Fat birds can't fly

Orrhh just stupid cows going overboard! Drama drama I try to avoid it, but when I'm dragged into it I just get anxious


Oats so simple 134
Skimmed milk 67. I didn't eat any of this, like two spoonfuls tbh!

2toast 276 (still not ww bread!)
Ham 57
Philly cheese 38
Quavers 83

Batchelors pasta n sauce 448
Milk 34
Ham 57

1194 cals
6 cals under

Another good day

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Hi how's it going ?

I've hit the cba stage. Finding juggling dieting uni 4 kids and being ill hard work :-/

Ready to give up on dieting and uni
Owh no don't give up on uni! Take a break from dieting, but dot go excessively over on foods, just relax a bit if that's what you need to do to get through this point,

I think we're all feeling like this, it's cold outside, nights are dark, mornings are dark, and it's coming up to Xmas!

Thankfully I'm a little on track now, I've decided I'll diet up to my holiday, enjoy my jolly and enjoy Xmas! Then new year, new goal,

Uni wise, don't give up :) I imagine you've worked bloody hard to get where you are and you should be proud of yourself, my degree was tough and in my second year, my dad passed away, he had cancer and it was an absolute terrible time for me. Tutors were really helpful, I didn't want to drop out etc but I just needed extra time to complete my coursework etc maybe have a word with tutors to do the same if your feeling stressed, in the end when I got my results I had excelled really well through all of that and got 1st's in my assignments which was fab!

Don't give up :) there's always ways around things!


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frankinstein123 said:
2toast 276 (still not ww bread!)

I had to give up on WeightWatchers bread it was low calorie but made me really hungry.

I now just get any wholemeal, and just recently have become addicted to Burgen Soya and Linseed bread. It is pretty high cal at 124 a slice, but is soooo filling and low GI so no insulin spikes.
Scrummy with scrambled eggs.
Oooo, I just can't justify the calories in one slice :-/ that's all! I'd rather have a slice or two or weigh watchers bacon with scrammy egg white n ww toast for similar cals lol

Ahh I am looking forward to Saturday! I have a cake to do for the next day but! In the evening me and bf have a pumpkin carving tradition, junk food and hocus pocus lol x

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MissAmy said:
I had to give up on WeightWatchers bread it was low calorie but made me really hungry.

I now just get any wholemeal, and just recently have become addicted to Burgen Soya and Linseed bread. It is pretty high cal at 124 a slice, but is soooo filling and low GI so no insulin spikes.
Scrummy with scrambled eggs.

I love burgen bread ..!!!! I make special trips to get it from bigger supermarkets as aldi and co-op don't do it ..!! The carb count is so low on one slice ... 12g as opposed to 24 in a regular wholemeal slice ..!!!! Therefore so low GI .. Abd you're right about those insulin spikes and Insulin is the fat hormone .!!
I love with scrambled eggs too x

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Never tried burgen bread lol suppose I can't knock it til I do! :)


Warburtons seeded bread 276
Heinz spaghetti and sausages 182

Chicken tenders 545

Potatoes 281
Carrots 25
Honey 23
Ww dairy spread 32

Party ring 29

1394 cals

194 over

I can't remember if I had 1 slice of toast or two yesterday lol but hey ho it was prob 2!

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PGCE is officially in, I've applied to edge hill primary and English education as my first choice, quite excited! I just hope I bloody get it this time!


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Goooood luck with PGCE!!! You are doing so well food-wise too :) When is your hol again?
18th November, I set myself a goal to be 12st7 by then, but tbh is be happy with 13st x

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Look what I had for breakfast x lol

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ooh whats that uve got? xxx
2 weight watchers toast with weight watcher marg on lol 2 quorn sausages, 100g mushrooms, and 4 egg whites with bits of ham in it :) yum! Lol

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Ww bread 142
Quorn sausages 140
Egg white 69
Mushrooms 22
Ham 38
Marg 16

Jammy dodger 101

Ww bread 142
Ham 38
Philly cheese 38
Ww crisps 75
Muller Greek 73

1/2 chocolate eclaire 75
Mini roll 116

1258 cals
58 over!

I won a £5er at slimmer of the week for winning woo lol

I have my tea at work, so that's why I haven't really had anything 'proper' lol did ok really I'm bang on 191 lbs which is like 13.64st

Hey ho my goal for this month is looking hopeful

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Well done you £5.00 In your pocket result!
Was the Heinz thing one of them sachet things they are grim
No it was one of those mini meals out of the tin, absolute rank! Lol I left some of it haha
I like the bachelors one haha
I'm sick of being put on lates at work! It means I can't cook a proper tea and I'm always starving in the evening when I get home :-/ actually hate my boss! Tonight I'm taking a tin of stagg chilli, and hoping it fills me up a bit better than butties :)


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Well had big decision to make this week whether to leave uni already have my degree on a professional course. Or take a lease on at a cob shop and set up my own business...

Equals lots of chocolate to help need through :-/