Elivira's on a mission to eliminate 100lbs!

Brilliant - the pics show a great loss!! :) Well done!

A xx
Thanks everyone!!!

It's been another good week for me so far. I'm so glad I decided to do an add a meal week of sorts. I'm staying with my family in Norfolk so it's been nice to have some tuna to chew on when they have dinner in the evening.

I stupidly didn't bring a shake to have on Sunday morning before leaving for sunny Swansea so I missed a shake today (naughty I know!!!!) and had my tuna as normal plus a small banana. The missed shake can be my breakfast on Sunday now :D
Great photos your doing so well it looks like you will fly past you back to university goal by the 4th October. I hope you will as you can now see a massive difference and you will be so glad when you get lots of compliments when you go back.
I'm not expecting miracles this week. I've been add a meal of sorts (just some tuna each day) as I've been staying with family and didn't want to fall off the wagon as I've been struggling lately.

It's motivated me again which is good but I doubt I've lost more than 2lbs, if that! I really want to shed 5lbs over this week and next because that will put me at the 3st lost mark AND in the 18s!!! Hopefully it will also put me in those bloody size 22 jeans!!!

Once I go back to uni in 2 weeks, I'll be walking a lot so my legs should slim down enough to get the jeans on. Pesky jeans!!!!

Also, at the risk of sounding a mentalist, I don't want to be in fat numbers!!!! 19 and 18 are fat numbers (the numbers are rounded :confused:) but 17!!! 17 is gloriously slim!!!! Look at it:


It's stick thin :p I want to be in the 17s. And then the 14s and then the 11s. No roundedness!!!! The only roundedness I will accept is the 12s and the 10s.

It's official: I'm a freak! :rolleyes:
Hi Elvira & everyone!
You are doing so well Elvira! I had rotten cold during my AAMW & was v inactive put on 2 lbs much my horror but it has disappeared this week. I have weighed in 2 days early as yet another family gathering to go to (another chicken salad ha ha!) and lost 6 lbs this week & got into my size 20 jeans!!
I must admit I wasn't 100% this week but went back to work after school hols & think that boosted my metabolism wee bit.
Not too long til you return to uni! Hope you have 2 weeks of mega losses so you can be a skinny 17!:D
2lbs off this week. I'm disappointed but I KNOW that next week I WILL be in the 18s and over the 3st mark. 3.5lbs to go!!!

I must drink more water!!!
Hey, 2 lbs is fantastic - look at the total loss already. You'll be at goal before you know it

Thanks guys!

I know you are right, it's just that I feel such a failure if I don't hit 3lbs or more. Ho hum, must glug the water this week!!!

I'm so stressed out at the moment!!! Trying to find a part time job and a new flat/house and neither is going well. I'm competing with hundreds of students and it's getting on my wick! Every house/flat I ring up about has either gone or isn't unfurnished. Every job I have applied for has rejected me in favour of younger models. I even got told that I didn't have relevant experience to work at Primark - I worked in retail for 7 YEARS!!!

So annoyed! :mad:
I can totally relate on the job hunting front. Ive been looking for a job for about 8 months now and getting nowhere. Havent even had as much as a reply to any of the hundreds of application forms Ive filled in and its getting quite depressing now.
Gosh I know, it's rubbish!!! I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with me!! I only want 4-6hrs a week!!!
Hey sweetie,

Haven't been about too much last couple of days but wanted to say well done on the 2lbs - I know it doesn't feel like much but it is a brill loss and 2lbs closer to your goal! :D

Good luck with the flat and job hunt, it's always rubbish when you're in limbo but I'm sure it will all come good soon!

Lots of love x
Good luck with the flat and job hunt. There ate lots of xmas jobs coming up in the next few weeks so maybe one of them will prove lucky.

Well done for sticking it out and 2lbs is still 3lbs nearer to those jeans.
Thanks guys,

I'm usually a really positive person but lately I'm finding it hard!

Every flat I go for falls through for one reason or another and I really don't want to be stuck in this house for a second longer!!! I won't go into details but a damp-filled house with leaking roof and gaps all over the shop does not make for a comfortable living experience. Not to mention that the landlord keeps bodging the roof and getting annoyed when surprise, surprise it leaks again.

I'm doing much better with water this week so here's hoping for a good loss on Monday. I've just ordered my last Exante package as I will be under BMI 40 once I've used it all up and therefore switching back to Cambridge (hooray!).

If I could afford to buy just chocolate shakes and bars instead of the multi-pack with the dreaded strawberry shake, I would stay on Exante. But Cambridge is marginally cheaper for me as I need the bars for when I am at uni during the days.