Elvis daily diary

Not feeling as rough this morning but then havent eaten anything for a long time.....tummy isnt right though...very swollen and distended still so am worried it might be another blockage.....the pain is duller but still there low down where it was before...hope the docs take more notice this time....i was gping to the docs for weeks last time and they kept fobbing me off thus the dash in an ambulance and emergency surgery

think if it was just the fruit or even a virus it would have passed through by now as they are normally only 24 hour things but my lower abdomen just feels hard swollen and painful.....oh lord
Hope you find the cause/cure!
Still trying to get beyond the engaged tone at the docs...sigh
Popping by to subscribe. Hope you get through to docs and get some answers x
Thx ladies....no appointments until weds....been told to go to A&E if it gets really bad again.....don't need this....i haven't shopped for christmas yet and am meant to be flying to Ireland at the weekend to collect my mum
luck . . .
So far so good...trying another banana with toast for dinner
fingers crossed!
But not been sick all day today...phew

thanks for the good wishes ladies...i so dont want to go through dec 2012 again
Aim now is to try to get back on target asap...after christmas and not go too mad over the hols....hard withsomanyfamily days.....
I know, I am hoping to not gain back everything I have lost! I am going to try to be sensible but not be too strict, it is Christmas after all.
But we should remember christmas is only only day not two weeks of excess like it has become!!!! I almost wish i was back at work for some of it but have my mum here to look after...fingers crossed...she isnt well today bless her and is going to the doctors later this morning...hope she can travel
we should remember christmas is only only day not two weeks of excess

So true!!! I will try to keep that in mind while I wander about Portugal . . . lol . . . no really, I will. Hope your mum feels better soon!
Ah different for you...enjoy your hols and you can get back on the wagon when you get home....hols are different!!! I will be having a glass or two of champagne as a treat

fingers crossed for mum...on anti histamines now...her face has broken out in a rash..hoping its nothing serious