Fat boy starts today!

Aww yeah I know their scales do seem to be dodgy as my pharmacy, I actually weigh heavier on them but that's probably because I always wear jeans and when I weigh myself at home I don't! very frustrating the error they made, deffinately worth getting a good digital scale and checking at home aswell! But hey on a positive note 9lbs is fantastic! and you don't weight much anyway so naturally as you are only around the 11st marker the lighter you weight, naturally the less you will lose so well done and keep at it :) only a couple of weeks till you are off!
I lnow yippee i work in a hospital and am gonna get weighed in outpatientd before i go. :)
Yeah it's not a bad idea to use another set of scales just as a back up, lol I like my home scales haha wow so day 16!! I can't wait to get to like day 90 or something and then stop for a while!! It's so hard for me as I realise I am a night eater which is the worst type of eating, I only ever crave food at night during the day i'm fine but as soon as the night comes i'm starving lol doesn't help that i'm doing late night assignments :( lessons learnt = I can easily go without night eating (if I wasn't on this diet I would have probably gone to a take away and ordered some junk!) oh and that I need to get into a good pattern of sleeping to keep the weight off, if I know night times are dangerzones I must avoid them!
Morning, I've been on lipotrim for 5 days now. And even though food hasn't touched my lips I feel bloated and bigger? Is this normal? Thanks xx
Feeling bigger and bloated isn't something i've ever heard anyone say, usually it's that you feel lighter and you have noticed a difference in weight. It might be useful to consider calling the LT team to check it out or just asking your pharmacy as they may know?
Yeah it's not a bad idea to use another set of scales just as a back up, lol I like my home scales haha wow so day 16!! I can't wait to get to like day 90 or something and then stop for a while!! It's so hard for me as I realise I am a night eater which is the worst type of eating, I only ever crave food at night during the day i'm fine but as soon as the night comes i'm starving lol doesn't help that i'm doing late night assignments :( lessons learnt = I can easily go without night eating (if I wasn't on this diet I would have probably gone to a take away and ordered some junk!) oh and that I need to get into a good pattern of sleeping to keep the weight off, if I know night times are dangerzones I must avoid them!

I know I always get the munchies at night time, especially if I am working until 10pm, I put a wee thread up about my dreams of dancing beet roots lo :party0051:

Yeah go us, I am gonna do the refeed and maintenance next week, take maintenance products on my jollies and eat healthy ie take the batter of the cod lol :eating:
noooooooooooo Debbie my little LT buddy, how am I going to cope without you when you are on holiday? LOL :p haha nah I hope you have a fantastic time and I look forward to you coming back and rejoining me after your holiday :p who knows I might even be down to your weight so we can both start at the same pace (I doubt it I have a lot to lose) but yeah do enjoy yourself, maybe just the odd one fish with batter and chips :p but then the rest with side salads and steamed fish ;)

I keep forgetting that you live in Ireland so you will actually be boating or flying it over here?
Zoooom we flying over. Oh dont u worry bud I will still post lol im watching an advert for kfc heres hoping I dont dream about flying chicken wings tee hee
I had one piece of gym tonight :( I had to I was out with friends and I could feel the badness! Is this going to effect me too much?
hello my dear friends. I am sorry that I have not been able to write in the last few days as I have been very very busy with lots of university work but I hope you are all getting on well with your diets! debbie it's your feeding week this week isn't it? It must feel nice to be able to eat food again hahhahahaha let us know how you are doing. I am very happy because its day 20 for me, and us, butI must admit yesterday was a very tough day for me as I really wanted to jump on some junk food hahhahahaha but tomorrow is my way in and it would be 3 weeks I want to at least stick on this diet for another 5 more weeks and then I am going to come of it for a day or 2 and then go back on for another 4 weeks. I think I have lost about 5 lbs this week and although is tough at the end of the week it shin field worth it and I know that once I have lost all of this wat I can treat myself to a 1 off nice meal of burgers chips or whatever pizza in a minute hahhahahaha anyway all the best to you all and keep us updated on the progress
Hi Bubz me old plates of meat. I did refeed today had a shake this morning and out for lunch took chicken salad. Stuffed could hardly move and it was such a small pirtion whoop. Well done u on day 20 and the xcitement of weigh in. Im gonna get weighed Tuesday and get the maintenance products to take with me. I really cant believe how full my bellt feels:)
Hi Bubz me old plates of meat. I did refeed today had a shake this morning and out for lunch took chicken salad. Stuffed could hardly move and it was such a small pirtion whoop. Well done u on day 20 and the xcitement of weigh in. Im gonna get weighed Tuesday and get the maintenance products to take with me. I really cant believe how full my bellt feels:)

Haha that's fantastic to hear Debbie, indeed that is what happens when you don't eat for so long the stomach shrinks, and what we must do is to keep it shrunk for the rest of our lives so that we can feed full after eating a little, the more we eat the more we stretch it! now the only problem for me is that I will be breaking my diet on eid which is a special day where muslims tend to traditionally feast like mad! haha so I think i'm only going to have a tinnyyyy bit of food and be stuffed! My family will probably look at me like :confused:

Really good to hear that you are on your maintainance! I look forward to buddying back up with you when you get back!

Oooo chicken salad sounds so delicious! How small was the portion? *drools* lol
Yeah a tiny bit of food sounds bout right lil
Hi all!! Just read all the posts and I want to start right now!
Just wondering how much you've lost all together so far?
I'm going on holiday in 2weeks and have done some intense research about Lipotrim and think it would be ideal,I'm pretty positive I'm in the right frame of mind! Although, I'm really really worried because everyone has spoken about drinking lots of water, I can't do that...can you drink sugar free cordial?
Kylaa u can only drink water :)
Or black tea and black coffee. Green tea is ok as well. Anything else u wont go into ketosis
Oh bugger! :-(
I'm have to opt for water from that small few lol,and even that is a huge shock.
Is it 2 litres of water a day?
Can you chew gum
Hiya kylaa, Lipotrim is fantastic and the water thing might seem tough but most of our food contains water and its a scientific fact that most things in th is world are made of mainly water, including us lol but what I find makes it easier is for the first week buy a 6 pack bottle of water, like volvic 2ltr bottles so you know each day the bottle is empty you have got enough water, it's so important because fat leaves the body through our water (sweat and urine), and trust me it's so good for your skin and health! I've lost 20lbs and i been doing it 3 weeks it's not easy but it's worth it and sadly no gum is allowed not even sugar free as it has carbs in them
Hi Kylaa! I'm not a water fan either (or wasn't until last month!!) but after a couple of days of forcing the water down it actually becomes your best friend, it's a lot easier to drink than you think once you get over the "but its SOOOO boring" phase :) x