Frances' New House, New Life, New Start Diary...

Seen you around for ages but never got around to popping in to subscribe, hiya! x What's your name on MFP btw? xx
Hiya.. N welcome :)
MFP name is Francesoreilly There's a link to it on my page if yer on laptop?
Dubchick81 said:
Isn't it?! What I cud hav said to that girl had it been another day!! Altho I know it wasn't her fault... But I was so annoyed!! About 10 years of applying....

That's bad! 10 years!
That's bad! 10 years!
Ya know what? Its probably more.. I know she had really bad asthma since I was in primary school n seeing the docs since back that far.. N it went on so long the docs were applying for her.. She'd just ring n tell them she'd got another refusal letter n they'd apply again.. They knew she needed it and in fairness to them gave her allot of her inhalers from their own storage.. But obviously she had to buy the majority as they don't keep supplies of stuff..
It's unreal Frances hon... Why do we pay money towards something that gives nothing back to us!? That's just a bloody disgrace. I see so many wasters getting benefits and then you hear of a genuine case and it makes me so angry. Luckily my Dad has a medical card now but he wouldn't have got it if they knew I lived here and earn money - they would take my earnings as enough to pay for all of us even though I'm earning pittance and can barely keep afloat on me own. It's terrible. Your poor Mam. I'm so mad about that now! X (((hugs)))

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
It's unreal Frances hon... Why do we pay money towards something that gives nothing back to us!? That's just a bloody disgrace. I see so many wasters getting benefits and then you hear of a genuine case and it makes me so angry. Luckily my Dad has a medical card now but he wouldn't have got it if they knew I lived here and earn money - they would take my earnings as enough to pay for all of us even though I'm earning pittance and can barely keep afloat on me own. It's terrible. Your poor Mam. I'm so mad about that now! X (((hugs)))

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
I know. It really angers me too..
Like, take my sister in law, she CAN work, but chooses not to......... because my brothers on disability so she stays home to keep him company!!! WTF!!! Get off yer lazy ass n get a job n stop sponging off the rest of us!!! In fairness, he's on disability n altho he can't do anything physical, he CUD actually still get an admin/office based job if he so wanted!! But his attitude is why shud he when he can get all sorts of benefits n sleep day n play online games all night!! Makes me so bloody mad!!
We weren't raised that way.. My Dad worked so hard n raised us all to earn our keep n be independant.. OK I understand we're in hard times, but at least TRY...
I've (thankfully) never been a day unemployed in my life.. I dropped out of school but literally finished school 1 day n started work at 8am the following day n have worked ever since..
I know. It really angers me too..
Like, take my sister in law, she CAN work, but chooses not to......... because my brothers on disability so she stays home to keep him company!!! WTF!!! Get off yer lazy ass n get a job n stop sponging off the rest of us!!! In fairness, he's on disability n altho he can't do anything physical, he CUD actually still get an admin/office based job if he so wanted!! But his attitude is why shud he when he can get all sorts of benefits n sleep day n play online games all night!! Makes me so bloody mad!!
We weren't raised that way.. My Dad worked so hard n raised us all to earn our keep n be independant.. OK I understand we're in hard times, but at least TRY...
I've (thankfully) never been a day unemployed in my life.. I dropped out of school but literally finished school 1 day n started work at 8am the following day n have worked ever since..

Oh yea.. both of them have medical cards.. get mortgage relief.. get all sorts of extra's including back to school etc... I'd say she pulls in as much, if not more than me a month..
That's unreal. Things like that really anger people. They're living off the taxes of people who can barely make ends meet themselves. Terrible isn't it? Grrr.
I was brought up the same way hon, independent and earn your keep! Was only unemployed for a couple months after college till I got the job I'm in now and been working since I was 13.

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
That's unreal. Things like that really anger people. They're living off the taxes of people who can barely make ends meet themselves. Terrible isn't it? Grrr.
I was brought up the same way hon, independent and earn your keep! Was only unemployed for a couple months after college till I got the job I'm in now and been working since I was 13.

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
Me too.. Infuriates me.. I know their my family n all but its just laziness on both parts.. Disability people (not sure if its social welfare r who funds it) sent him thru college to get him qualifications so he could get work in a non physical position (he's got ECDL in CAD) where he could earn more than minimum wage.. So no excuse.. But they're just 1 example of people screwing the country running us into the ground.. I know the whole country practically blame the government n bankers etc, and so do I to a degree, but people like them (my brother n sister in law) have played their part in destroying the country!!
Wednesday, August 08th

W: 2Lt

B: 30g Porridge made with water - 3pp

L: Brown roll (5) Edam cheese (2) Tomato. S&V Walkers MP (4) - 11pp

S: Magnum Classic (7) Chunky Kit Kat (7) - 14pp

D: Veg (courgette. white onion. mushrooms. carrots. sweetcorn. green beans. 1/2 clove garlic. 1/2 green finger chilli) 50g Wholgrain Rice (5) Raggae Chicken (4) - 10pp

S: Jammie Wagon Wheel (5) King C&O MP (4) - 9pp

Terrible Total: 47/29

What a terrible goodies day.. No end to the munchies.. WILL do better (in fairness its not gona be hard lol)
:O wagon wheel!!! proper old school havent had one of these since i was like 8!!! xxx
:O wagon wheel!!! proper old school havent had one of these since i was like 8!!! xxx
I know it was YUM.. Jonathan bought them in the garage the other day.. They must have been on sale coz he came out with 2 packs of
Yum to wagon wheels,will have to have a look out for the chilli fingers!
I'd never seen them before.. They're like half the size of yer baby finger.. i got the green ones which were the "mild" ones.. So hot.. But so yummy!!
Dubchick81 said:
I'd never seen them before.. They're like half the size of yer baby finger.. i got the green ones which were the "mild" ones.. So hot.. But so yummy!!

Will nip on the Tescos site for them,have a nose.
Found the right things then,something for the OH as I couldn't eat them lol
Jonathan won't either.. I can't wait to live back with him and make something with them in it ha ha.. Jonathan will combust after 1 bite ha ha ha ha... Yes I am evel