EPISODE VI - SS'ing 7 Day Challenge

First of all I just wanted to say (((hugs))) Amber, sorry about what happened yesterday and glad you are feeling better.

Well done Chika - 11lbs - you rock!!! It must have been the exercise ;).

Man what a day I've had! The young girl at work who has been off for 3 weeks in October already phoned in sick today and then texted to say she was handing her notice in. Oh great, month end and we're already so behind. Mind you she was going to be sacked today anyway!!!

So I've been doing overtime tonight and didn't get home until 7pm.

I'm still doing ok on WM - today I have had 3 shakes so far and about 3.5 litres of water.

There seems to be a lot of mojo regained here today xxx
Hi Sarah,It always happens at month end doesn't it, oh well takes your mind off food.

I think I have found my mojo and regained my determination!

Just finished putting another 20 odd items on ebay!! Will have to start looking for more, got that much crap in my loft that ebay is getting handy!

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Cheers Sarah, don't know where my mojo went but I have told it to be on its best behaviour until I am at goal!!

I hope I do too!! fingers crossed, I have some sales that end in 1 day and they look as if they are doing well, so hopefully!

Going to have my soup in a minute, just had a nice hot bath, bloody cold today!

Cheers Sarah, don't know where my mojo went but I have told it to be on its best behaviour until I am at goal!!

I hope I do too!! fingers crossed, I have some sales that end in 1 day and they look as if they are doing well, so hopefully!

Going to have my soup in a minute, just had a nice hot bath, bloody cold today!


Our mojos have been very naughty together and seem to have visited the vino and jelly baby factories together - perhaps they got bored and decided to come home :D

Enjoy your soup - I'm snuggled on the sofa under a blankie until bed time!
Well they need a note next time!!

I wish I have George's bottles to do, Keith's sandwiches to make, and I am making a stew for their teas tomorrow night! I have tried to tidy up my kitchen, bought some storage boxes for my CD so sorted them... oh make Keith's tea, cos he has been running so making him so chilli tortilla wraps.. and sorting the ironing! and try and drink another .5 litre of water, think i've had about 4 today...

Wow Chika!!!!

11lbs in a week!!! You rock!!!
Are you SS'ing? If so, did you have your AAMW for week4??

What have you done differently to achieve this loss??? Share please!!!!

Hello Mrs V

I don't really want to do an AAM week at the moment cos I know if I get "permission" to eat I'll go mad. Anyway in essence I've done one cos I ate almost every day on week four and have nibbled stuff this week too.

To be honest the only things that I did differently were, cut out water flavourings and bars. I don't think that they do me any good. Also I've been having most of my shakes hot but I make up a mug of green tea then use the tea to mix the shake.
Hello Mrs V

I don't really want to do an AAM week at the moment cos I know if I get "permission" to eat I'll go mad. Anyway in essence I've done one cos I ate almost every day on week four and have nibbled stuff this week too.

To be honest the only things that I did differently were, cut out water flavourings and bars. I don't think that they do me any good. Also I've been having most of my shakes hot but I make up a mug of green tea then use the tea to mix the shake.

Hiya Chika,

Do you find the bars affect you? Do they make you hungry? Do you have tetra's or just the normal shakes?

Sorry so many questions....Did you go to see Bev? Is she OK? I know she has alot on at the moment, just I haven't heard from her...

Hiya Nikki

The two weeks that I had the bars I actually didn't loose a lot and even put on weight in my second week. They make my tummy a bit rough so Im going to lay off them for a little while. I normally just have shakes but have bought tetras this week cos I'm going on teaching placemtn and need something for lunchtime in the staffroom.

Bev's ok, just having a very hectic week from the sounds of things. Have you spoken to her? Xx
Morning, the sun is shining here too, but the scales have moved in the wrong direction!! Not letting it get me down cos it will move back! I am having a good day today - I hope...Chika, no I haven't spoken to her, just sent emails and PM's..Mocha J - keep up the good work... u sound positive!Love
YEAH!!!! I did my first SS day (in a long time) yesterday, did it FULLY no deviating no nothing!!!! Just gotta get through the next day! I weighed my self this morning at 12st 1!!! I SOOOOO want to see the 11st something on my scales even if it's 11st 13 and a half i'll be happy!!!!

Wish Me Luck!!!!
Morning all!!!

Woo Hoo!!! It was my AAMW last week - weighed yesterday and I have lost another 6lbs!!!! That's not 24 in a month!!!!
My ticker is wrong, as it doesn't add up properly!!!
Feeling slightly better this morning, but still cold!!!

The weather here is really dull today, but I am in a more positive mood, despite getting my period this morning and feeling rough. I was at my wits end with this diet last night and ready to chuck it in because I kept picking at cheese, then ate 3 biscuits:eek:, but I am putting it down to my usual TOTM carb cravings and going to try to start afresh today.

Off for my weigh in soon, but not expecting great results, although I have rammed my wobbly a*se into a pair of size 14 combats that have been lurking in my wardrobe, unworn for at least 3 years, and they don't look too bad.

I got my new bathroom scales yesterday - they measure body fat, BMI etc. I wish I hadn't bothered - I've been moaning that my CDC's scales weigh me heavier than I am. Last night I realised the grim truth - my old scales weighed me over half a stone lighter than I truely am! :mad:

Now I really need to SS and cut out the picking! I had considered asking to do AAM for a week, but now it doesn't seem to be such a good idea - I need to get cracking and shift that extra half stone, or send my new scales back.........

Hope you all have a great day. I'll be back soon, seeking out shoulders to cry on after my weigh in :cry:

Good luck LucyLu!! You will reach the 11s if you stick to it!!!
Amber you can do it! Forget the few bits of cheese and the biscuits and remember it's a new day :) Keep your chin up!

Well done fitting into those combats! Although if they are a size 14 your "wobbly arse" can't be a very wobbly one :D

Good luck for your weigh in, I suspect you might be being too hard on yourself though and you might not need shoulders to cry on after weigh in! I hope you get a result you are pleased with.
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