Failure is not an Option- My Diary

Day 24

I can't believe I didn't update yesturday....things just kept coming and coming...But I have a few minutes today to update my diary...

I bought a kitchen scale, which I haven't used yet and a body fat monitor scale which measures my fat intake and water intake. I weighed myself this morning and my measurements are.

Body fat= 36.2%
Body water= 45.4%

The average normal body fat should be around 10% and I should be having around 50% of water. Also I got a couple of healthy diet books and I found out that people who lose alot of weight quickly, their normally losing their body water%. Which will come back quickly after they relax on their diets.

For example, biggest loser people I read somewhere that before their weighed-in they are dehydrated and that's why they lose 14-17 pounds but then a year later when you see them on oprah of something like that they have gained back half or more of their weight back.

So I am learning alot and that 1200kcal a day is low for me because I do, do alot of walking during my day so I am deffo going to have more healthy calories in me. I feel more positive about my healthy eating because I feel like I am doing the things and taking the extra steps to have and be able to maintain a lifestyle of healthy eating and also having a healthy body.

Until next time....
Day 26

Oh gosh I have a cold now....will see how this goes.
26 days Hope! thats really wonderful.

You have made such a good start with the diet and excercise, you just need to keep yourself motivated and keep going with the plan!

I know its hard day to day, but look how quickly the time has gone by, you will soon be getting to your goal. And the fact is, time will go by anyway, whether you diet or not, so you might as well be dieting! Christmas will be here so soon, and you will have a wonderful figure by then, all this struggle will be a distant memory.

It very important though to realise and come to terms with the fact that the changes you are making have to be permanent. This isnt a short term solution, go back to your old ways and you will soon be back to where you started. Dont give up and do try to see this as a great lifestyle change and not just a short term solution.

One thing to bear in mind when you first lose weight, is that your body stores around 3lb to 4lb of glycogen, which you use up pretty quick at the start. When you lighten up on the diet the first thing that happens is that your body puts that glycogen back, so you have to allow for that.

Also, i asw in your early posts that you were weighing every day and getting frustrated by the days that you didnt lose weight. Its a bad idea to weigh every day, but i know how tempting it is. I just cant start the day without getting on the scales first lol, so im a good one to talk. But i take a lot of comfort from the days when the weight doesnt move as it shows im in control and keeping my weight down, and on the days it does move then its a great boost for me. But it is better to weigh just once a week, not that i will EVER keep off the scales that long lol.
Also went looking for a diet book called the big fat solution and couldn't find it anywhere....

Ive not heard of that book but i googled it and looked at a few book sites. Found a couple of books on, My Big Fat Greek Diet, and Your Big Fat Boyfriend: How to Stay Slim When Dating a Dieting Disaster, which has to be a must read lol!!! I may even get that and wave it at hubby lol

There seems to have been a Channel 4 program early 2010 called My Big Fat Diet Show, which may or may not have had a book of the same name at the time, cant see anything about it now though, but i wondered if that was what you might have been thinking about?

Day 30

Yay, a month now....I am so happy and proud for lasting this far and I am more motivated now to carry on and actually put much more effort into this.

Since starting college again in sept it's been crazy but now I am sorf off getting into routine with everything in my life.

I got four books from library about weight loss and one book was really good and had alot of information and showed me how to calculate things on my own and not just using a computer for working out my BMR or how much weight is good to lose.

It also helped me learn WHAT IS HEALTHY EATING? When I started this diet a month ago(so weird writting this) all I thought about healthy eating was not eating junk food, more fruits and vegs and plenty of water. It is a good step forward to being healthy but i consumed far less than what my body needed to function.

So I am going to try and eat more, which in all honesty is REALLY hard because most of what gave me my calorie's was fatty junk food, which I don't wanna have.

I am really going to put more effort into it now because looking at myself in the mirror all I see is things on my body that I want to change or things that I don't like.

