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I weighed myself today - which is 2 days earlier than I should. Gutted though as didn't show any weight loss since last weigh in.

Worried about eating next week in any event so now feeling a bit fed up. If I stick to the plan the weight should go but it hasn't made me feel very good.

I think in future I'll just stick to weigh-in day - I so hope at least something will happen by Monday even if it's just a couple of pound. TOTM should be next week as well so might have a couple of poor weeks.

I can't believe that a few weeks ago I was stuffing myself stupid but now I so what to do this and have been really good. So few calories how can I not lose anything.

Julie x
Are you drinking enough water Julie?
I too have been guilty of getting on the scales once or twice before my weigh in and not seen what I hoped to see but things changed by my actual weigh-in day. Maybe your body knows you are doing something you are not supposed to do..................
Hope it comes good for you in the next couple of days.
B xx
Hi Quak

Good news.... weighed in today and can't believe it but 5lb gone. That's so crazy after not showing any loss a couple of days ago. It certainly seems that there's no rhyme or reason to it and so long as I stick to the plan it'll work out. I've also decided that there won't be any more early weigh-ins.

Felt really strange this evening having something to eat. I had a mad mix of chicken, cauliflower, cabbage and celery with a bit of fat free dressing to give it a bit of taste. I'd looked forward all day to my evening meal but really it was an anti climax. I was astonished at how quickly I filled up. OH not looking forward to digestion of cabbage and cauliflower as he's only just got over the windy version of Julie that came into being the first couple weeks of the diet and he doesn't think the cabbage and cauliflower bodes well!
Really looking forward to proper you know what on the toilet. I've no expectations of weight loss this week and not only eating but also TOTM (if that hasn't altered with the diet so no disappointment if all stays the same.

Hope you're OK and feeling good. Thanks for all the support.

Julie x
Hi Julie
That is brilliant, just goes to show that it is much better to stay off the scales in between your official weigh-ins! Well done on the loss - really good, you should still lose this week but it might not be much. You will show a good loss the couple of weeks after though - just keep that in mind when you weigh in next week. Keep it up!

I am due to weigh-in tomorrow and it is my totm too so not expecting too much as I do feel quite bloated but keeping up the water intake.

I know what you mean about the food being an anti-climax, think it is just because it is such bland stuff you are allowed that makes it boring - although it is a good way of not overdoing it! I am due to do an add a meal week after my next weigh-in - looking forward to the cups of tea more than anything!

Keep on going, the results are more than worth it, and don't forget - it is only a short period you are doing it for and the benefits are enormous!
Hi Quak

You must feel great being 12 stone something.... and I bet you'll feel great in your new clothes. It's amazing how losing weight just makes everyone feel so much better about themselves. Sounds strange but I seem to have been getting through so much stuff at work as well. Maybe I'm less lethargic and already feeling a bit more confident about myself.

Tuna for tea tonight. I didn't have much but felt stuffed afterwards - perhaps my stomachs shrinking on the inside as well. I know my boobs are shrinking - there not pushing and straining to get out of the scaffolding that's been (very inadequately) trying to restrain them!

I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year - not because of the food but because I might be able to look nice in a dress.

keep up the good work - every lb your losing is a bonus for me as well now.

Julie x
Yay Julie - every lb lost by any of us is good news for everyone else -it proves it can be done if you just apply yourself!
2.5 off for me this week is great, am very happy with that. Hope you have a good one too.
Bren xx
Hi Quak

How things going?

Well, I finished my week of eating yesterday. he first few days my stomach was a bit odd but by the end I'd got used to having a small bit of grilled fish with a bit of cabbage and cauliflower. I feel relieved to be back on shakes and soup today and glad that the thinking about food is over.

I can't believe I've just completed week 5. Only 7 to go and I'll have reached the first big milestone of 12 weeks. The longer I do this though the more incredible I think you are to have stayed the course for the length of time you have and to have achieved so much.

I was supposed to weigh-in today but haven't. i feel a bit bloated at the moment (totm) so thought I'd go a week without doing it. I've stuck rigidly to the eating options last week and will stick rigidly to the shakes and soup this week so I know it'll be OK but I thought I'd leave it until I feel a bit brighter. Finding my clothes getting loser and loser is a good sign and boy does it feel good. I'm back into my size 16 jeans (when I started this my 18's were tight and I had I not decided to do this I think i'd have had to buy a pair of 20s by now) and they're better with a belt so all positive.

One thing I am aware of is that food remains a big issue for me but I think I am starting to get it in perspective a bit more but I definetely will need to work on it. At least I'm learning a bit about myself at the same time as losing weight.

It's raining and cold this evening - just the sort of evening I would have had hot mugs of tea and gobbled biscuits. I dread the cold dark evenings ahead.

