General WeMitt thread w/c December 11th

Ann, I agree totally, I love the thread but it definitely doesn't have the same close knit feel as the old one did.
I tend to miss posts that people have made as I find it all a bit higgledy piggledy LOL So I think people may be unintentionally getting left by the wayside.

Maybe we should just stick to the basics again one main wemitt thread for all news and one wemitt meet thread, what do you think?

Or in the true wemitt fashion put it to a vote?

Hope you are ok xx
I agree Mrs T. The trouble is, a lot of new WeMitts don't know what it was like before.
I'll see what others have to say, and if they agree with us, I'll talk to Mini.
Ann x
Hi everyone,

Well, I got my result & it's higher than 70% so that First is still on the horizon in a couple of courses time... I got 80% average on the coursework & 74% average for the exam so Thank God for my memorised oral otherwise my result would have been much lower.

(Just got to get my Grade 2or 3 in Maths and the Distinction in Accounting, 1 down 2 to go...)

Love xxx
Anja - OMG those results!!!!! A HUGE well done on being such a smarty pants! :D Seriously, no-one gets results like those without a serious amount of hard work so well done you!!

As for the wemitt thread - I'm happy to go along with the majority :)

A strange thing happened to me today. I was out in another town getting daughter number three's pressie and stopped for a coffee in macDonalds. Suddenly, I noticed a woman at another table who was a close friend many years ago. I kept glancing over and a couple of times she met my glance but looked away before I had the chance to smile or wave.

Anyway, she stood up to go and looked over so I gave her a broad smile. She obviously didn't recognise me because she looked away then scurried out of the door with her hubby / partner. I felt a bit of a prat actually because I probably scared the cr*p out of her ... this weird woman smiling at her like the village idiot!! I wanted to go over and say Hi - but she was gone in a flash (to escape from the scary smiling woman no doubt! lol)

She had a genuine look of total non-recognition ... she simply didn't know who I was. Oh well ....

Anyway, I scared someone today and just thought I'd share. :)
Debbie LMAO at the crazy smiling woman!!! haha you should have chased her along the street waving your arms like the crazy cat lady on the simpsons!!!

Ann don't be upset, these things will happen from time to time I do think just the one main chat would be better though, with another for all the special bits meet ups etc.

LMAO @ Simpsons Cat Lady. I love that cat lady and thats what I (lovingly) call my sister when shes under the influence of beer lol.

Im new so dont know how things are generally run around here but think its a good idea to have the old style of thread. its not as if we cant go over to the designated diet forums to post general threads. I hate to think of anyone struggling alone here too.
Thanks to everyone for my congrats!

Ann - i'm so glad you liked them. The Usborne picture one is similar to the one I started with. I was praying not to offend you as that totally wasn't what I was trying for. Hopefully they'll see you through some fantastic hols in Salobrena and give you something to pick up until you decide what kind of course you want to start in your spare time... (I remember you said you fancied learning or doing something new a while back - maybe you could do Spanish GCSE. I did mine at night classes while I was at school as my school didn't do Spanish).

For any newer Wemitts - the way we did it before was only 1 thread per week for any topic so that everyone reads the sole thread you get maximum support with minimum effort as sometimes we only have time to dip in & out of here & can't check on all the threads.

Got to go my keyboard is playing up & driving me nuts. Aqua aerobics in a min.

Love to all xxx
Right WeMitts...
I have made the general thread "sticky" so it will always be at the top of the forum. This is where I think all WeMitts should be posting, as often as they can. We can all then "be there" for eachother, as we always were in the past, before the forum got so big.
I (or Anja) will see that the new thread each week is made "sticky" no matter who happens to start it on a Monday.
Ann x
i am a fairly "newie" so don't know how it used to be done & am happy to "go with the flow" but i have to agree with Ann about it being upsetting if someone is lonely. i do find if i put my weekly weigh in on that thread i don't get much response but on the whole you lot out there are the next best thing to new best friends - cyber best friends i 'spose you could say :D , cos i don't know anyone in my area doing CD to talk to face to face
its good to have people to "talk" to xx:)
Love the ticker Cheryl!

I'm off to Yorkshire to visit my old friends tomorrow and won't be back til Sunday night (just in case you wonder why I've gone all quiet! :) )

My friends haven't seen me since before I started the diet so their reactions might just give me the boost I need to reaffirm how far I've come: the rose tinted specs have worn off now and I'm feeling 'blimpy' again so it'll be nice to get some new input.

Have a great weekend everyone: catch you all next week xx
Excellent weightloss Cheryl!

I forgot to tell you something my boss said yesterday (I work in an Accountancy firm). One of our Clients asked how come the old Receptionist had left, as we now have a slim one, she didn't realise it was STILL me! (The problem with Clients only coming in once a year! - I have difficulty remembering them too sometimes!)

Ann - have used all hol for this year & Dec/Jan too busy with Tax Returns. Should be 1 wk in Feb/Mar, 2 in July for the fiesta & 1 in the Autumn sometime.

Carbaddict - how's your wrist?
Must buy a new keyboard today - this one won't voluntarily do double letters. Whoknows whats wrong. Meltdown.G ive up!
Love x
Hi everyone,

Well, I got my result & it's higher than 70% so that First is still on the horizon in a couple of courses time... I got 80% average on the coursework & 74% average for the exam so Thank God for my memorised oral otherwise my result would have been much lower.

(Just got to get my Grade 2or 3 in Maths and the Distinction in Accounting, 1 down 2 to go...)

Love xxx

WAY TO GO ANJA!!!! woooohooooo !!!!

Fantastic!!!:D :D :D