Hello new weight loss blog :D

Well I always seem to open this each morning I am at work but never get round to writing anything on it as i am either doing something else or I am just reading! So i must start commenting more!

Sooo how am I doing? Ok i think.. I still think I eat too much in general and I don't feel like I am in the 'zone' :(

But then recently I really haven't minded my weight, I have felt happy that I am not toooooo fat and I don't mind too much how I look and my OH tells me I look gorgeous all the time, and I like being able to eat what I want...

But then I think about the health side of it. That's what I should be doing it for. It's not healthy being this weight at all. I just need to lose acouple of stone then that would make all the difference.

I do like food and I want to be able to eat! buuuuut I need to lose some weight first and then staying at that weight should be ok. As I am just maintaining at the moment :S

I want to do more exercise that is my biggest concern at the moment... cos I've been lying in a bed for 6 months ill, and then i hurt my foot so have been avoiding moving as much as possible :S so I really need to get fitter! But my foot is still hurting so I am back to not moving much, grrrr.

So yeah things are ok, I am happy enough, but struggling with this weight thing... I know the bridesmaid dress fits so I don't have to worry too much, I still have a dress :) but I want to be more comfortable in it and also I want to be healthy... so I shall go jogging when my foot's sorted and I am eating more fruit and veg :) Since Jamie doesnt walk past the big Tesco's each day anymore, then we are relying on the market for food, so it's mainly fruit and veg :) have been having lots of noodle soups, stuffed veg, jacket potatoes, salads... so that's all good.

I still eat too much cheese and chocolate though :( They are sooo my weaknesses :S

So I shall do good today :) I want that happy achievement feeling. I managed to resist a Kit Kat for breakfast! I normally have some fruit but haven't any left today, so i had the money out of my purse for a kit kat, and then thought that i should hang on as i have milk and Shreddies in the kitchen! so I went for that instead :D and it filled me up more :D wooo. I have 2 salad sandwiches for lunch too :) i like salad. I had a salad box yesterday that was yum. So that shall fill me then for tea we'll have pasta i thinks :)

So yeah I am feeling ok. I am not feeling fat and huge I just feel unhealthy :S I shall get that sorted :)
hey babes. we need to get you back and make sure the dress aint too big!! if it needs altering we'll need to get to it :)

i agree with you about the health thing. it's one of the things that got me onto cambridge. my initial reaction is that it couldn't possibly be healthy. and then i thought about all the things i'd done in the past to lose weight and how unhealthy it was to be carrying an extra five stones... and cambridge won :)

you seem to eat fairly healthily... maybe just cut portion sizes a wee bit?

abz xx
Yeah that is sooo my problem I eat looooads and like eating loads :( Oh and I like a chocolate bar a day :( which i am getting better at though, not had one today! woo :)

Hee yay I wanna try that dress on lots :D can we go to the pub in it this time? pleeeeeease! hehe. Actually no... a pub in Leeds... I'll get far too much attention and would turn the colour of the dress :(
Well I've had a bit of an eating everything in sight day :( I seem to be starrrrrving!!

I've had Shreddies, cup of coffee, 2 small sandwiches, 2 bananas, 1 apple, a diet Coke and now I'm eating these broad beans things :S And i still dont feel that full :S gah. Help!!

I think I need to shrink my stomach... just stick to 3 small meals a day until my body gets used to it :( I so dont wanna though.. i havent the willpower at the moment.. it's taking all my willpower to avoid the snack machine that is about 10 steps away and sells looots of chocolate :(

Have decided I am going to have a mushroom ommlette and salad for tea :) that's healthy and i can have a plate full of healthy salad with extra light mayo :) Hopefully I can resist it til about 8 though so i dont end up snacking on a sandwich before I go to bed which is what i did last night as i turned hungry again.

Ok so I need to force myself to not eat just cos i feel a bit hungry... ok that is obvious stuff!! and it's what everyone should do but... gah I am feeling weak at the moment, ha.

It would be alright if I exercised to actually burn off some of what i ate :S I have been getting the bus into work again though since my foot hurts :S but it is feeling a bit better today, so hopefully soon i can do the 10 minute walk and the stairs...

