Get it off your chest :o)

I think capping peoples benefits to £26,000 a year is a joke!! If they are getting benefits like that it should be on the base line of the minimum wage and live off that.

Plenty of poeple (including myself) work for the minimum wage and have to live off it. If you arent working (this DOESNT include people who cannot genuinly work/are disabled etc etc, I mean people who simply cant be bothered!) then why should you get £26,000?


Rant over (I LOVE this thread by the way!) x

Absolutely agree, it's outrageous.
People who park too close to my blooming car in a car park. Hello, thats what the white lines are for doh! Sick of getting my doors dunted at the supermarket.
Can we stop talking about the benefit cap now please? As previously stated the vast majority of benefit claimants get nowhere near that amount of money - it is only very large families in high rental cost areas that would come remotely close to that sort of figure and in those areas an enormous amount of that money would be what is keeping a roof over their heads. People and more importantly children WILL be made homeless by this - and that to me is far more worrying.

Yes, in an ideal world everyone would have a job and we would all be able to pay our own way, but this is far from an ideal world right now. None of us have any idea how these people on high levels of benefits ended up there. Everyone who is sitting there going "Well I earn this much and why should they get when I don't" - maybe your circumstances are different to theirs, maybe what is more important is that you do have a job at all- so many who would work cannot get a job and so WILL suffer the brunt of these cuts.

I appreciate so much that people are paying their taxes to support me and my family - and I am terrified of what is to come.

Please bear in mind that there are real people who have real feelings struggling on far less than this cap- and that the cap is no indication of what the average family on benefits actually recieves - at all.
I agree... this thread was designed as a light hearted thread... its now getting very political and the thread is really moving off from what was intended.
Do you know what really ticks me off ?, but really to a point where I have to say something.

It is at the checkout in any supermarket here . The girls talking across you to one another, they do not even see your face, they are so busy discussing last nights dinner, the baby's nappies etc. It infuriates me. I now say, "excuse me I am here, Good Morning/Afternoon " they look at me as if I am some sort of alien and obviously don,t even begin to realise how rude they are being.
Eastbourne drivers, they are terrible. oh my god. i hate driving in Eastbourne. most of them wouldnt last a day in East London (where i am from)!!!!
This morning, as I was heading into the car park at work, someone was trying to get out of it, at an awkward angle, because they were coming out of one of the "prime" spaces right near the entrance/exit. So I stayed back to let her have an easier angle to get out. But someone else didn't - went ahead, and then got the prime space!

Grrrrrrr. I'm not going to be polite any more!
That is another one of my pet hates as well, especially living in a holiday place. I resent holiday makers nicking all the spots when they have all day to look for a spot and I am working and always in a hurry.................. now I am being as unreasonable as them lol.
Tell me about it, i live in a holiday spot too, not as glamourous as yours fillymum !! would you like to swap for a while ??? :D
People that post stuff when they are hurt and upset and make derogetory remarks about others
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I also hate it when you go to your car and see dings, dents and scrapes in it that were not there before! Take some responsibility people!
Fleas, evil little things.
Facebook, seeing people slag you off who don't even know you.
Mis-understanding and mis-communication

Oooooooh this is so invigerating, rant off the bad things. Fantastic idea

Not being able to eat pizza and kebab and still loose weight
Hunger and Famine
Internet down time/paying for a service you're not getting
Cheques taking 6 days to clear, why in this modern society?!
The postal service in the UK, so much for progress it's worse than when first introduced!
Cancer and illness in general. Particular emphasis to man flu

That felt sooooooooo good
Tell me about it, i live in a holiday spot too, not as glamorous as yours fillymum !! would you like to swap for a while ??? :D

Any time lol !!!!! Might be back in the U.K. within the year so you had better be quick !! lol.

People that post stuff when they are hurt and upset and make derogetory remarks about others

I could not agree more. So unnescessary to hurt someone because are hurt yourself. I hate any unpleasantness.

Fleas, evil little things.
Facebook, seeing people slag you off who don't even know you.

The postal service in the UK, so much for progress it's worse than when first introduced!
Cancer and illness in general. Particular emphasis to man flu

That felt sooooooooo good

With you on the flea issue, having just shampooed my dogs and given them the works.

Face-book full stop.

Come try the Spanish postal system and you will think the British one is brilliant.

With every inch of the way on cancer, it respects no one, no age, no sex, no creed.

Telesales....just started here and they always ring just as you are sitting down to eat.

Man flu lol !!!!! ( how are you ? Could not find the thread to ask you, perhaps you can )

Personal remarks about weight, dress, etc. by *well-meaning* sylph like , well groomed *friends*