Frances' New House, New Life, New Start Diary...

Dubchick81 said:
Jonathan won't either.. I can't wait to live back with him and make something with them in it ha ha.. Jonathan will combust after 1 bite ha ha ha ha... Yes I am evel

Lol this made me giggle,pics please of the steam coming out of his ears ;0)
LOL poor jonathan.

Yum to the wagon wheel!!
Jammie wagon wheel!!? Ya _jammie_ get ya (geddit?). I love those. Mmm... kit kat chunky... my my my... I haven't had one of those bad boys in a while. Might treat meself this weekend :p My sisters husband to be ate FOUR kit kat chunkies in a row the other night (it was like one GIANT kitkat hehe). And ya should see the size of him... he's like a RAKE. Unreal. Sickens me, it really does lol!

Any plans for the weekend? I have the smelly dentist on Saturday and then I have a 4 mile run in Dunleer to do on Sunday. Not very exciting lol. xx
Jammie wagon wheel!!? Ya _jammie_ get ya (geddit?). I love those. Mmm... kit kat chunky... my my my... I haven't had one of those bad boys in a while. Might treat meself this weekend :p My sisters husband to be ate FOUR kit kat chunkies in a row the other night (it was like one GIANT kitkat hehe). And ya should see the size of him... he's like a RAKE. Unreal. Sickens me, it really does lol!

Any plans for the weekend? I have the smelly dentist on Saturday and then I have a 4 mile run in Dunleer to do on Sunday. Not very exciting lol. xx
Ha ha.. Get you.. Who's on top form today?? ha ha.. It was yum.. tasted like another :) but I stopped at just the one!! Think I had enough crap for 1 day!!!
I know.. One of the girls in work gave it to me. I opened it with the intention of having 1 chunk, then 1 today... but I munched the whole thing in no time.. Whoops :D

No plans for the weekend at all.. Have booked tomoro off as we're meant to hav good weather so plan on tidying up the back garden for me lovely puppy and then hopefully sitting out with him relaxing reading me book :) Hopefully the weather stays and makes it possible.. Then nothing on the weekend at all.. Couple of DVD nights cosying in with the "luvly" Jonathan ha ha..
I want to stay off drink for at least a few weeks so don't plan on having any hangovers so hopefully not too much bold munching.. :)
Dubchick81 said:
Just ordered myself a family size George Foreman grill.. :)
Will use it at home to ensure I have nice healthy meals, n take it with me when I move.. Whenever the hell that'll be :mad:

Ooh sounds good
Dubchick81 said:
Just ordered myself a family size George Foreman grill.. :)
Will use it at home to ensure I have nice healthy meals, n take it with me when I move.. Whenever the hell that'll be :mad:

Great idea :0)
Ha ha.. Get you.. Who's on top form today?? ha ha.. It was yum.. tasted like another :) but I stopped at just the one!! Think I had enough crap for 1 day!!!
I know.. One of the girls in work gave it to me. I opened it with the intention of having 1 chunk, then 1 today... but I munched the whole thing in no time.. Whoops :D

No plans for the weekend at all.. Have booked tomoro off as we're meant to hav good weather so plan on tidying up the back garden for me lovely puppy and then hopefully sitting out with him relaxing reading me book :) Hopefully the weather stays and makes it possible.. Then nothing on the weekend at all.. Couple of DVD nights cosying in with the "luvly" Jonathan ha ha..
I want to stay off drink for at least a few weeks so don't plan on having any hangovers so hopefully not too much bold munching.. :)

Aye I know. I'm in alright form for once? Strange isn't it heehee!! Dunno what's wrong with me at all at all! Hope it lasts even though I know it won't ;)
Ah I do that too. I put half a bar in me gob and half in the fridge and then a half hour later I'm staring into the fridge at the bar lol. If I open something I generally have to eat it all!!

Oooh least you remembered you have tomorrow booked off... not like me yesterday and me boss going "What the hell are you working for, you're supposed to be off today" lol!! Think I'll work from home tomorrow and relax a bit. My sister is collecting her wedding dress with it's final adjustments made (I think) so that's quite exciting too. She looks just amazing in it.. honest to god, she has a figure to die for!!

I love those cosy DVD nights cuz there's no panic of hassle or messin' getting ready! Good plan on the alcohol front... I find I enjoy my weekends more when I'm not drinking. Think it's because I don't spend the entire day in bed with a headache hehe!

Just ordered myself a family size George Foreman grill.. :)
Will use it at home to ensure I have nice healthy meals, n take it with me when I move.. Whenever the hell that'll be :mad:

That's a good plan. I have one at home and we use it a good bit. I make me toasties in it.. mmm... :)
Always been quite intrigued by George foreman grills so I will be excited to see what you use yours for. I really should resist yet more kitchen gadgetry. My kitchen is just not big enough for it.

Any more news on the house? Or any viewings planned on other houses?
Atomic pink said:
Always been quite intrigued by George foreman grills so I will be excited to see what you use yours for. I really should resist yet more kitchen gadgetry. My kitchen is just not big enough for it.

Any more news on the house? Or any viewings planned on other houses?
I loved my GF before. Done everything in it from grilled veg, sandwiches, meat... They're great. Honest defo s worthwhile investment. N theyv come down so much in price.

Been to see a few houses. N a few more viewings booked. Haven't heard anything more about the other house. He said 2 weeks so that's by the weekend so we'll see. I don't think we'll hear anything from him tbh. Annoying but expected at this stage

Jaly said:
You can't beat a GF ham and cheese toastie for breakfast imo, making them in the grill just isn't the same!

Hope you've had a nice day Frances :) Food looks good from MFP!

YUMMMM. Der so juicy n melty n yummilicious :)
Have had an ok day ta. Was working til 4.30 but stayed back to watch Katie Taylor fight in Olympics ;) Wohooo... Go Katie :)
Then went to Iceland to pick up a few bits. Then contemplated going for z walk but ended up making a start on tidying up the back garden. So that'll count as my exercise ha ha

How was ur day?
I love my gf, although I find once you clean it it starts to wreck the grill part! I always cook sausages on it! Reduced fat of course! Did you see the Katie Taylor fight! I swear there was not one staff member on the shop floor while it was on, we were all crowded around the tv in the waiting area!:)
Is this the girl on girl thread? Lol
All loving your GF
Skittlelover said:
I love my gf, although I find once you clean it it starts to wreck the grill part! I always cook sausages on it! Reduced fat of course! Did you see the Katie Taylor fight! I swear there was not one staff member on the shop floor while it was on, we were all crowded around the tv in the waiting area!:)
Yea I stayed back at work to watch it. We were all crowded around 1 pc on the floor. Managers n directors n all. It was so close. The director popped a bottle of champers n all when she won : D
Yea my last got wrecked from too much cleaning. Saying that I had it about 4 years n it was just the 2 person one so was only about 20 quid
nessa123 said:
Is this the girl on girl thread? Lol
All loving your GF
huh? Katie Taylor is the girl that was representing Ireland in the Olympics Hun. Is that what u asked?
Dubchick81 said:
Yea I stayed back at work to watch it. We were all crowded around 1 pc on the floor. Managers n directors n all. It was so close. The director popped a bottle of champers n all when she won : D
Yea my last got wrecked from too much cleaning. Saying that I had it about 4 years n it was just the 2 person one so was only about 20 quid

huh? Katie Taylor is the girl that was representing Ireland in the Olympics Hun. Is that what u asked?

LOL you are all saying you love your GF as in George foremans but to me GF is girlfriend I'm getting confussed and think you are all turning lesbian lol
Good luck for WI Hun xx