pies, sausage rolls, hot dogs, crisps and sweets - Which pretty much translates as 'bring your own lunch, cos there's nothing healthy here!' I should be OK, but will have to plan, especially as the kids have swimming lessons starting the beginning of January - here the lessons are every day for 2 weeks, son starts his at 12 and daughter's starts at 1.30 so will be there over lunch.

The good news was that while I was at the pool OH came home from work and fixed the boiler, yay hot water for all! - he is my hero!!

Quick trip to the supermarket - BBQ for diner. Decided to buy garlic bread slices, so I can just cook what we need and not the whole yummy ciabatta loaf, which I then have to finish off if nobody else will eat. I didnt have any - where is that halo!! (I had stepped on the scales, I am within 1/2 lb of my 1/2 stone sticker and I want that sucker!!) But OH did serve me up a glass of appletiser, which I drank, then checked up syns - 5.5!!! that's practically a curly wurly !!!

So yesterdays food diary:
B - Weetbix and milk Hex A + B
L - Tin minestrone soup (5.5 syns)
D - Steak, Kangeroo, salad, mushrooms, Baked potato & cheese hex A + B Strawberries + yogurt. Appletiser(5.5 syns)

Snacks - Yogurt, Popcorn (2.5 syns)

Still not snacking much, am hoping I can turn that into a habit!

I think I have waffled enough for now, am currently planning this weeks food for shopping, will post todays food later on xxx
What the heck am I doing awake at 5am??? I struggled to stay awake in front of the tv last night, so went to bed at 9.30, the dog wanted to go out this morning at 4.30 so she woke me up and now I cant get back to sleep!! - yeah thanks dog! Anyway wi today, but not doing it at this time of day, still got at least 2 hours of my body burning up weight!!

Anyway thought I would quickly do yesterdays diary before dealing with kids/husband etc.

Went EE
B - banana porridge made with water Hex b
L - Bacon, Beans, scrambled egg and tin tomatos 1 slice white bread (3 syns)
D- oops! New noodle bar opened in town, was very nice! we shared 1 rice dish and 1 noodle dish between the 4 of us, but obviously the 5 and 6 year olds dont eat that much!!! Prob not the most sensible option the day before wi. Cant find anything similar online, but a special fried rice is around 9 syns. With the noodles aswell, am going to say 20 syns. I think that will make it a 'do-able' take away, maybe once a month. Cost wise was equivalent of 15 quid - not bad!!
snacks - 2 yogurts, cherries, museli bar (6 syns) popcorn (2.5 syns)
total syns today: 31 - bad me!!!

I did do my divina dvd - fancied something more structured than dancing on the wii. Not sure what the scales will say after the take out - may have to wait another week for that shiney!
Thanks Lo - It did work - will be listening to it this evening, am looking forward to it !! and have learnt a new skill too, am gonna be ripiping CD's all over the shop lol xxx

HUZZAH! Glad it worked, can I take a bow? :D

OMG you ate skippy for tea, you'd think people wouldn't have the heart to do that in australia some'ow :8855:

It sounds odd hearing you say it was cold for swimming, somehow I've got the impression it is NEVER cold over there lol Are there lots of evil things lurking about trying to kill you too or is that exaggerated too?

Hope you're not too worn out getting up that early. I thought it was bad enough getting up for 9am on a sunday, I ended up falling asleep this afternoon for nearly four hours after my 'early start' :p

The noodle bar sounds nice and good value too - I love that kind of food. Wagamama is my fav restaurant in the UK, though I think they've got a few places in aussieland too now. I find it quite it quite SW friendly if you have one near you :)

Hope WI went well! xxxx
Hey Lo

You definately get to take a bow!!

I guess Kangeroo here is the equivalent to deer in the UK - you dont see it around much, but you have to watch out at night incase it jumps out infront of your car. They tend to make a nasty dent!! They are very tasty, a bit like ostrich, very lean red meat. Yummo!! The Kanga Bangas I used to get were free on red, but they were discontinued :mad:

It was the water that was cold. They empty it over the winter so takes a while to warm up when they re-fill it. It does get cold in the winter, we have frost, and once went down to -5 overnight. But if it is sunny during the day it will be around 15 - 18 degrees so not too bad. Although you do get rainy horrible grey days. Up in the mountains it snows, and they have a few ski resorts too. I am just outside of Canberra, but up Queensland way it stays warmer all year round. My OH wants to evenually move up that way cos he hates the winter, but its also got more crawlies and snakes and its more humid. Also tbh I am reluctant to move having gone through the making friends thing. Not sure I want to go through the whole thing again. But never say never.

