Fear of a (please don't let me be a) fat bridesmaid!

You've probably had your morning shake by now, but some people split the shake powder and have two smaller ones.

Have a good afternoon tea :)

Life goes on and we have to work around these things.

Me, I'm down in London, although not originally from there.
Thanks Sadie!
How long you been in London is it for work? X
I've lived in London for about 12 years, and yes work has taken me here. But I've lived all over the place as my Dad used to move around due to work as well so we moved around as a family.

Thinking about it, being in London has been the longest I've lived in one place :)
You must be settled then Sadie which is good! I visit quite often with work but it seems like another world
Soooo afternoon tea.... I managed to give away my 3 glasses of champagne. I had 1 egg sandwich (no crust) 1 mini chicken wrap (thumb size) and half a mini bagel with smoked salmon and cucumber. I did then have one mini chocolate cake and half a scone.

I didn't eat any pork pie or other cakes.

So although not ideal I was restrained. Feel soooooo bloated and thirsty though!
Sounds like a nice tea - and very restrained, well done :D

I live in Bristol

......apart from a few years working in eastern Canada, have lived here all my life :)
Wow darcy that sounds fun what did you do over there?

I'm only having a shake now, hot vanilla yummy but I feel gross SO SO SO SO THIRSTY!!!!!!
I feel grumpy as I'm bloated yuk yuk yuk
Wow darcy that sounds fun what did you do over there?

I'm only having a shake now, hot vanilla yummy but I feel gross SO SO SO SO THIRSTY!!!!!!
I feel grumpy as I'm bloated yuk yuk yuk

I was nursing in a large hospital in St Johns, Newfoundland :)
Day 10 image.jpeg

I've drank about 3 litres of water since 6pm I'm soooooo thirsty. Hope I can sleep x
Woke up still sooooooo thirsty. Don't understand it at all. Having abit of a down day today got quite a few stressful situations and would normally be thinking f*ck it by now and planning a super naughty tea but I'm going to try get through the next 2 days as I've obviously got to eat at the weekend.

It just annoys and upsets me that I've let myself get to this weight, every time in the past when I've started/restarted a diet I've said the same thing and lose a couple of stone but then put it and more back on. I don't know why I'm so big though I don't drink pop or eat chocolate or cake and 90% of my food is home cooked and I hardly drink alcohol only on occasions. I know that all sounds like I'm lying as I wouldn't be the weight I am but it's true. Granted I don't exercise but still.

I'm just sad that I'm having to be so extreme to try and lose weight Guess it's just one of those days its first one I've been sad so I guess that's something
You did well at your afternoon tea :)

It is really hard to make sensible and good choices at things like that. The food in the picture looks yummy :(

The bloating will go after a day of 100% TS.

As to being settled in London, I may have been here a long time but I still don't consider it home and most of my family are elsewhere. I expect we will move out eventually.
Just seen your earlier post - I think our post must have "crossed"

Don't beat yourself up about getting so big. You're taking positive steps towards getting thinner. Stay strong Emma, you've made a great start on the diet :)
Had a good day with new products.
White choc and raspberry shake this morning was nice.
Then has a chocolate orange bar this afternoon and it was yummy it even had chocolate chips on it!!!!
Just having hot chocolate mint shake now.

Mums poorly so spent some time with her and made her a giant crumpet with butter as previously discussed carbs are my down fall! But fully resisted Even the chocolate mousse she had I wasn't bothered!
Feeling more positive today but still soooooo thirsty!!! Cannot stop drinking!!!
No point in thinking about the past

....what's done is done o_O

You're doing something about your weight now

....focus on that and be proud :)
Thanks Sadie and darcy for being positive and making me feel like I'm doing the right thing and it's worth it x
Just prepping for my client appointment in the morning, my turn to be observed so double checking all my pension info - daft that as soon as you're going to be checked I'm doubting my knowledge and style! Never met this client either so hope they're nice.

Will be a big change having my shake at 8am as I normally have it at 9/9.30.
I really should be asleep by now! Still drinking millions which can only be a good thing surely? Down side is back and forward to the bathroom lol.

Hope everyone's had a good day x
Hope all goes well today for you, the chocolate orange bar is lovely isn't it and the chocolate chips are such a treat for a chocoholic like me! Have a good day x
Thanks Bex you too!
I'm wanting to try a hot bar but as I have my bar at lunch I think that may be hard lol trying to avoid 2 bars a day as think I'll have to do that 2 days next week X
Hope today goes well Emma :)

Have a hot bar when you're at home for the day.
Have a hot bar when you're at home for the day.

How long do you heat the bars for? Sounds quite tempting... Are there any particular flavours where it works well?