Fear of a (please don't let me be a) fat bridesmaid!

Sooooo was excited to try hot choc bar.... 20 seconds is FAR too long! Yuky burnt yuk. Still ate it though as it was my lunch and it's 4.30 just been non stop.

Car passed its MOT though yay! X
Sooooo the weekend beginning
If I'm honest I feel a mixture of nerves and sadness. I don't like that I'm having to lie but they won't understand.

I've got chicken breakfast and a vegetable stir fry pack ( no noodles or sauce) for tea and lettuce pepper and tuna for lunch then not going to drink ( we're a boozey lot so may be hard) then plain omelette for breakfast. Best laid plans and all that.
Weighed in this morning at 16.8(6) I was 16.10(4) on Monday so not sure if by Monday's official weigh in I'll of put weight on
Had my shake this morning, got to the lakes and I had tuna, boiled egg, pepper and lettuce with a tiny bit of lighter than light mayo but to be honest made me feel bit sick.

Just done 5 mile walk round buttermere and came into the pub the girls are having wine, pints and crisps I've had a pint of water and a pint of Diet Coke.

They're all going to eat tonight but I've brought food which is fine. They're talking about drinking and I'm tempted to have 1 or 2 but worried if it'll make me poorly x
Enjoy your weekend and face the scales Monday :eat: x
No one answered me about drinking.... Turns out if you go from being in ketosis to having a few drinks you get very drunk!
Oh no! Did you have fun tho?! :banana_dancer: X
Sorry I missed your post Emma. I took myself out of ketosis for a family weekend because I wanted to have a drink. I will be doing the same for the Easter weekend as we have another family gathering. Alcohol and ketosis don't mix :(
Thanks darcy good to know for next time!
Had a lovely time. Was just very drunk but not as bad as one of the girls lol!
Feel rough this morning well today it's 3pm!

I had a 2 egg omelette this morning and 2 pieces of bacon. I've resisted the carbs so far and offer of lunch. I'm sooooooo craving a parmo for tea must be strong and resist. Think that's more the problem of drinking getting back on the Exante band wagon straight away! Really worried about the weigh in tomorrow X
My goodness I want a parmo! X
Very proud of myself saw the girls tonight they had a parmo and cheesy chips I resisted even though it killed me!
Just had a jam and yogurt bar was ok but very hard felt like it took an effort to eat it. Just realised I've only had the omelette and bacon this morning then that.

I'm really really worried about getting weighed in the morning. I'm panicking incase I've put on! How much damage have I done with the fizz!
Yesterday image.jpeg
image.jpeg Today
Last week I was 16.10(4)
Now I'm 16.8(6)
Only lost one and a half pound

I'm really sad
That's still 1.5 pounds down, and you are weighing yourself straight after a weekend off plan. I bet you have a bumper loss this week now :)

Don't let it discourage you, you are doing really well and looks like you made good food choices at the weekend x
But it's 1.5 lb gone for good, well done Emma