I want to feel comfortable in my body, I want to look at my body and not feel ashamed but smile...I want smile...If I can do that then (why am getting all emotional,lol) I would be really happy.

Until next time....
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Hey hope, pleased your still flying along like a steam train towards your ideal weight. Sounds like a solid plan you have to learn about dieting and healthy eating in general as well, I should take a leaf out of your book on that front all I basically do is stick to my calories and eat low fat food at the moment.

One thing though that I have to pull you up on :whip: you say all you see in the mirror is things you want to change or things you don't like. Our brains are so clever and yet so simple at the same time, they discriminate, those things you see are only concepts in your head, your actual body is not good or bad it just is, everything is so relative. Those things you see that you want to change another person that hasn't spent the same amount of time thinking about them, might not see anything wrong in them at all!

What I'm trying to say is I think it's FANTASTIC that you're doing what you want and getting the body / lifestyle / health you want, thats a huge plus! But please be a bit easier on yourself :p think about how much closer you are to your ideal weight, think about how every week for the past four weeks you've moved closer to your goal, see them things when you look at yourself, and don't be so hard on yourself! :) and then smile, like you say you want to, because you have every reason to smile, you're doing great :)

keep it up!
Heya hun, just had a good old read of what I've missed. You've ceratinly been on a bit of a rollercoaster! Glad to see that you've perked back up though!
It's really sensible to bee looking up those healthy books and stuff, I should really do that!
One thing I did notice about your diet when you were feeling low was that there wasnt really any protein in it, which is what guves long lasting energy. Things like bananas are short term enegery release I think, so that might have had something to do with it maybe?

ANywho, you're doing great, keep up those exercise routines!
Best wishes.
@Imlosingweight I think ur right about the brain and not being so hard on my self, I will try but it's soo hard when your brain is kind-off programmed to think a certain way...:)

@Pink lol, Pink ur back....And yeah, your right about the protein thing...In one of the healthy books I read you need to have 2-3 serving protein rich foods and on most days I have 0-1 servings, which wasn't very good. But now I am slowly having the right amounts of nutritients I need in my daily food take.

Day 34

I haven't been on here for a few days...On thursday I did my davina workout and I hadn't done that in like a week or 2 weeks...which is not good. I am going to try and do it again today after I finish my coursework..gosh.

Also, I remember some time ago on sky 1, I think there was a guy and he said you could lose weight by eating your food slowly and without any distractions. e.g. tv, computer...and In this book I am reading it said the same thing that if you eat slowly it will give your brain sometime to tell you, you are full...

But I when I tried that and I think only once did my brain tell my body that I was full and I stopped eating...It's so hard to listen to your brain when your eating...or to even eat slowly for that matter of fact....I probably sound like a greedy person right But I think it's something I need to work on so that it becomes easier to listen to my body more often.

Until next time...
Day 35

Sunday, today is going to be a resting day...Might clean the house...I exercised yesturday but before I did it, didn't want brain was just like don't do it but then when I was exercising I started to enjoy it and it went by so quick.


Until next time...
Day 40

Five days since I have been on here...not good but so much has been going on this week.

I just wanna say to anyone going through or fighting to lose the weight and maybe become more healthier....don't take your health for granted because tomorrow you might not have it....You might find out you have something that could be as serious to kill you because of packets of cream...IS THAT REALLY WORTH GIVING UP YOUR LIFE FOR or even your children's lives for...

Many people take their body and health for granted. Change your life for good not for a month nor a week but for a lifetime because if you don't it will be too late for you and trust me the food is not worth it.

Live your life, stay strong and Have faith in God....

One of my best friend has just had a heart attack at 18 years old because she was too big and thank the lord she is still alive but I really hope no-one here will have to go through anything like what she went through...always being ill or having surgary after surgary because of pains caused by her weight....

Stick to your diet/ healthy eating....and cherish what God has given you because tomor it might not there.

