Halle-flipping-lulah!!! Waahay!!!

LOL!! Bring on the coathanger look!! It's such a novelty to me for people to say "you are almost too skinny", which I'm not, but me and the word skinny in the same sentence for goodness sake!!

I love my hip bones, and the fact that I have ribs that I can now feel, oh, and the fact I have a jaw bone!!

I love collarbones and bones in general, think they are sexy...I don't mean skin and bone boney, just just right boney...yeah it is sexy...indeed!

Way to go, you look fab!
LOL 'coathanger'

much as I loved discovering my jawline and my collarbones, I certainly don't want to go so far as to be seeing my other bones through my skin... but hey, if it works for you, then go for it! :)

PS Minerva, do you just happen to have a *really* awesome name,
or are you a Deftones fan?..................
Mmm the healthy bony look is quite sexy, but I still do prefer a bit of flab... but that's my preferences!

And I wish my name was Minerva .. Wait doesn't it sound like a granny name? ... Lol, I used to be a Deftones fan a few years ago.. Well spotted! Now it's more Tool and such. :)
I love being a coat hanger! :D :D

And I love feeling my ribs and hip bones, and having necklaces drape over collarbones, etc. - it just feels so wonderful to run my hand down my body and feel lean mass underneath and the occasional bony bit.

I am still built for comfort, I have enough curves to please, but I like seeing the bony bits! I just wish it were more comfortable sitting on a toilet seat!!! :giggle: :D
I think my OH would really put his foot down if I went TOOO skinny (he's always loved the Rubinesque types as have I. Think more Nigella than Kate Moss) but I'm looking forward to having a jawline back and the collar bones look nice. I have a very slight shadow now. I just hope I keep my boobs a bit like BL has!!

And before anyone jumps on the 'it's your body' bandwagon, OH's opinion does mean a lot to me, I married him because we think alike.

And Happy Birthday Poppy!
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I think my OH would really put his foot down if I went TOOO skinny

Well my OH has commented on how he prefers me chubbier (oh twice now), but then when he says he likes this gal (usually celebrities) and that and they are way more coathangery than me, I just smile...it is my body and I have my own goals and if he doesn't likey...well...