Exercise !!!!

Count me in! :D

I'm a one-trick pony though - I run between 18 and 20 miles a week. Very slow jog actually. I really should do some toning or weights or something too, but time is limited and I reckon 3 hours plus a week is losing me about half a pound of fat (where a pound of fat=3500 cal).

I'm definitely putting on muscle. I started once I had lost most of my weight - knees couldn't take it when I weighed 15 stone! And yes Suze, a good training bra is essential! :eek:

I usually note my miles in the 'what are we eating today' thread, but I can put it here instead if people are interested.
Yep... Yup... Yes!
brilliant!! ww thats fab running - wish i could run...
Marty yes im sure that counts as long as you werent eating them!
Yep! I'm going to promise to get out on my push bike more. I love mountain biking. I also want to find a decent martial arts club again (used to train when I was younger and haven't found a club I fit in at yet)
I was bad last night, no dogbert walking done by me at all - was confined to sofa as I had complained I was cold! Feel fine today but going to a party tonight so no time tonight - argggggg - will try and catch up at weekend and then emptying the kitchen will take up some calories I am sure!
I don't know about up there Bren but it was freezing here yesterday.
Oh Bren I was exactly the same last night - couldn't warm up at all - eventually went to bed purely for the heat! I thought I was sickening for something.

Jogged 8.2 miles this morning in 87 minutes - that's a minute faster than last week but still 10.6 minute miles, which is very very slow.

Vicky I didn't start running until the end of August/start of September - it's like everything else, you just build it up slowly! I absolutely love my runs now - gets the head cleared completely. I do all my good thinking on the road.

Usually I run Tuesday with the local club - joined mid-September - I do 4-5 miles with them, and chat the whole way for distraction. That's my fast run of the week - have to work really hard to keep up with the others, but that's good for me. Friday I do my long run - have a nice circuit of 8.2 miles so nearly always do that. If it's raining Friday I do my long run Sunday and head for a treadmill for about 6 miles. Sunday I do a shorter circuit of 5.5 miles usually.

Anyone still awake? :p
I've got some dumbbells in the flat. I normally workout with these 3 times a week. I haven't the past few days because I've been going through the whole induction flu thing (awful headaches etc) but now they've mostly finished I'm going to get back into them.

I'd really like to start jogging (except for the fact I hate it!). Does jogging get easier as you lose weight? I found that my stomach and (Ahem) moobs (blush) got sore afterwards from all the jiggling when I've jogged in the past. I don't think I could jog more than a mile though. :(
I'm starting the exercise again next week too. I've had a week off for the same reason as you, Michael, tired yucky induction flu meant I didn't have the energy. But no more excuses! I'll be back on the exercise bike on Monday evening, pedaling like my life depends on it!
This week has been my worst for months in terms of exercise - really lacking motivation for some reason, any excuse and I haven't done my usual walk. Will get back on it, promise!
Bren im the same, too cold, too tired, too wet (although that is a great excuse cos my girls wont go out in the rain cos they are so close to the ground they get soaked and they hate it!)
going on my stepper in a bit. will see how much i can do. then shake weight and some sit ups probably with a puppy or two on my head!
sunday - 25 min dog walk, 15 min stepper, shake weight, 80 leg masters and 30 (yes only 30) sit ups.
Hi Vicky

Re your stepper - do you use it a lot? I would like to buy a stepper/treadmill thingy for home but am worried that it might just turn into something to hang clothes off :rolleyes:

I'm just a bit self conscious about doing exercise in the open air! :eek:

yes ive had it for years its fab, its the lateral one. Ive just ordered the roll one too!
Ran 6 miles on treadmill this morning. Couldn't go outside because of bathroom issues.:eek:
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Evening all
Went to B&Q in car (about 4 miles) then missus drove home and I walked back with dogbert in the sunshine. That was after emptying my kitchen ready for it to be ripped out on tuesday.................
Over 13,000 steps today which is an improvement - till we went to Wetherspoons and I had the mixed grill (good till I ate the chips) - at least i didn't have the crumble and custard which the missus stuffed down her face lol
Jeez I'm rubbish compared to you all!
Exercise limited to running up and down stair with DD1 and slow walk this afternoon.
Pah will step it up this week, 2 weeks til hols!