Everyone welcome, come on in and have a chat, anything goes....!

OMG I am fuming, my hubby has been on about going up to the health club opposite the hospital for a while, well the b*****d has just come downstairs saying he is gonna take the boys up (an open day or something) to have a look around.
Well I sat there and listened and waited........and waited......but it didnt come, so I said "oh I take it im not invited then " he said you wont want to go anyway......ERM hello am I trying to lose weight and get fit or what....? Why the hell wouldnt I be interested in going for a look round.
OH yes I forgot I dont get asked out if he goes anywhere, I know he is embarrassed by being seen with me.......Well he needs to take a good look in the mirror as he needs to realise its gonna be the other way round very soon and then we will see how he likes it. :bliss:
OMG I am fuming, my hubby has been on about going up to the health club opposite the hospital for a while, well the b*****d has just come downstairs saying he is gonna take the boys up (an open day or something) to have a look around.
Well I sat there and listened and waited........and waited......but it didnt come, so I said "oh I take it im not invited then " he said you wont want to go anyway......ERM hello am I trying to lose weight and get fit or what....? Why the hell wouldnt I be interested in going for a look round.
OH yes I forgot I dont get asked out if he goes anywhere, I know he is embarrassed by being seen with me.......Well he needs to take a good look in the mirror as he needs to realise its gonna be the other way round very soon and then we will see how he likes it. :bliss:

Sonya, i just wanted to say that i have been reading about that husband of yours, on this thread and others, and the terrible time you have been having. He treats you so badly. I hope things work out one way or the other, whichever is for the best. No one should have to put up with his behaviour. (((Hugs)))
sonya, why dont u come up to my gym with me? they do a free day pass so u can try it out and i'd be with you.

is it the devonshire he is going to look at? the membership there starts at £40 a month. its only £16 at mine...tho it isnt nearly as luxurious. no pool and all that but even so...its a pretty good gym none the less.

he ought to count himself lucky to be with u! moron!!!
Oh what an idiot he is!! I had a boyfriend like that once - and i made a point of meeting up with him when i lost all my weight - and he had piled weight on and was looking crap! Pure bliss for me!!! He texted me loads after that meeting saying oh let's meet up again blah blah blah - no thanks! Let this make you even more determined darling!! Use his nastiness as your strength and your ultimate revenge lol
karen is totally right sonya!

i cant help but wonder why hes in a rush to join a gym now. cant afford rewards for you but he blows all his money and now himself for a gym?? whats he need a gym for? his trip to germany?? oh god help me i only have to think about whats going on with u and i can feel high blood pressure!! what does he give u, other than grief?


Sonkie, can not believe that your husband is being so mean to you. First the Germany trip, and moaning at you spending money on Avon and now going to a gym but not inviting you. He must be very insecure and you losing all this weight is what is showing him up - as an insensitive oaf. You hold your head up girl and don't let him get to you ... he's really trying - really TRYING!
Thank you all......I am really grinning underneath as I realise he is feeling threatened.....all he needs to do now is realise what a p***k he has been to me and the boys.
If only he would give me half the respect he gives his mother I would be happy.

I will just have to keep this thought in my mind that he is feeling threatened.....and if any mug comes along and decides she wants him then she will do me a favour....lol

Any offers anyone.......hmmmmmm may advertise him on ebay....lol, free to a bad home.
But ur back on now mate !
When is the open day ? if you fancy a trip up i'll come up with u ? sod him he will pay the money use it once then not bother again !!!!
well an ok .....ish day, went Trago mills, shop in cornwall.....then he decided he was gonna ask his mummy round for a chinese and drinks. Well he stresses out even more when she comes round, they expect my boys to run around after them.
OMG what a nite your in for cant you get out tonite or take yourself upstairs for a bit of pampering with your new avon goodies you dont need to put up with that hun xxxxxx
Its not so bad for me as I dont like chinese but usually like the smell, though whatever they got tonight smelt gross.
I am sat in the living room too on my laptop and had my chicken soup and now glugging the old water.
Good for you Sonkie - mine are in the lounge with the most wonderful smells of spices coming out - I feel like the Bisto kid with my nose in the air sniffing!!!
Well a good day really, think hubby must have a hangover, he been pretty quiet.
Ds2 is really angry and bad tempered, all he has done since being home is shout, Karen you can have him back........!
Hey im fine, the weight gain hasnt bothered me, I am going to stick to it and I am going to get rid of this weight......I havent got long until im back to the hospital so I have got to stop mucking around and stick to it 100%

DS2 has been in pain with his hip for 1/2 hr and has now fallen asleep with a heat pad on his side.....hubby has gone out taxiing his mum around.........ahhhhh peace.