Have 6 stones to lose and ashamed

Good luck with Atkins - and with the interview on Tuesday Rachie xx

As for mims - have a read of the sticky at the top and it will tell you all (and probably much more) than you ever need to know, but feel free to ask questions anyway :)
Hi rachie, good luck with the interview :). Dont focus too much on the calories. It's more important to focus on not getting hungry so dont forget to snack when needed and tons of water
Hi rachie, no need to be ashamed love, we've all been there
Hey guys thank you so much for your love words and luck. I had a hugely emotionally stressful day yesterday and fell off the wagon. However, all has been resolved and I back on programme and focused. Being unemployed sucks so todsybi am reading all about self confidence which, I don't have much of. I have made a chart for weight loss and another for the days I have completed woo-hoo. As a result of yesterday I can wholly confirm that I am an emotional eater and when I get the urge then I get onto the forum and read. Lesson learned......tick ;)

How are you all this morning? Will have a look at the recipe for mims....they sound interesting lol!!!!! Xx
How's it been for you?

Well I am coming up to the end of my first day and I am not hungry...yes I am hungry... I shall be having my meal tonight of salmon and prawn yum yum!!!

Have started with a headache so I guess it;s the withdrawals. How long do they last? I have ketostix and I am so looking forward to the tape turning purple!! I am i the process of watching the dvd on fat and weight loss on Youtube. I am doing all of this to take my mind off the journey to the interview and the interview itself. The location is about 135 miles away yikes!! Got some good tunes planned and I have planned my rest for water and atkins food.

I have an amazing suit that I am looking forward to getting into by the summer yippeee!!!:)
Good luck with the interview.

I had to move for my current job, was worth it to be employed again, but so so scary.
Hi rachie, morning to you. Good luck with the interview
Hello, just wanted to let you know that there's a new diary section at the top of the page that I asked Pierce to create so we can put all of our diaries all together in one section to make things easier to find. If you PM Pierce he'll move yours for you :)
Hey Jom, Thanks for the luck... it was truly amazing because I would've usually eaten carbs and sugar before and after to soothe myself. Today I was feeling fresh and hydrated and relaxed...wow this is A-mazing. Sorry for the delay but it was an early start and lots of driving. How was your day? Where is the Carby Cafe...it sounds like a fab refuge lol!! xx
that will be Jim and not Jom!!!! hahaha sorry Jim (burning with embarrassment !!!)
LOL, morning love. oh the Carby Cafe is any of the local Cafe's I frequent for lunch. I'm on maint remember, and lunch is the one carby meal a day I allow myself.
Hi & welcome Rachie. Don't feel ashamed, you've come to the right place :D
Please don't try to count the calories, just the carbs. I was a calorie counter for over 30 years, but now I have no idea how many I have. Days vary, some days I lose my appetite completely, on others I could eat for England lol.
Hope the interview went well.
Hiya Rach, how you getting on? :)
Hi Cinta,

The interview went ok, i think lol!!! I won't find out until next week whether I have been successful. I am finding the most difficult part of this diet or WOE is following my appetite. Yesterday I are too much as I wasn't hungry in the evening but ate anyway!! Today I am not hungry at all and I've eaten less?!?!?! Is this what you experienced in your first few weeks?

Hi Crazybecky...I am doing well I think. How are you? I am worried that I won't have lost weight this week. My WI is Saturday morning and I am not looking forward to it. I keep trying to look at myself to see if I can tell whether I have lost any weight. The only difference is around my ankles and wrists; they aren't as puffy and my fingers don't feel swollen. I am putting this down to water loss. One thing I am certain is the this WOE is for life for me. I know the next fews weeks will be difficult as my body processes the change from carbs to proteins and fat, but I am not so emotionally hi-strung as I felt eating carbs and sugar.

Is it normal that my appetite is so low and that I have noticed emotional changes too? How are you during??? xx
Fat contains hormones - sounds odd but we store hormones in our fat so when we lose weight we release them and that can trigger mood swings.

As for appetite, I am the same. Some days I don't want to eat anything and some days I don't want to stop. I'm six weeks in now and that doesn't seem to be changing.
I never knew that we stored hormones in our fat yikes!! I will be a hormonally wreck with the amount I have to release hahahahahahha!!!! xx
I never knew that either
Hehehehe Good Morning Jim, rosebug and Becky how are we all doing today? Day 4 for me and I feel quite bloated which is strange, although my brain is less foggy; maybe the fog has drifted downwards to my stomach lol!!! xx
Blimey Jim, just looked at your photos and you are A-mazing!!!!! Although you are in maintenance how did it take you to get to your target?