Don't shoot me but why do we have to search before we post..

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kingleds said:
Have you reported the posts you feel this way about? it really is the best way of addressing issues like this, or failing that a polite private message?

The vocal few you speak about are simply the ones who haven't just given up trying to help people navigate their way around the forum pages. They are also the people who will be the 1st to answer a syn query, or provide some support if someone is having a bad day. I have found some of those vocal few to be the most supportive on here over the last few days when I have really needed them. I would be drowning in a vat of Ben & jerry's right now if it wasn't for them.

Me too....tho I did but the support is great!!
at the end of the day I see this forum as somewhere to go for advice, a laugh, encouragement, ideas etc etc. Being fairly new to this forum, i understand how daunting it is to post something and if others a like me, after going though pages and pages of posts, my eyes start to glaze over (and believe me I spent hours on this...haha so not healthy!)
If people dont like repeated questions etc...dont read them...then no need for snidey remarks...hence everyone is happy?? :)
I agree the support is great but there still lies a problem as is shown in this thread
I .

Perhaps it would be better to remember - if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. People have a choice not to answer or to even read something they might find annoying, inconvenient or even repetitive. Or, you could post a quick response or link and help somebody along their way.

A "quick response" could be suggesting to use the search engine, but it seems people responding with that exact helpful comment has caused this thread!

I'd suggest all Newbies, or everyone in fact to keep yourself up to date, have a good look around Minimims when you join so you know the best place to post. At the end of the day if you ask a question you want an answer & if there's a sub-forum for your particular query, or past post about the same topic,*chances are your answers already there :)
kingleds said:
Have you reported the posts you feel this way about? it really is the best way of addressing issues like this, or failing that a polite private message?

The vocal few you speak about are simply the ones who haven't just given up trying to help people navigate their way around the forum pages. They are also the people who will be the 1st to answer a syn query, or provide some support if someone is having a bad day. I have found some of those vocal few to be the most supportive on here over the last few days when I have really needed them. I would be drowning in a vat of Ben & jerry's right now if it wasn't for them.

Can't like this either but I do! It's such a shame that some of the most experienced and knowledgeable minimins members no longer frequent the main boards and simply update diaries! I know of a few who have left Minimins because of the way they've been spoken to. Soon only newbies will answer other newbies!
Having been at the receiving end of this I cannot blame them and will probably join them! Good luck to all!
Anyway enough is enough now, we already know that if any more rude or offensive comments are made to report them and that does count for all of us. I enjoy posting on here and the feedback I get I just hope we can keep posting with genuine problems and the feedback maintains a well mannered standard
Do we also report a post if we find it rude but its aimed at someone else?

Last week someone replied to a helpful comment made by Kingleds & I was shocked at the reply made to her, my mouth was open looking at my screen! Terribly rude I felt.
Firstly thank you all for taking the time to reply.

I have had some very welcome and very interesting replies and from now on I certainly won't be scared to hit the report button.

I do use this site a lot and I'm starting to recognise names and recalling past chats with other members and so I would hate this thread to cause any future problems with anyone, that also goes for anyone agreeing with me.

I stand by what I say though, personal posts asking for information, whether it was asked previously I feel shouldn't be replied with "If you'd of searched you may of found your answer", its my thread, my personal experience and i'm entitled to my replies.
I agree Lucy. Common threads about meal ideas, syns etc, should be searched for first before posting. It makes it easier for the person asking as there's a good chance the answer is there somewhere.*But if it's a personal question, it's exactly that-personal. I wouldn't have thought it wouldn't be that likely to find another identical post so when it comes to that I can't see there's a problem posting, after all that's the point of the board :)
Lucylu79 said:
Firstly thank you all for taking the time to reply.

I have had some very welcome and very interesting replies and from now on I certainly won't be scared to hit the report button.

I do use this site a lot and I'm starting to recognise names and recalling past chats with other members and so I would hate this thread to cause any future problems with anyone, that also goes for anyone agreeing with me.

I stand by what I say though, personal posts asking for information, whether it was asked previously I feel shouldn't be replied with "If you'd of searched you may of found your answer", its my thread, my personal experience and i'm entitled to my replies.

By the same token, everyone is entitled to their replies! Sorry but it works both ways. Yes start a new thread by all means, and people may reply, but they may not give you the replies you wanted, it's a public give our views and experiences and to accept the right of others to give theirs, whether you agree or not.
By the same token, everyone is entitled to their replies! By saying I should of searched elsewhere first??