Until next time....
Day 41

Reading back on my last post...hmmm...I have been doing really well on my healthy eating and the last time I used my davina dvd was on tuesday but on thursday there have been people coming in and fixing the house and someone was ill yesturday so he couldn't finish it until monday....gosh...So my plan to workout this weekend is a no-no...But I have alot of coursework so....maybe it's for the best.

Ugh...this weather is just bad...I miss the summer....and the sun....maybe that's why I am luving this song....let the sun shine...and be happy even with this nasty weather...

Hope everyone has a great day....maybe this will make ur day a bit brighter coz It is for me....
[Labrinth - Let The Sun Shine]

Until next time...
Day 44

Ok, ermm this past week has been sad and has just been bad and I almost gave in...I just didn't care about anything but thank the lord I didn't give in...I think It does get easier with time and those foods that you love are not always on your mind.

Also I have been seeing some changes to my body...small changes but that's better than nothing...Last week or around there I noticed that (you know on the sides of your body, the side of your breasts and just under ur armpits sides)...well there was the first place I noticed that my body was changing because I could feel my bones for the first time and before it was just flab there..which was very good.

Today when I was having a shower after doing my davina dvd I noticed that my calves when more toned it was going downones and the flab that used to take over the area is now more toned and that made me so happy because the worst part of my body is my calves. Their soo MASSIVE.....but their but not as bad as before.

After that I decided to try on some of my clothes and wear different things that I had stopped wearing and I am a jean girl...I wear jeans all the time when i go out but I tried on black tights with tops and jeggins and to be honest the bumps and lumps that were on my legs are now less...Like they fit and look not half bad....It made me feel good about everything.

Little things like that for me now make me so happy and I think also contribute to giving me the strength to carry on and do this....It's happening slowly but it's happening good now...Will see how long that lasts,lol.

Until next time.
Day 45

Around three weeks ago I got new scales that measured my body fat % aswell as my body water %. It has been said in books that for my age and height I should have 50% water in my body and around 10% or more body fat in my body.

Also when I weighed myself with the new scale it said I was 12stones and 8Ib...and that really stressed me out for abit because I would go on the old scale and it would still say 12 stones 5Ib but it wasn't digital and to me I didn't feel it was telling the truth so I just carried on healthy eating and more exercise and these are my kind-off results from the new is more legid because I went on boots scales and it said the same.

Wednesday 22 September 2010 --- 12st.8Ib (176pounds) BMI= 27.11 -- Overweight.

Wednesday 29th September 2010 --- 12st,7.2Ib (175.2Ib) BMI= 27.0 -- Overweight.

Wednesday 6th October 2010 --- 12st,6.2Ib (174.2Ib) BMI= 26.84 -- Overweight.

This weeks weigh in..

I lost 1Ib this week and to be honest I was surprised and I am very very happy with this because last week I lost 0.8Ib and my Goal is too lose 5% of my weight in 8 weeks and to do that I need to lose 0.8Ib everyweek so that's my challenge.

It's so weird how like my knowledge of healthy eating and healthy weight loss has grown from when I first started this whole thing and if in that first week I had lost 1Ib or less I probably would have given up because in my mind losing the most the quickest was what I thought was the best but now I am wiser and I know what you will be doing to your body if you do you lose 5Ib or more in a week.....I would just have lost water and lean tissue (protein) and not enough fat and I don't really want to do that because I would just gain back the weight as quickly as I would have lost it.

So hopefully, If I carry on losing 0.8Ib or abit more a week I will be able to reach my goal of losing 5% of my body weight which is 8.8Ib in the next 8 weeks and I will be very happy.

Until next time...

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Hey Hope, well done on the weight loss, youve been through a really difficult time with the shock of whats happened to your friend. Hope she is ok now and out of something bad can come good. Maybe it will help her to turn her life around.