There are nasties here, it is a little over-exaggerated. I get redbacks in my garden, so you have to wear gloves doing the gardening, but they are mainly in the same spots so I go round every couple of weeks with the spray and a flip flop! You get Brown snakes here - get bitten and you have half an hour or your dead - but there is anti-venom and they dont tend to come into town. I have lived here for 2.5 years now and have never seen a snake (except in a zoo). The kids know not to touch spiders or snakes and to tell an adult but I worry bout the dogs getting bitten tho.

I actually went to bed when OH got up - he likes his 'me time' in the mornings. The plan was to watch the news for 1/2 hour, but I must've been worn out cos I went back to sleep and didn't wake up till 8.30!!! Had to run around sort out breakfasts, lunchboxes and everything else to leave at 9 for school and step class. I am a member at the gym, but mainly just do the classes. They have a free creche for my youngest for an hour. He will start school in January.

Somehow it all got done AND I even managed to jump on the scales and I lost 3lbs this week and got to my 1/2 stone - Yay!!! :happy036:

Only taken me 7 weeks, but like they say, 1lb per week is over 3.5 stone in a year!! Now all I have to do is figure out how to get my shiney onto my signature, am sure I saw instructions somewhere, I think it was on emmeys thread - wish me luck....
Yay it worked!!!

Today was good - took my youngest to his induction today - it is 7 2.5 hr sessions on Monday afternoons. This week and next week is also the afternoon induction for the parents. Basically this week they were showing you how to do stuff to encourage learning like making playdough, where they do the measuring, making grass platypus using soil, grass seeds and tights and making wall charts with tasks for the kids to do. Then you got to do it - so I did 2 1/2 hours of craft - I loved it!!! Its not often as an adult that you get to mess around with cardboard, glue and felt tipped pens, without any kids around to distract you. Am dead pleased with the result. Next week is more serious tho'.

Anyway food today: Red

B - Weetbix & milk hex A and B
L - Scrambled egg with Cottage cheese, onion and bacon (started out as omlette, but went wrong! - only I could bugger up an omlette!)
D - 2 wraps with Store roasted chicken and salad (2 syns) Angel delight (Hex A + 4.5 syns)
S - 1 cube frys chocolate cream (1.5 syns) 2 Yogurts

Am feeling v angelic only had 1 cube of chocolate as whole bar is 10.5 syns total.
Just seen this on fb and had to share - I love the dirty great big 'nothing' in the middle! Not sure if it will work tho'

I've got my answer all ready now to Australia's tourism slogan "Where the hell are ya?!"


Wow that afternoon in nursery sounds fab, we get no such fun over here - no fair lol

Well done on the fab loss this week and your new shiny! :D xxxx
:8855::8855::8855: am still laughing bout the picture - yes run Lo run!!! between the sharks with lasers, the convicts, giant spiders and Danni Manogue, Australia sure is a scary place :8855:

Anyway back to my serious diary *puts on serious face*

Shopping this morning, am very pleased with myself as I went armed with a couple of bananas to avoid the normal 'am off shopping in the next town, may as well stop at KFC for lunch seeing as am I here and there isnt one in our town'. Instead I grabbed a packet of aldi popcorn for nibbling on the way back - only 2 syns!!:party0049:

Food - red day

B - weetbix and milk hex A and B
L - Chicken salad sandwhich hex B and cherries
D - homemade cheese Burger hex A with salad followed by Fruit salad and yogurt
snacks - banana, cherries, popcorn (2.5 syns) Will have some more of my choccie bar too - prob finish it off (7.5 syns) - would've been 9 syns but OH nicked a cube - bloody cheek!!! When I asked him about it, he just pointed out some dust that I could eat instead! :sigh:

Gonna get the wii fit out in a mo, havent done it in ages and am putting off the housework - will tell OH that I am getting hungry so I need the dust to build up :8855:
Ooh well done on the avoiding KFC! I'm terrible for that, going to new places - I'll buy anything and everything if I can't get it in my normal shops lol Too susceptible to 'New' and 'Improved' me :p

You should offer the OH a plate of dust some time, cheeky git lol Then again at least he only pinched a square, my OH would wolf the whole bar on me :rolleyes: Then again he's probably doing me a favour in the long run :giggle: