Frances' New House, New Life, New Start Diary...

azwethinkweiz said:
Emma... it's Friday!! Woooop!! :)

Frances, I STS too. So I've put on a lb last week and kept it on this week - oops! Ah well. Next week is another week. So much for getting these pounds off the the wedding next month LOL xx

They'll b well gone by then Hun. :)
At least We'v not gained eh?
why did i say Monday morning!!!!! its Friday!!! hahaha!!! shows i wasnt awake properly!!!

aw so cute!!!! not long until he can go out for playtime!!!! omg i know, i will be awful when we have babies like literally i think i will never want to leave them lol and will end up having hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of photos!!!! lol xxxx
Aww man. Just started my period :( Dudn realise I was due this week. That sux! More content with a STS tho :)
Ok hav cleaned up the back as best I can so am now sitting in the sun reading my book with my stereo playing. I cud get used to living in a sunny climate
Dubchick81 said:
Aww man. Just started my period :( Dudn realise I was due this week. That sux! More content with a STS tho :)
Ok hav cleaned up the back as best I can so am now sitting in the sun reading my book with my stereo playing. I cud get used to living in a sunny climate

Sounds like a perfect afternoon hun enjoy and well done on the STS XX
Thank you ladies.. OMG its a scorcher out there...

Stringer has somehow managed to hurt his leg/paw and is limping :( NO idea what happened him.. One minute he was running around playing n being happy.. Then he was asleep under my sun chair, then he was limping.. I've checked his paws n legs n there's nothing visible.. So I've NO IDEA what happened.. He's not crying r whimpering so I can only hope its just a bump n he'll b OK soon.. Will keep a close eye on him over the next couple of days..
Just typical tho.. Soon as I clean up the place he hurts himself.. Shud hav left it!
Dubchick81 said:
Exactly what it is ha ha.

Emma, jus for u x

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Aw bless him. How old is he? Doug is 8 weeks. Has he had his jabs yet?xxx

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Mrsm79 said:
Aw bless him. How old is he? Doug is 8 weeks. Has he had his jabs yet?xxx

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He's 10 weeks now. Just had his second needles on Tuesday gone so we can start bringing him out next week :)
Yay. I can't wait to take Doug out. He loves the garden so he'll love coming out for little walks with us.

He's stopped limping so must hav just baged it r something. Will still keep a close eye tho
Awwww, glad Stringer's limp has cleared up. And a STS is definitely better than a gain so don't be too disappointed. New week now so as you said you can try and have a 100% week.
Atomic pink said:
Awwww, glad Stringer's limp has cleared up. And a STS is definitely better than a gain so don't be too disappointed. New week now so as you said you can try and have a 100% week.

Had a few beers last night. Oops. Do much for not drinking :) Ah sure it's the weekend. No hangover so no hangover munchies. N was out so no maccers at the end of the night. So all the bad eatin that usually goes with me drinking is cut out. Not so bad. Will get in lotza walking this week as Stringwrs allowed out from Tuesday n my BFs going away workin so all the walkin is down to me. Not that I'm complaining. Iv been dying for this for ages :)
ooooooh puppy walking!! Very exciting. I get you won't get very far though as everyone you pass will make you stop so they can fuss the little fellow.

And a few beers isn't the end of the world. It seems to be the bad food that accompanies and follows the drinking that does the most damage and you have avoided that so sure everything will be fine.
Sounds like a nice weekend :) x
Atomic pink said:
ooooooh puppy walking!! Very exciting. I get you won't get very far though as everyone you pass will make you stop so they can fuss the little fellow.

And a few beers isn't the end of the world. It seems to be the bad food that accompanies and follows the drinking that does the most damage and you have avoided that so sure everything will be fine.

Ha ha. I kno I'm planning in going to the local park n hopefully won't get stopped too much. Can't wait til we can like fling the ball across the park n hav him chase it. Not sure he'll cum back just yet ha ha. In fact, had a horrible dream last night that I bright him out n he ran off. Oh the panic
I've eaten really badly this weekend, would've been better off drinking beers hehe. Need to be good now today, got a 4 mile run in Dunleer here at 3pm (wish me luck x)

I so love your dog :) Be careful letting him off the leash, there are gardaí about only too willing to fine ya... Few people got fined around here and at the beach recently.
Ya'll have to teach him the come command so he doesn't run off lol! Our dog ran off on my Dad when she heard a gunshot (guys hunting in the fields). Luckily she just ran straight home, she was waiting at the back door to get in, she was scared the poor thing.

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He actually probably less likely to run off while he's still a young puppy than later on because he will be more dependent on you now than he will be when he's fully grown. Its when they are 9-12 months you really need to worry abou the running off but getting plenty of recall training in now should really help. Extending leads are quite good for recall training too, or at least good for management of your anxiety about him running off!
Yea I have 1 of them extending leads. For now tho we'll b teaching him to walk by our sides. I don't think he wud run off tbh. I can't move n he's at my side. If I'm cooking he comes n sits at my feet at the cooker. If I'm doing washing he sits under me. If I'm in the loo he sits in front of the door til I cum out... I can't do anything without him being a magnet lol

Ooh let's kno how u get in Sarah. Ur doin so well with yer running. X