Glad youre starting to see the results of all of your hard work. The other thing that is important is perspective, for your height your weight is healthy, and I'm sure you look fab, I understand that you are aiming to be slimmer. Do try to see that you are more than likely already looking good and any extra is a bonus and will make you fitter. I'm sure youll get to where you want to be, but dont be too hard on yourself hun xx
well done on your weight loss :)
@Healthy2010 Hey, my friend is getting better and hopefully when she gets out of the hospital she will have changed and I know I am taller than some women and I feel so lucky that I have my heaight if I was shorter I think that my shape would be even worse than now....but I still don't like the flab and ishh on my body. I just want to be comfortable in my body and to just be able to do and wear what I feel comfortable in.

@Princess Jader Aw, thank you hun :)


Day 46

Today it was abit sunny and I thought to wear jeggins...I haven't worn them since march this year and I have only wore them once and that was with a massive jumper going all the way down my legs...of half way...

So today I wore jeggins with dolly shoes and I shirt that covered like the top half of my bottom and a leather jacket because the classes are always freezing and you never know with this weather....As I was walking to college I was just looking at myself through the car windows..doors when I went through the town center...(thats part of my journel) It was just was like my eyes were playing tricks on me...I actually at a moments wanted to turn around and change into a pair on jeans...

It wasn't because I felt uncomfortable...well I Dont, it was just weird because I remember when I wore a dress with black tights on everyone used to look at my legs and I felt uncomfortable but the jeggins looked right and no one I saw anyways looked at me and said oh gosh what is she wearing and I survived,lol.

It did get me thinking....will I always see myself as I am now? Will I ever be comfortable to wear those things that I dream to wear when I lose this weight and get to my ideal weight....the brain really does play tricks on you...I don't know thought id type some of my thoughts about today....

Until next time...
Heya babes!
I'm sure you looked fab in the jeggins!
Glad to see that you're taking a really healthy view of everything now! What book did you read? I'd like to have a look.
It's freezing here! I actually had to wear a scarf yesterday, jealous of your spot of sun!
Keep it up babes.
Thanks Pink, the book that I read was called lose weight, gain energy, get healthy.


Day 50

This is the day before my weigh-in tomor and I am quite scared because I have just been lazy i would really hit this morning when I went to the toilet and my pee was a dark yellow...which is not good at all...

I haven't been having enough water....nor fruits...I haven't written on my diary and most of all I didn't exercise on thursday and saturday which I am very very sad about....I did walk alot to and from college but I just don't know....And then theres sundays family barbarque where I had a burger and sausage which is not good....The only thing I did right was staying away from the junk crisps, chocolate...ect.

Tomor I will be happy with any lose or even staying the same but if I do gain some weight then atleast I know my errors and I can move on from there to better my healthy eating...I did workout today using my dvd hopefully that will help somewhat...

Until next time.
Aw, I hope your WI isn't too bad, it sounds as though you havent been like horribly awful or anything, s I'm sure it'll be better than you think.

Thanks for the book title, I might go look it up on amazon :)

How's college going?
@Pink, thanks and about the book...I have read 2 more books and their all basically the same. I think coz I knew like nothing except eat fruits/drink water no junk food...I learn't alot...I think if you go to your local library you might be surprised to find something you like about healthy eating.

And college is just...not can't wait for half term next week.

Day 56

Everything right now for me is just too much, like I was just sitting in lesson today and I just wanted to scream....and yesturday I was feeling so down...I was watching movies in my pj and then I had a little disagreement with someone nothing big and I remember walking into the kitchen, opening the draw and looking at this box of crisps...I wanted them so bad...

But I closed the draw and I sat outside and I thought I was gonna cry....and that's when I realised that junk food were my comfort foods when I have problems....You always hear those people saying why do you eat...blah...blah...blah...but you're like cos it tastes good. Wrong!

Oh Gosh...I hope it doesnt sound too sad, lol. I will be fine, life goes on...I am feeling better now though and I bought a purifier because I hate tap water it tastes so different to bottled water and purified water so I got it and bottled water is never is this house so now I can have good water whenever I like...will see how that goes.

Until next time...