Exercise Challenge - inc. Insanity!

My excercise this last few days has been all the natural stuff again, shopping meaning lots of walking, housework meaning lots of bending etc., LOL
They just mentioned the insanity challenge on Warehouse 13........LOL. Characters fighting and one of them says I am a trained secret service agent and the other one says and I completed the insanity challege..........Cool eh???
Wow, we've made it into pop culture!

Hooray, cardio power and week 3 - done! My thighs were still wobbly from yesterday. I know it's recovery day, but those squats and lunges are deadly! I also managed to walk an hour yesterday evening.

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend, maybe with some sailing and/or cycling.

I didn't cycle to work once, though :-( I need to get up earlier to fit in insanity and have time for that. That's my goal for next week! The weather is still lovely here and I need to take advantage of this while I can.

Happy Friday ladies!
Well done all for keeping up! :) I am on Level 2 Shred and loving it...................(not :D)
I did 1 hour in the gym yesteray with kettlebells & feel better but stiff for it. I looked at insanity on youtube & gosh it looks terrifying!
exercise can do that laura, so I've been told LOL.

well done all you insane and shredded people LOL
A different kind of workout today. It involves lots of walking, and arm work - shopping!!! Spending the day at Westfield with the girls, heaven! X
Shopping is the best exercise... I reckon I could walk far further shopping than if I 'went' for a walk. I got a spot of retail therapy in today too. Was meant to go to the gym but I'm just do tired. I did two work outs that I would normally find ok this week and it almost killed me. Just walking round the shops wore me out.
25 mins intervals done!
Walked for an hour yesterday, and finished pure cardio this morning: insanity week 4 here we come!!

Did half an hour of walking and shopping at lunch today too! Definitely agree the retail therapy is great incentive.
I walked to shops and back today, about half hour and doing hour and half of zumba later! Havent done much else since Thursday!!
Phew, made it! Had to skip my usual morning insanity as I had an early appointment at the consulate, and I was not optimistic about fitting it in during the day. But I just finished the session before lunch. Woohoo!

Can't believe I'll be halfway at the end of the week...

I miss body pump, though, but haven't been near the gym since I started the challenge. Not that I would have time to go anyway right now. So the regular morning workouts are really ideal. Plus when I'm on a budget in London next year, I'll have to get used to exercising at home :)

Ceri where are you, madam games mistress??
plan for today
30 mins walking/jog on treadmill
30 mins weights