Fizzys juddd dance

It's just a number, don't fixate on it! Just work on going down x
14 10.4 this morning, looked less horrific on the scales.

Plan is..... Drumroll please..... Replace two meals with shakes this wk, wedding this wknd and then vlcd until I get to 13 10, then juddd.

That's the intent anyways
Sounds like a plan to me love x
14 8'6 and that was with an evening meal, and wine!!

Fasting until 5 today? Though have woken with a stinking cold, to the point I'm considering taking the day off work! Will get up and get showered and see how I go.

Will need a lot of willpower today as feeling sorry for myself is never good for the comfort eating
Just remember that food won't make u feel better :) x
Super duper sick! But made it to 6pm with only a McD's capuchino and a s&s meal pack.

Awaiting the hubband to return and make me curry to feel better!