Dress size

Girls please tell me where i'm going wrong. I would love mine to disappear! Always the same eh, just will not shift from where you want it to!!
scoobysue said:
Girls please tell me where i'm going wrong. I would love mine to disappear! Always the same eh, just will not shift from where you want it to!!

I know! It's so rubbish! I'd be happy if my bum/thighs had shrunk as much as my boobs lol

Charli XxX
It is strange where we lose the weight from first... It's my thighs that lose the weight and inches first.. But thats also the first place my weight goes on...Did lose some from my boobs but being I was a 38D I so didn't care...x
I've lost 1st 6lb and still no drop in dress size, my weight comes off waist thighs and bum first (mainly waist though as I'm actually an hour galss so my waist is the last place i put it on and the first to come off! I went from hour glass to apple when I gained all my weight), it then leaves me with boobs flabby arms and a massive roll on my lower abdomen, why can't it just comes off evenly?
It takes me longer to drop a dress size as I'm 5ft9. But on a positive I can gain without changing the size.
I've lost almost 3 stone and I'm only 1 and a half sizes smaller.