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Shock...early weigh-in!

I've just had a real shock.... i wasn't going to weigh myself until the first week was up but as i've been feeling a bit odd this afternoon I thought I'd weigh myself just to see if there was any difference.

The scales read 13st 2lbs which means 6lb have disappeared. I know it's probably all water but it has perked me up no end! :D
hey julie, thats brilliant. It really motivates you to keep going when you see it coming off so quickly :)
Hi guys. Hope your day better than mine. I've felt lousy. Woke up with stinking headache and don't seem to have any energy. Putting one foot in front of the other to walk is almost too much effort.

I'm on Day 5 so maybe this is the rough phase that I've read many people go though on these vlcd's. I feel like eating today for the first time even though I don't feel hungry. In the past I would have stuffed myself stupid. Not going to though as next goal is get to end week one and have a proper weigh in.

Used one of the ketostix today and seem to be moving up the colour scale so body now some way into ketosis if not all the way. I'm not sure if the stick should finally end up being the darkest colour or not.

Anyway glad to have written something here as it's occuppied my mind instead of thinking about cheese and tomato sandwiches and chips!

Just had my weigh in this morning - and I've lost 5.5 pounds this week. THat's 13.5 in two weeks :) Now only 10.5 pounds until I reach my target!
Wow thats brilliant, well done :) You'll be at target in no time x
Hey everyone. I'm on day 1 of Exante TS and had the banana shake for breakfast; it was nicer than I thought it would be! I'm feeling really positive about this, the only fly in the ointment is that it's my TOM and I'm all crampy and bloated. :(
I was just wondering what kind of painkillers it's okay to take on a VLCD? I usually take Nurofen but I think I've read on here that Paracetamol would be a better option.
Any advice?
hi diversity and good luck today :) the banana shake is my fave! I think you should be ok with nurofen but if you're not sure give exante a ring. hope you feel a bit better later x
Thanks bluemoon! :D
I didn't end up taking anything because luckily I started feeling better.
I had the chocolate orange bar for lunch and really enjoyed it, and I'm going to have the Thai chicken soup for dinner. I haven't felt hungry at all really, but I know it's very early days so I'm prepared for all of that.
Bring on the rest of the week! :)
First weigh-in

Hi Diversity

Glad to hear you've got through day one. I just completed my first week so had a weigh in this morning and found that I've lost 10lb which I'm well pleased with.

Now going to introduce some exercise as I want to burn more calories off each day.

Good luck with the next few days - i was very sceptical as to whether I could do this but I've found that I haven't felt hungry and I know now that for the sake of foregoing food for a while I can get this weight off.

I want to be slim more than I want to eat so that must be a good thing.


Week One - 10lb lost :D

Well done Julie, fantastic loss :)
Hi Julie
Excellent loss for your first week! Go easy on the exercise as you are consuming so few calories - your body needs them to function properly and it could be counter-productive as you could put your body into starvation mode if you overdue the exercise. Exante recommend 20 mins a day. I tend to walk the dog for half an hour to 40 mins and 10 mins on my vibro plate but nothing very strenuous, I found my loss was a lot less the week I did my cardio stuff on the wii.

Hi Diversity
Well done for getting through day 1, glad you like the flavours so far, I enjoy them all thank goodness but always save my choc shake to have as hot choc at the weekend and the veg soup as it is my fave.
Keep it up!

Congratulations on your 10lb loss Julie, you must be over the moon! :D
I had the chocolate shake for breakfast and practically had to force it down... I much preferred the banana one yesterday. I'm going to try the toffee, nut & raisin bar for lunch and then probably the vegetable soup for tea as Quak so highly recommends it. :p
Oh, and the Thai chicken soup last night was lovely! I thought the soups would be all watery but I'm pleasantly surprised by the thickness of them.
Hi Diversity
Why not try the chocolate shake hot? I split mine in two and put 250 mls water with each and make hot chocolate with mine, save it for a treat at weekend. You can add a spoon of coffee and make a moccha instead if you like that sort of thing. I find it does need a sweetener too. Hope it helps.
Hey Quak, thanks! I might just try that - sounds pretty good. :D
Do you know what kind of sweetener it's okay to use? I have Splenda in the granule form, but apparently tablet form is better? And would it be okay to use with the shakes every day?
I really liked the veg soup, btw. :)
Hi Diversity
I use tablet sweeteners, usually the ones in the blue pack - hermesetas? Not sure if you are allowed granule sweetener on this diet. Glad you liked the veg soup - it is yummy.
B xx
I went and bought some Hermesetas tablet sweeteners, I'll try it out when I make the second half of my strawberry shake later. I really liked the strawberry one - so far strawberry and banana are my favourites. :D
Looking forward to trying the tomato & basil soup tonight. How are you getting on? x
Hi Diversity
Not bad but seem to be having a hungry day today for some reason! Ah well, will keep hitting the water :)
How are you today?
B xx
Ah yeah, I had a hungry day yesterday... it was the hungriest I've felt since starting Exante but I just kept swigging water. I can't believe this is my 4th day - seems like it's going so quickly.
I tried the sweetener in my strawberry shake yesterday and it made a huge difference! I liked it without but it was even better with the sweetener, so thank you for recommending it to me. :)
I had the vanilla shake this morning with a sweetener and a little coffee and it was delicious. I'm looking forward to trying the same thing with the chocolate shake too. Having mushroom soup for dinner tonight so hopefully it'll be nice.

Good luck with the rest of the week! x