Funny little quirks and traits!

I have the problem with apostrophes, also with bad spelling! Its the first thing I tell people when I am proofing documents. I tend not to do it on chat forums as such! But you have all been warned hee hee.
I HATE my husband slurping his soup :eek: you'd think after nearly 40 years he'd be sick of me telling him!
I hate people that hint!! My whole family do it!! Its more their traits than mine i suppose but i DETEST it!!!

Like 'Oh the light bulb needs changing and im too short'
or 'i dont want to drive but i really need to go to...'

Just blummin ask me!! Sorry this is quite the rant now but its horrible. I think im doing a nice suprise for someone but really they're expecting me to do it and get annoyed if i havent!! - i purposely now say 'oh right' and walk away or if they get annoyed 'oh, you should have asked' lol xx

BTW they are very aware that they do it i have pointed it out many times!!
I have the problem with apostrophes, also with bad spelling! Its the first thing I tell people when I am proofing documents. I tend not to do it on chat forums as such! But you have all been warned hee hee.

Oh dear, I don't want to be unkind to all these nice people here, but you will have a full time job if you are going to correct spelling on this forum!! :D

I agree with you about the apostrophes too, but I am trying to ignore them - life is too short to be cross all the time!!

I also hate abbreviations. "Cuppa", that's the worst. Closely followed by "uni". And unfortunately, since I look at this forum quite often, "carbs" is another one. And "dairy" - as in "I don't eat dairy" - eeek!

Oh look, you've set me off now! Someone is going to come on here soon and say they can't stand people who are fussy about abbreviations . . . . :D :D
I also hate abbreviations. "Cuppa", that's the worst. Closely followed by "uni". And unfortunately, since I look at this forum quite often, "carbs" is another one. And "dairy" - as in "I don't eat dairy" - eeek!

None of these are as bad as "hubby"... :jelous:
I have a real thing about people spelling the word 'definitely' as 'definately' grrrrr
I am an apostrophe buff. I hate the misuse of them. I also don't like u and ur and gd. I even punctuate my text messages correctly. Sad I know.
I am an apostrophe buff. I hate the misuse of them. I also don't like u and ur and gd. I even punctuate my text messages correctly. Sad I know.

I stopped using "text talk" when I was doing my exams at school. It was far too tempting to not write properly! I've written every single text message with full punctuation since.
I had forgotten that I also like my pegs to match on each item. I have blue, yellow and green pegs. Why didn't I buy pegs that were all the same colour?! :rolleyes:

I hate noisy eating. Hate it. I think it started with my dad, who munches noisily. Now I just can't stand it on anyone. It puts me off my food!

When washing up, I always have to rinse all the bubbles off with fresh water before putting the item on the draining board.

I absolutely hate it if someone else parks outside my house. I can't stand it. It makes me really cross! That's not really an OCD thing, just a road-rage thing I think.

Oh yeah. Cutlery in the drawer has got to go knives, forks, spoons in that order. I even like them in that order in the dishwasher.

I have to moisturise head to toe after I bathe. I don't feel right otherwise!

I used to be obsessive about 'fairness' in portion sizes. I still am! I am more flexible when it comes to food now, as I realise that I need to eat a LOT less than OH, but sometimes it still creeps in..that we should have exactly the same sized blob of mash or whatever. Then I catch what I am doing and tell myself off. I still have to have exactly equal amounts of wine in a glass though. That one must always be fair!
Our dinner plates and side plates are blue, green, yellow and red. I always have to give my OH the most "masculine" colour. I randomly pull them off the shelf but if there is a red and a blue he has the blue, if a green and yellow he has the green (even though it's my favourite colour), etc.

Oh God... I'm worse than I thought I was.
None of these are as bad as "hubby"... :jelous:

Oh yes, that's awful too. Mind you, "other half" is not much better!

Shirleen, I would not dream of ignoring you!! :) And I definitely agree with you about "definately"!

And yes, my text messages are all correctly spelt, with all the right capital letters and punctuation (including apostrophes!).

I once sent my sister an email with no capitals or punctuation. She emailed back to ask if I was ill. :D
oh dear i think i must bug alot of people i'm terrible with spelling and using text cause i'm lazy.

one think that really does bug me is when people say i give 110% no u don't theres no such think.
Me too tinkerbellsmum, how can you give any more than 100%??? I get so cross when people do it on TV. Argh!

As for the text speak, it's each to their own, I just find it really hard to read my daughter's texts when she sends them to me!!! I also worry that we're going to have a generation of people not being able to spell correctly so I always nag my daughter ;-)
OOh you have reminded me that i cant get into an unmade bed,no way. I'm not too bad with abreviations and grammar but i do really hate some words,my particular hate at the moment is 'jeggins' i own some and they are fantastic but OMG is it a stupid word !!!
great thread. heres mine
checking doors are locked - even to the point of driving a mile down the road and turning back to check !!
checking the fires off - do the same as above !!
all sockets switched off - same as above - again !!
cleaning the bathroom whilst brushing my teeth
I have certain ways to hang things on the line - when Paul hangs things out , I will go and 're-hang' them !!
always sit in the same place whilst eating
At work - if the slurpy eater is in there I will avoid the same table - really hate it
If i feel unwell - I will get a shower no matter how bad i feel - I have been known to have a shower at 3 in the morning !!

thats all at the minute
Do not even get me started on the 110% thing. It absolutely infuriates me.

I think my "quirkiest" thing is that if I see a Royal Mail van I have to lick my lips. I have to. It started when someone at school said if you didnt do it then your parents would die and from then it has stuck! I know it is ridiculous and I know it wont happen but now I just cannot stop. I wish I would, it wastes a lot of lip gloss!!

I also have to put my right sock on first. Just because!
Do not even get me started on the 110% thing. It absolutely infuriates me.

I think my "quirkiest" thing is that if I see a Royal Mail van I have to lick my lips. I have to. It started when someone at school said if you didnt do it then your parents would die and from then it has stuck! I know it is ridiculous and I know it wont happen but now I just cannot stop. I wish I would, it wastes a lot of lip gloss!!

I also have to put my right sock on first. Just because!

Awwww my husband workd for Royal Mail and thought you did it because he is so tasty! lol
Oh dear, this weekend I discovered a quirk I didn't realise I had!! I was with my sister in the supermarket, and she put 5 pots of Total yogurt in the trolley. My immediate response was "you can't buy 5 yogurts, you have to get 6!".

She looked at me as if I had gone mad - which is hardly surprising!

I might buy three, or four, but never five. It would have to be six. It makes no sense, and up until Saturday I never even realised that I did it.
