Step 1 Sole Source Helllpppp

Well done!! That's brilliant!!! My night out was really good and fun :) needed the litres of water this morning to re hydrate! Having the morning off to recover with toast then back on the plan this afternoon :) really enjoyed this weekend so it was worth it :) you done anything nice over the weekend? Xx
Dads birthday today and my sons 16th is on Tuesday so having a little family party today, lots of carby food!! But it's a one off. I worked yesterday morning :-( my clothes are at £49 today on eBay!! Can't believe it!! Glad you had a good night. Certainly does us good to have a break from time to time xx
Awh have a good party! I have just had a nice baguette one glass of lemonade then back on my journey of ketosis so I don't make my damage worse! Hha! Think a break really helps I feel better for it and ready for the next 3 weeks before the holiday! £49 that's amazing! I'm going to defo follow in your foot steps! Xx
Will let you know what they go for! 3 hours to go. Just back from party were I ate KFC, cake, Doritos, pasta, everything!! I feel so fat :-( 6 days til I get weighed and I want 5lb off. I hate coming out of ketosis!! Horrible by Wednesday! Anyway, can't beat myself up too much, it's over with now..back to the diet xx
Sounds good though. A well deserved break you have plenty of time to get all that out of your system. I'm having a slice of low fat cake and that's my lot porridge later and a bit of chicken. Done the step 3 today naughty step 3 though haha! Back in by Wednesday no problems. Did you have a good time? Xx
Yeah I enjoy seeing all my nieces and nephews! One nephew is in alder hey hospital after falling off a rope swing and leaving a hole under his chin the size of a 50p, it's full of mud and he needs to go to theatre to have it cleaned!! Boys eh!! But had a nice day x back on the diet now xx
I'm so naughty.. Pasta for tea.. Opps. Back on it tomorow not like I'm going to be in ketosis over night so having some pasta but keeping the cals down. Won't be eating for 3 weeks after tonight so I've thrown a bit of caution to the wind. I blame the hang over! X
Having a completely STARVING day! Don't think I can get through the day without biscuits!! Lol x damn why did I eat crap yesterday?? X how's ur day?
Awh no :( you can do it think of the weigh in and plan a treat for Saturday to pull you through! I'm feeling okay at the mo had my porridge for breakfast loads of water just weighed myself put on a pound so I'm happy with that. Just keeping busy! Xx
Had a tough day as been my sons birthday and he wanted a Chinese buffet for lunch. I just munched on meat!! Had no tea to compensate and did cross trainer twice!! How has your day been? X
Oooo sounds good! Well done for sticking to the meat and cross trainer!! My day hasn't been two bad I have two bars a week and I had one tonight as I wanted to chew and each Wednesday I have a bit of chicken as I find Wednesdays tough so looking forward to that. Will hopefully be back in ketosis tomorrow. Just keep myself busy! How olds your son? Xx
He is 16. And such a lovely lad, no trouble what so ever. My daughter is 20 in 4 weeks, that makes me feel old! Do u have any children? I think I am out of ketosis at minute, got 4 days to weigh day x
Awh that's so good you must be so proud :) no children as of yet maybe in a few years after university is complete and I've found my feet. 3 days till weigh in and I can't wait this week not because I think it will be good just to find out the damage! Hahha. I find cambridge makes me really anxious the first couple of days! Any odd side effects for you? Xx
I have picked at sweets and the odd crisp this week but have religiously done the cross trainer so hopefully minimised damage!! I am up to 20 minutes now..could only do 8 minutes last week. I bought new shoes as treat today coz I can't buy clothes yet..gotta wait til all mine are too big!! X good luck tomorrow.
Well done! That's really good! I managed to work harder at spin was thinking of all the alcohol last weekend haha!! Felt so sick after though! Thanks il let you know! Doing much the weekend? Xx
Overtime again on Saturday morning then taking my son to a computer shop in the afternoon, other than that me and my boyfriend bought bikes in may (pre weight loss) and I felt too self conscious so we may try another bike ride. Sunday I will be cleaning and ironing as per the norm!! about you?