Exante Support Group - join us if you are on Exante VLCD

Quak thanks for the support I know I am going to need it...
Well now for the next installment...Mum came round yesterday and brought yes you guessed it food. Now a little background info my parents are from Sri Lanka & my Mum is an amazing cook. Bless her heart she thought she was helping by cooking my Hubby's food but it smelt so good it was pure torture (I miss being at home) but guess what guys it was the tomato & Basil soup for me.
I dont know if anyone else has found this but I am getting 'ratty' around those who are eating food. Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself but hey I am the one who chose this path....
By the way forgot to mention earlier I also gave up smoking about 3 and a half weeks ago.....yes I am a glutton for punishment.
Today has been quite hard & I did have a cough candy (you know those aniseed sweets) I felt so bad but I havent been able to stop thinking about food...what to do. But the good news is I am wearing a pair of jeans that were too tight for me a week ago....so it must be working right?
Sorry to be thick but is it just one meal that you add or one every day. My add a meal week will be during my birthday but I have told Hubby to save up for those very expensive Jimmy Choos....role on February.....Can I just say that this is very thereputic....and I do feel better after my daily chat....
Well just waiting for 1830 when I shall try the vegetable soup...

TTFN til tommorrow
Hi Purpledoll - it is a meal a day for a week, I usually have mine in the evening as it is nice to sit and eat something real with the other half for a change as when on TS I usually walk the dog while she has her dinner. I do think about food a bit myself but not so it upsets me or makes me fed up, in fact I am still buying SW magazines so that when my Exante journey has finished I will have a great collection of recipes to help me keep my slim figure :) I also love watching cooking programmes, Come Dine With Me is my favourite, but it does not affect my desire for food at all as I cannot smell it lol. That is the one thing that does affect me, smelling the lovely stuff, when we got back from a night out last night, the OH made some toast before we went to bed and that was a bit like torture as there is nothing nicer than the smell of toast and marmalade! But I resisted.

On the subject of going out, the pub where we went to see our favourite band last night did not charge me for my drinks at all - I have never been out and had a free night in a pub before. 5 pints of soda water - zero cost - how good is that?

Well done on your jeans feeling looser, for me that is the absolute prize and the reason I think I am doing so well keeping to this diet, the changes in my body have been incredible in such a short space of time that it really spurs you on to keep going. I really need some new jeans for going out but have only been in these ones for 4 weeks and they are huge on me already!

Keep going, the benefits are fantastic.
B xx
Quak thanks for the support you don't know how much it is helping. I must say that maybe its so hard because I'm still in week 1. I am hoping that as I go on it will get easier. Determined to stay with this diet I have just bought about another 5 weeks worth....god its expensive. I keep dreaming of fitting into a size 10 dress and I have never been a size 10, I just cant wait. I know what you mean about the toast, just baked some bread(not from scratch the part bake) for my hubby, a nice roast beef sandwich, my theory is I need to get used to the smells.
I have had to apologise to hubby for being so short tempered, he is a great guy and really understanding which I knw will help....but he's so skinny.....Damn lucky bugger keeps saying you cant fatten throughbreds.
Veg soup was great so back to Thai chicken (with a bit of chilli for spice).
Well I didnt indulge in the curry I am so proud of myself for that.
I know that we shouldnt drink fruit teas, but is mint alright, I figure cos its a leaf should be OK.
Quak what kind of dog you got mines OES (Old English Sheepdog) 9 months old and the love of my life (of course joint with hubby). Have just taken her out for a walk and about to get ready for work...damn us shift workers. I will however follow your example and take her out while hubby having dinner that is such a great idea.
I am so looking forward to week 5 a whole week of solid food, but I am thinking would it be better to delay it for a week to coincide with our holiday...so that would be week 6 not sure if good idea or not...any thoughts folk.
Well time to get ready for work will chat tommorrow before my wonderful night shift....thats gonna be hard
Purpledoll -- I would wait for the holiday week. I'm not a great advertisement as I just came back from holiday with 4 pounds back on but I went way overboard on the carbs and the drinking. I think if I had stuck to protein and veg with maybe a drink every other night I would have been fine. But I had the full breakfast, snacks, pre-dinner G&T, followed by dinner & wine.
Hi all
I am starting on Exante for the first time today, just had my first shake :) Banana, not bad made me think of unsweetened cream!
I previously lost nearly 3 stone on CD but things happened, i lost my way and here I am just over a year later, weight regained and ready to get back in control. I decided to try a new VLCD this time and like the fact that I can buy it online, plus the bars look lush :)
So I'll be about, offering my support to those of you that need it and hopefully making a few friends along the way x
What do you guys all do for exercise? I was on the lateral thigh trainer (shopping channels are leathal!) and within 12 mins I had burned up 100cals. Obviously I dont want to eat up all my cals (20% in one workout), so I am wondering what you all do. I am wanting to go swimming, but I've looked and it can burn 200+ cals in 30 mins.
well its only day 1 for me but when i did CD i used to go for a long walk twice a week
I am walking the dog every evening for at least half an hour, maybe 40 minutes. Exante do say 20 minutes exercise daily but as I am sitting at a desk all day I feel I need a bit more. You need to be careful not to overdo it though as you need most of the calories provided to keep body and soul ticking over.