Sorry but it works both ways. Yes start a new thread by all means, and people may reply, but they may not give you the replies you wanted, it's a public give our views and experiences and to accept the right of others to give theirs, whether you agree or not.

I'm not quite sure I get your point. I agree it works both ways, I post so I would hope people would reply to me. If they take the time to reply and tell me I should of searched for other members who asked a similar question, how is that personal to my individual question?
I wasn't saying you couldn't make a thread, but once it IS a thread people may reply, they may well say, there was a thread about this problem yesterday if there was, the girls here don't just randomly post that onto every thread, there is generally a very good reason and if there isn't then report it and let the Mods sort it out.
You find me threads, personal ones that describe how you're feeling or it's a real personal problem that you were told you should have searched or that there's an identical one to it, I need to see for myself what all these 'issues' some of you seem to be having! If on any of these threads I have been nasty or offensive I will apologise but if it's threads that should have been searched for or were posted in the wrong place then I'm sorry but people would have been correct to tell you so! :)
Although yes I agree with searching for syn queries etc, on this main forum bit, people have started resurrecting 2 year old threads, with the result that people are replying to questions for users that no longer use minimins and not the person who needs help lol Also some of the advice on these threads is no longer relevant due to changes in syn values etc

I also have seen it a couple of times where people are posting about themselves, and because someone else has asked that sort of thing that day, they have been told they should have searched. Most of the time its polite, but because a lot of people are new, they may feel a bit like they shouldn't post. It is a hard one though, don't envy mods
sparklesazzy said:
Although yes I agree with searching for syn queries etc, on this main forum bit, people have started resurrecting 2 year old threads, with the result that people are replying to questions for users that no longer use minimins and not the person who needs help lol Also some of the advice on these threads is no longer relevant due to changes in syn values etc

I also have seen it a couple of times where people are posting about themselves, and because someone else has asked that sort of thing that day, they have been told they should have searched. Most of the time its polite, but because a lot of people are new, they may feel a bit like they shouldn't post. It is a hard one though, don't envy mods

I don't agree with using 1-2 year old threads that's just stupid and yes the info could possibly be wrong, I know where I've told people they should have searched etc and as far as I can remember its on threads that I saw no problem in doing so! :)
I do think different people consider different things to be personal.

For example, someone asking, do you have a treat day, is a fairly personal thing, but actually, the responses will be pretty much the same regardless of who asks the question or the reasons why they are asking.

If someone asks 'do i need 1/3rd superfree' because I don't like fruit, it personal, but the responses will be the same as if you just asked, 'do i need 1/3rd superfree' (Yes is the answer btw :D)

I do just wnat reiterate the fact hat no one here is ever meaning to nasty oir rude. Aside from anything else, whats the point? You don't know me from adam. I might be a 90 year old bloke for all you know. Why would I be like that and more to the point, why would you care even if I was? I am not important to you in the real world!

Its been my experience that if you get one comment from someone which upsets you, then you will often read every other comment from them with the assumption they are trying to to annoy you, even when they aren't. I have found that it makes more sense to use the Ignore list in this case rather than get yourself all het up by someone. You can add someone to your ignore list by clicking on User CP, then edit ignore list. Just put their username in and hit save. You then won't see any of their posts (& btw, if you are going to block me please make sure you put my username in right, cos iphone predictive text has a habit of changing mine to Kingsleds - which won't work :D ;))

Have a great day everyone x
I do think different people consider different things to be personal.

For example, someone asking, do you have a treat day, is a fairly personal thing, but actually, the responses will be pretty much the same regardless of who asks the question or the reasons why they are asking.

If someone asks 'do i need 1/3rd superfree' because I don't like fruit, it personal, but the responses will be the same as if you just asked, 'do i need 1/3rd superfree' (Yes is the answer btw :D)

I do just wnat reiterate the fact hat no one here is ever meaning to nasty oir rude. Aside from anything else, whats the point? You don't know me from adam. I might be a 90 year old bloke for all you know. Why would I be like that and more to the point, why would you care even if I was? I am not important to you in the real world!

Its been my experience that if you get one comment from someone which upsets you, then you will often read every other comment from them with the assumption they are trying to to annoy you, even when they aren't. I have found that it makes more sense to use the Ignore list in this case rather than get yourself all het up by someone. You can add someone to your ignore list by clicking on User CP, then edit ignore list. Just put their username in and hit save. You then won't see any of their posts (& btw, if you are going to block me please make sure you put my username in right, cos iphone predictive text has a habit of changing mine to Kingsleds - which won't work :D ;))

Have a great day everyone x

A 90yr old bloke, that made me laugh lol :8855:
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