Getting to goal :)

Had 2 iv bags go through so far so hoping to start feeling better soooon ;) xxx
Looks like I'll need another OP to fix things :(

Soooo miffed off its untrue xxx
oh thats terrible news, poor you.

I really do hope things start improving for you soon
Not good at all hun, thinking of you xxx
Maybe able to come home today but have to come back in on Tuesday to be re-scanned to see what's going on and decide what to do then xxx
Is home but knackered :(

I've got the scan on Monday not Tuesday as they want to see how things have changed and work out from then what to do x x x
Not good in pain, feeling sick and my stomachs massively swollen :(

Back tomorrow for another ultra sound scan to see what's going on and then the doctors will decide what to do next x x x
Fingers crossed hunny, hopefully they are getting to the bottom of things Xx
Its mental babes!!!!!!

Hope you get some resolution soon, doesnt sound like the antibiotics. Are helping much! X
Been here all day :( had scan at 10:20 and mass has gotten bigger. Now just waiting to see what they are going to do to fix me xxx
Trueleame said:
Been here all day :( had scan at 10:20 and mass has gotten bigger. Now just waiting to see what they are going to do to fix me xxx

So sorry for what you're going through Hun. Hope they sort you out sooner, hugs.
Finally seen consultant. I've got to go back on Thursday as an emergency to have an 8cm x 4cm blood clot removed from my pelvis caused by the first op :(

So at long last the reason I've been feeling so awful is clear and being sorted out x x x
OMG Hun, that's awful. But why do they have to wait that long to get it removed?
That's awful hunny, fingers crossed for Thursday Xx
Trueleame said:
Finally seen consultant. I've got to go back on Thursday as an emergency to have an 8cm x 4cm blood clot removed from my pelvis caused by the first op :(

So at long last the reason I've been feeling so awful is clear and being sorted out x x x

OMG! Atleast you know now what's been causing it-fingers crossed you get sorted xx
Ironically it's being done as an emergency :s and thursday is the soonest the consultant can do.

I'm laying in bed on painkillers, anti inflammatorys and strong antibiotics. At least I know what's going on now so that's good but slightly nervous about having another operation. It's got to be done so not really got a choice x x x