EPISODE VI - SS'ing 7 Day Challenge

Morning everyone!!

Well another day over without giving in to temptation! On to today!!
I have almost finshed my 2nd litre and feeling quite peckish - I think that I am coming down with something, as I am constantly cold and my throat feels as if t's been grated!!!
On another note, I am feeling really positive about today - another week completed for me without failing and a weigh-in to look forward to later!

Catch you all later - Good luck today!!
Good morning

I've cancelled going for my weigh in this morning and am very tempted to change around some of todays work. We had a power surge yesterday evening, and I didn't reset my alarm clock properly, so overslept this morning and my little one was late for school.

On top of that, I had a horrible experience yesterday which really shook me up and led to a dreadful nights sleep last night (nightmares) so I feel just awful this morning.

I was doing a few jobs in an unfamiliar town and popped into a 99p shop for a few bits. I could feel someone staring at me and when I turned, the starer walked past me and growled. I turned to check, and he was staring again. I walked down another aisle, and he was waiting for me at the end. I changed aisles and he was waiting at the halfway mark, growling. I stopped to look at something, and he walked past me, growling. This carried on and wherever I moved, he seemed to be there with his intense stare and awful, low, growl, and if he wasn't there, the anticipation of seeing him again was almost as bad. In the end my nerves got the better of me and I dumped my shopping and fled back to the car, terrified that he was following me. I was almost hysterical by the time I got back to the car and this is totally out of character for me. I know that nothing actually happened but this shook me so much I felt ill.

I know it is nothing like the truly awful experiences that some women go through, and it was in a busy town centre in the middle of the day, but it shook me to the core, and I am shocked at just how frightened I was. Goodness know what I would have been like if it had been at night or in a lonely place.

Sorry, I've rambled on a bit, but I really needed to get it off my chest. Despite still feeling sick I managed to eat a few of my son's chips he had after his rugby match last night, but am determined to get back to SSing today.

I hope you all have a great day and stay focussed on shifting those pounds for Christmas.

Oh God Hun....are you ok now?!!!

What a terrible experience for you. I really hope that you feel ok today.

Thanks for your good wishes girls. I do feel a lot better today, just incredibly tired (I got very little sleep last night) and a bit down in the dumps (but that could be PMT too) so I've postponed all my work and am having a very lazy day.

I really feel like eating something, so I'm going to attempt to make some Cambridge crisps - I'll let you know how I get on!

Hi everyone hope you are all ok?

Hannah - hows the new job going hope your interview go well?
Amber - Sorry to hear about your awful experience yesterday - take care of yourself hun. What flavour crisps have you done? the tomato ones are stunning!

Anyway I just got back from my CDC's and I've lost 11lb this week :) I'm dead pleased after the rubbish couple of weeks I've just had. Onwards and downwards!
Just wondering, isn't it Tuesday that the new episode usually starts? I think it was originally. Or am I getting confuddled and it's Weds?

Anyway, whichever, I hope to be there EVERY day for Episode VII. No more hiding away if I have a blip! I never did make my pledge last week. So now my mini pledge is that "I will post and read Episode VII daily, even if my diet goes ti*s up, because then I'm more likely to get back on track quickly." Might sound like a bit of a feeble pledge but little steps at a time :)
Thanks Mochaj! I'm dead pleased, doing happy dance round my house at the moment. i love this diet!
Chika, well done hunny that is a fantastic loss, don't think i could lose that if I chopped my leg off!!Is Bev OK..? She hasn't replied to my emails from Saturday...Love
That's incredible Chika - I wonder if it was the additional exercise at the weekend <gg> Well done you - you must be chuffed as nuts.

Mocha - my crisps were lovely! Last time I tried them they were soggy, but this time I had the Oriental soup and made them with sparkling water (a tip I read on here somewhere) and I cooked them for longer (almost 3 minutes) so they were brown and they were deliciously crispy. They looked bloomin awful though, but if I had made a bit of effort they could have all been round and a similar size. I washed them down with a pint of the CD summer fruits drink made with sparkling water and felt I had a real treat for lunch today.

I can see these will be a lifesaver when making dinner - munching on them just might be the key to picking off the kids plates.
Wow Chika!!!!

11lbs in a week!!! You rock!!!
Are you SS'ing? If so, did you have your AAMW for week4??

What have you done differently to achieve this loss??? Share please!!!!
I'm going to try the crisps they sound goooood! I hate the oriental chilli soup with a passion though so I'll have to use veg or chick & mush.

I made chilli soup for the first time the other night and as soon as I poured the water in I had to leave the room because of the smell. I hate coriander and it stunk of it! lol. Such a shame because I love spicy food, the hotter the better but whenever I have it I have to make sure it has NO coriander. I've never hated a food in my life as much as I hate that herb!

Do you think it will work just as well with vegetable or the chicken and mushroom? The only other one I have is the Brocolli and cheese but I'm a bit reluctant to try that because I've seen a lot of people say it's not good! I'll have to try it one day!
I've only ever tried the crisps with the chilli soup Mocha, so I'm afraid I can't help you. Personally I don't like the veggie soup (although I LOVE coriander lololol) but you could try it with some chilli flakes added to give it a kick. I put some in my oriental chilli crisps and it made me drink more water - all to the good!

I don't mind the broccolli and cheese soup - it's aroma can be a bit off putting though, but I don't think it tastes as (bad as?) it smells. That said, I don't think I'd make crisps out of mine!

I'm now wondering about chocolate crisps.....