Julie x

Hi Julie
Well done on getting through the food week and getting back to TS - I am due a food week starting tomorrow after my weigh-in so have been checking up on calories and portion sizes ready for going shopping after work tomorrow, will be mostly chicken, veg and 0% greek yog with some fruit in it. Oh and soy sauce of course (but not in the yogurt!) Quite looking forward to it in a funny sort of way, just hope tomorrow shows a decent weight-loss this week to give me a lift before I start it. Feeling a bit Monday-ish today, do get odd days when I get a small dip but overall feel much better altogether.

Getting into the 16's jeans feels great doesn't it? By the time you get to week 12 you could be into a size 12 - wouldn't that be brilliant?
I hope to be in 14's by Christmas, that would be a good pressie to myself!
Good luck and keep up the superb work - you are doing well :D
Bren xx
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Hi Quak

Glad to see the weights still coming off - it'll be a nice change for you to have some food next week. I was thinking today it'll be so nice to be able to go into a shop and try some clothes off the peg - no more despair that I can't really find anything nice and whatever I wear I look big in.

I;m feeling quite pleased with myself today as I've got a tatty pair of 18 trosers on that used to be very snug - today I look a bit of a bag lady in them with the cord tied at the top! You're making me dream - a size 12/14 by Christmas we'd be well chuffed by that. Slim for the spring - that would be heaven.

I need to order some soups this evening as I seem to have cleared out the vegetable ones which are my favourite. I have some thai chicken and basil and tomato which I find heavy going - pity I can't get rid of them as I don't think i'll ever have them. I've moved away from the variety packs which I started on to ordering the things I like as otherwise I think I'd have ended up with a pile of those larger than the EU butter mountain (is there still one of those).

Hope you're feeling tuesday-ish - much better than monday-ish - and you haven't got the horrible weather we've got here.

Julie x
Hi Julie
Well, I made a salad of watercress, cucumber, radish and celery with huge cooked prawns and fat free vinegarette (that does not look right however I try and spell it) and managed about half of it - the OH ate the OH lol. I really don't like salad at all, much prefer cooked veggies but I was trying to vary my diet for the week and have had a fancy for some big prawns but they were a bit disappointing, ah well I have some nice cod for tea tomorrow with some nice steamed veggies and some soy sauce to look forward to.

Have you asked Exante if they will swap products if you really cannot tolerate the soups, some others on here have managed to get them to swap a few if it is worth asking. I am fortunate in that I like all of them so the variety packs are great for me. (Veg are my favourite too though).

We have had really awful weather here too, no escaping it I am afraid - especially when the dog needs a walk. And I need the exercise too of course.
Hope you have a good week.
Bren xx
Hi Quak

How's the food going? Are you enjoying it for a change. The thought of a nice bit of cod mmm......

I haven't found being back on TS bad at all. I had an emergency delivery of vegetable soup delivered ths week - now it's getting cold I appreciate the soup more and as I find the vegetables one the nicest I thought i'd better stock. I also tried a hot vanilla shake with a teaspoon of coffee in which surprisingly made a nice change and a I miss tea and coffee with milk in its made a nice change.
It's my weigh-in on Monday (the first in 2 weeks) so I hope that there'll be a reasonable loss bearing in mind my food week.
I haven't really missed the food this week and seem to have slipped back to TS quite easily. By Monday I'll have completed 6 weeks - half way to my first real milestone and I can honestly say its not been too bad at all. Just hope that it remains this easy for the next six weeks.
Have a good weekend and enjoy your next few meals.

Julie x
Hi Julie
Doing ok with the food, had the 2nd lot of prawns last night with veggies as a stir fry and found them a lot more appetizing - salads just don't do it for me, I like my food hot! Chicken stir fry tonight - thank goodness for soy sauce is all I can say - and dried chillies of course - yummy.
Good luck for the weigh in on Monday, should be a good result I am sure as you have been so good and stuck to it so well - it sounds like you are in the right frame of mind for this like I am, makes it so much easier doesn't it?
I got my letter from Blood Donors this week and rang them to explain about the diet so they have put me on hold for 6 months as they don't want to make me ill or anemic - am a bit disappointed as I strangely enjoy the task but understand the reasons. Anyway the rate time is passing at - 6 months is nothing!

I know what you mean about slipping back into TS - I actually look forward to it as it means I can stop thinking about food again and just get on with the other things in life.

Have a good weekend, we are out tomorrow night on the Soda water and bouncing around to the band so am looking forward to that, just have to not sing as much as it will probably make me cough too much, the sooner this cough goes the better, it is a pain.

Bren xx
Hi Bren

So how was your eating week? I've been a bit busy the last few days but you've crossed my mind and I've wondered how you're getting on.

I had a weigh-in on Monday (2 weeks since the last) and found I'd lost 6lb. Initial reaction - pure disappointment. But having informed OH of disappointing news felt much better as he reminded me that included eating week, totm and was still nearly half a stone in 2 weeks. One good thing was that in spite of my initial reaction it didn't cross my mind once to fall off the wagon and munch a packet of biscuits.