Welcome bluemoon, nice to see some new faces in here!
Hmmmmmmmm, a very very very small loss this morning - only .2 of a lb, but still a loss so am not too upset, hopefully it will show better next week after a week of TS.
Hey, yeah it's still a loss. And looking at the last time you went on Add a Meal week, you lost a lot the following week so I wouldn't worry too much about it!

So what do you have on your Add a Meal weeks? When I did CD I liked to have Quorn in my meals as you get a lot of food for very little cals, with some of those steam in the bag veggies - really enjoyed it.
Hey Q like you say it's still a loss and I bet you have a bigger loss next week. At least it's going in the right direction...down :)
Day 2 for me now and going to have a shake in a mo. Can't wait to get this first week out of the way and see what I've lost!
Have a good day everyone x
Hey, yeah it's still a loss. And looking at the last time you went on Add a Meal week, you lost a lot the following week so I wouldn't worry too much about it!

So what do you have on your Add a Meal weeks? When I did CD I liked to have Quorn in my meals as you get a lot of food for very little cals, with some of those steam in the bag veggies - really enjoyed it.

I had chicken, turkey and mackerel this week, with cauli, broccoli, mangetout and cabbage. 4 days I had milk in hot drinks and 3 days I had 0% greek yogurt with some fruit in it. I like soy sauce on my veggies though.
Hi All and welcome to the Newbies, and well done to you all on the weight loss, how have you all been?

I have been on holiday with my folks in Scotland and started my maintenance on 14 September, so far so good. I have found a really good site for calorie counting called food focus, it has really helped me in assessing the amount that I am eating. Still can not believe i have hit my goal and gone just a few lb under and still not put anything on. Will post some before and after pics on minimins.

Chat soon

Wow Emily, you have done amazingly :) I hope I can have those kinds of losses. How are you finding maintenence?
Hi Guys, well sitting here on my second night shift and hunger not too bad. I did however need a sugar fix over the past 2 days. I also think that it has to do with craving nocotine. So I have had a few cough candy sweet drops. I did feel slightly guilty but I as long as I dont go over a total of 700 cals a day it should be OK right?
Any ways its good to see more guys joining that chat and passing on positive vibes. Hey Q agree with everyone you've had a loss and it will only get better next week. Cant wait for my weigh in on Wednesday...I have been naughty and checked my weight a few times but have not read much into it.....
I think the hunger pains are getting better, I have not indulged yet...well chat to you all soon
Good Morning my fellow exante collegues....I know I should be in bed after my nightshift but I could'nt wait to let you know the results of my first weigh in......well i lost 11.4 lbs...OH MY GOD!!!! can't sleep so excited.
Now I know what it feels like for a Oscar acceptance speech...
Well for all those just starting I cant describe how happy I am.....for all those who have given me support and valuable insight...and hope thanks (that seems so insignificant to the support you have given me). It really does help to chat on line. I know this is only the beginning but it has made me more determined. I know next week will be less but hey....nothing can top today. I hope my news will spur you guys on.....
hey, that's a fantastic loss! Bet you must be chuffed. I'm looking forward to my first week weigh in on sat. Although I've weighed myself everyday (i know I shouldn') I hope to have lost about 8lb by sat.
Purpledoll - I would be careful of the candy drops, they might be loaded with carbs which will delay/put you out of ketosis. If you really need to, maybe have a look online for some low-carb goodies. I know you can buy Sula in Boots. It's sugarfree, but not sure of the carbs :-(