Elivira's on a mission to eliminate 100lbs!

Trying Toots!

It's difficult as I don't want to be busting for the loo every 5 minutes while I'm at uni!!! x
Know where you're coming from - am on a 3 day course and I'm bad enough at the best of times ;)

5lbs off woohoo!!!

Don't ask me how I managed that! I've been pants with water again!!!

Switched onto Cambridge now but I will keep updating here.

How is everyone else getting on? xxx
Well done Elvira. 5lbs is brilliant.

I was considering switching to Cambridge in a few months because I figure the nearer I get to goal the more my loss will slow so less calories could only help. Still havent made a final decision on it though coz I tried a couple of the soups and they are undrinkable in my opinion and dont know if I could manage with only shakes/bars.
Yeah it's not for everyone. I don't have the soups but I love the shakes and bars so it's fine for me.

Good luck with whatever you decide! xxx
Wow, Elvira, 5lbs in week 13! Amazing. Well done. :)
Congrats on the awsome progress!!
Need help

Hi Elvira.

Need your help.

Fell off wagon big time. Been eating my weight in carbs. Don't suppose I could pop back here daily just to say how things have been. I won't talk about food, just whether I have been able to stick to shakes and protein

I have put on 5lbs and want to undo the mess I have made of my diet.

I really feel I've let myself down. Can't seem to get my head straight. Just reading about how you've lost so much reminded me it can be done
Elvira I have joined back in and you are doing so well in the time ive lost about 16lbs you have lost 4.5 stone -Your defo a better loser than me well done for such dedication. I didn't hear how back to uni went did you get lots of good attention?
Angie-bum of course you can!!! Will keep me posting too as I forgot about this thread! You can do this, you just need to get your head in the right place.

Carbs = EVIL :p

cannyscot, back to uni went okay but I got a total of ZERO comments on my weight loss!!! Bit disappointing but I can see the difference which is what counts.

Gem xxx
Thank you

Thank you. I had a last night out tonight, but didn't go mad. Am starting again tomorrow. Even if your not here to reply I may just post here to feel accountable. I really need to prove I can do this & I need to be accountable to someone else for a few days even if it's just to get back into ketosis

I know once I'm in ketosis I'll be fine.

I really can't say why I fell so hard but I can pinpoint the start of the problem. A friend who's going through a divorce asked me to come around and when I got there she'd got me a sticky bun. Against all reason I ate it. And damn it it's like I'm an alcoholic or something and went on a bender and everyday I said I would stop and I couldn't

So. Right. I am doing this again. 6 weeks to Xmas, let's see if I can undo some of this damage
It happens to the best of us! I ate a lot of rubbish over the 5 days I had off for my birthday. A lot more than I intended but I got back onto CD on Monday (having 4 packs a day this week to get me into it) and by yesterday, I had lost the 8lbs of glycogen and water I had gained and another 2lbs.

You will have what you've gained off in no time.
Wow, look at you go!!

Fab losses, lady

thank you for your support, think i will be okay =) have done okay today, even turned down food from my well meaning hubby, realised i wasnt hungry and remembered my goals and said no, so feel stronger and commited again to doing this. I wont post my losses until i have got back to where i left off so I will come back to the xmas challenge thread once i can say i have got back and lost some more. Your right, some of the gains will be water and glycogen. I hope to be back on track in under 2 weeks. That just leaves nearly 4 weeks after that til Chrimble. It will mean i should be near to 15 stone by that point. I would have liked to have been 13 something, but never mind, the lesson has been learnt. I feel determined to at least be commited until Xmas eve and my babs birthday. So, onward and downward =)
Hope youll still post on here even if you have defected to the other side ;)