I've stuck rigidly to the TS and will not be derailed by silly disappointments which actually are achievements. i think I might need to drink a bit more water as that has tailed off a little bit the last couple of weeks so I'm rectifying that now.Funny thing is I actual feel slimmer this week and my size 16 jeans although not baggy by any means do need a belt round the waist... so onward through week 7.

As OH put it "6 weeks ago you were nearly 14 stone now you're 11 stone something.... actually I'm 11 stone and quite a bit but his sentiments were appreciated.

A big bonus as well - I now find the chocolate, hot with a sweetex gorgeous. It's now my evening drink and I really look forward to it as a reward for sticking to the shake and the soup. I love this diet, not thinking food anymore and starting to enjoy what I have each day.

And not forgetting I look at your achievement and it sooo makes me want to stay the course until I'm where I want to be.

Julie x
Wow Julie
6 lbs is fantastic - most of that will probably be from the 2nd week and that is a brilliant loss for a week, can't believe you were disappointed - you really shouldn't be! I am still enjoying it all too, glad to be at the end of the food week and back on TS so I don't have to worry about what I need to eat, I really struggled to get all 400 calories down me every day, what about you? Being only allowed a small portion of protein and the veggies don't add up to much calorie-wise and neither does the yog and fruit so that is the hardest bit for me and I do wonder if that is why I don't lose much when I am eating as I am maybe not eating enough - as strange as it sounds lol.

Well done for not letting your feelings get the better of you and heading straight for the biccies - you really must have got your head in gear too. Your OH sounds very supportive and that helps a great deal, make sure he knows you appreciate it :D
And finally, thank you for your last comment about my achievement, it really boosts my confidence and encourages me to keep on - cheers!
Have a brilliant week and keep up the water!
Bren xx
Hi Bren

Hope you've had a good day back in the Exante comfort zone!
I feel a bit washed out today but I think I must have a bit of a stomach bug as since yesterday afternoon and shake or soup I've had has gone straight through and my tummy is definetely not normal. Keeping up the water intake though.

I think you could be right about not having sufficient calories in a day though. I used to wonder how too few calories could be a problem but I really do believe now that you need to have a certain amount to stop the body struggling and pulling down its defences to hang on to what its got.

One thing I've noticed since starting Exante is that my nails seem to be looking better and seem stronger - I think my body must have been crying out for proper nutrition which it wasn't getting with all the rubbish I was eating.

I seem to be feeling the cold a bit more though. My OH is a tall, lanky bloke and is always moaning about the cold - he's well pleased that I'm not warm all the time as it means 'm putting the heating on all the time which he loves. I'm going to end up slim but broke!!

Julie x
Hi Julie
I know what you mean about the heating, we have been putting the fire on a lot more than usual cos I have been agreeing when the OH says she is cold lol
Sorry to hear about your stomach bug, hope it sorts itself quickly.
I am firmly back in the comfort zone with the shakes, soups and bars, just about to have the 2nd half of my bar with a cup of black coffee.
I have upped my walking slightly this week, from 30 to 45 mins with the dog, he is enjoying it of course, so will see how it pays off, if it does, am a bit scared of going too far with it so will be careful and see how the scales respond next week.
Have a good day tomorrow
Bren xx
Hi Bren

How you doing? It's the weekend so time for vegetable soup and nice, thick hot chocolate!
My stomach seems to have settled down after 3 days of what seemed like everything passing through. My soup this evening has stayed put and I feel stuffed again.
Looking forward to weigh in on Monday as still feel a bit thinner so hope the scales bear that out.
My bumper pack turned up - always disappointed to find that I seem to get less vegetable soup than the others but never mind.
You must have had a lorry turn up with your 3 months worth! Now I've thought about it I think may be I should order a bit more if the offer is still on.
Have a good weekend and enjoy your choccy.

Julie x
Hi Julie, I got 2 huge packages containing 4 boxes in total and each box had 3 weeks worth in it so am well stocked up!
Been a bit lax on the exercise yesterday as we had visitors last night so I needed to clean the house before they arrived and did not want to do a long walk and get more sweaty and wet through from the rain before they arrived lol - any excuse eh? I did 10 mins on my vibro plate though and will make up for it today with a good walk and then we are off to a gig tonight and hopefully much bouncing will be done!
I know what you mean about the amount of veg soup, it is the same with the choc shakes - you only get one each per week where you get 2 of everything else and the veg soup is my definite fave so make sure I savour every drop!
Glad you are feeling better (and thinner) hope you have a good weekend.
Bren xx
At least 3 people on this 'support group' thread have a BMI of under 25 and say they are on WS or TS. The website says this is not allowed. There are also people on this thread who say they have followed exante for more than 12 weeks. this isn't allowed either.

VLCDs can be dangerous...follow the NICE guidelines and be careful.