Frances' New House, New Life, New Start Diary...

Yea was. Nice. Quiet. But nice. Heading cinema later with my BF coz he's leaving me for a few days to go n work in Tralee. Is it mean I'm looking forward to a few days without him?? I will miss him. But I like havin a few days to myself.
Thought I'd give u all a giggle. Here's a pic of me at age about 2

Awwww how cute! X
Dubchick81 said:
Yea was. Nice. Quiet. But nice. Heading cinema later with my BF coz he's leaving me for a few days to go n work in Tralee. Is it mean I'm looking forward to a few days without him?? I will miss him. But I like havin a few days to myself.

Yea quiet is nice sometimes :0) hope you have a nice time at the cinema,what film are you seeing?so long as you're missing him I think a break is always good ;0)
Dubchick81 said:
The new Bourne movie I think. I'll have dinner before we go n just hav a diet drink there.

Oh cool,I love the first three films and it looks good,enjoy,good idea with dinner first though I'd still have a little treat there ;0)
Dubchick81 said:
Thought I'd give u all a giggle. Here's a pic of me at age about 2

<img src=""/>

Omg look at ur blond curly hair !!!!
Blonde curly hair, you're a gorgeous child! You're gorgeous now too of course :) xx

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Not mean at all! Curry looks really good! How did u make it??

And u look really cute in ur picture! Hope stringer enjoyed his walk! And didn't poop too much!
Aww look at that baby pic sooo cute!!
Dinner look great and I hope you enjoy the film hun xx
Not sure if the recipe is in my thread hun. It's simple tho. Heat oil in pot, add chicken n cook on low heat til lightly browned. Add peppers onions n mushrooms n cook til veg is soft. Add tablespoon of curry spice (or more, depends how ya like it) Cook for about 2 mins til all veg n chicken pieces are covered. Add tin chopped tomatoes n cook on high for 4 r 5 mibs stirring constantly. Turn heat to low n cook for about 10 mins (until sauce thickens) n serve :) (I use 3 fillets for 4 servings)