Well I am still chuffed I've avoided chocolate today :) yays that is an achivement damn it! hee.
ha. yes. yes you would :)

now you know you want to look fab in it!! you keep telling me how much you want to look fab in it (even though i think you do already) so just put a scoop less on your plate each time.

i find it impossible to leave food on my plate, but find that if i leave that bit in the pan in the first place i'm full and don't want seconds. would that work?

abz xx
Hummm yes.. i think that is the way to do it with pasta especially, I always make loads of it and then just half it for us, then Jamie is ok leaving his when he is full but i'll carry on and eat the whole plate full and then feel bloated :S Humm you might be onto something there...

You know it is all obvious when you think about it, ha, but it's just trying to get rid of habbits of a lifetime :(
i know honey. i learned the leaving some in the kitchen from ww. half fill your plate. eat it away from the rest of the food and put the leftovers in the fridge already. if you are still hungry after you've slowly eaten what you had. take a little bit more and reheat it. there's so much faff involved in getting more food i hardly ever got more, plus, i was hardly every still hungry :)

am off home now babes.

catch you tomorrow :)

abz xx
Hi :wavey:

Everytime I see your name written down I think "Simon le Bon":eek:

Hope you're doing well.
Well I've had a perfect day food wise I have :D goooo me :D

I had Shreddies for breakfast, half an apple, a banana, a salad box with a boiled egg and asparagus and 2 slices of bread :D So allll good stuff :D woooo.

And I am stuffed from the salad and bread, so I am managing to avoid my afternoon cravings for something sweet and bad for me :D

I just need a healthy tea now, but we have lots of healthy stuff in the fridge at home, so that shouldn't be a problem.

I am really bored today :S I just don't want to be at work :( ok when do i ever want to be at work... ha.

I have been looking into what to do for my birthday too :D wooo, i can't believe it is soon :D this year is flying by :S I think we'll get the Metro to Tynemouth and go to the castle and aquarium there :) and I want chips :D greasy, fatty, soggy chips with loads of vinegar and salt :D that'll be instead of a birthday cake since I don't really like cake.

My foot's still rubbish :( I've been getting the bus into work and then walking home, but by the time i get home I am in pain :( grrrr, it's so frustrating...

I soooo want a Wii Fit for my birthday :D I've seen them for £70 which isn't bad... but we really should wait til we have 2 wages coming in... boo!

I'm feeling ok with my body lately :) My OH is complimenting me loads and it's boosted my confidence :D I don't think I look too bad at all.. but I just want to be healthy, so I need to get exercising more... I do eat the right kins of things but just too much :S So I can work on these things.
am so glad you are feeling good about yourself honey. you really should you know :)

can't wait to see you for my hen night :D :D

i've texted jo twice today and have heard nothing which is rather strange. i'll try ringing her tonight...

abz xx
Well I had a good day yesterday :) I had Shreddies, a small banana, half an apple, a salad box, 2 slices of bread.. think that's it, at work :)

Then Jamie cooked us pasta with quorn pieces, sweetcorn, peas and beans :) and i had a bowl of that with a bit of cheese on top :S but only a small amount. Then I still felt hungry but waited a whole hour and then got some more, but without cheese on this time :) so yays. It's better when he cooks as I always make loads and then pile our plates up... but he used a small bowl.

So yay i am pleased with yesterday. Today I have had a banana for breakfast. I have a Muller rice for later if i need it. Then I brought a Quorn beef and horseraddish sandwich and a hazlenut yoghurt.

I have a chocolate milkshake in the fridge here for sweet cravings later :)

So another good day I shall have :D I am feeling better and more determined. This weekend I want to get some exercise too. We did a lot of walking last weekend and I was knackered afterwards, so that's good. So hope to go along the river this weekend, or to the local park :)
Back in the zone after birthday celebrations. The new Wii Fit helps!!

Well I am well and truly in the 'zone' :D I am doing good I am. Well kinda... ha... but now I have the mindset I am going to have a brilliant week!

I had a lovely birthday :D Did kinda ok food wise... we had nice noodle soups and salads, but then we ordered pizza on Saturday evening :S but hey it was my bday celebrations! So I am not upset with myself particularly.

I got a Wii Fit :D woooo! so I have done that every day so far, and am loving it. I like exercising! It's great too as the exercises are very varied and it shows you how well you are doing each day. I haven't lost any weight yet but my BMI improved a bit and my fitness age came down to 27 last night :D so I am happy about that :D

I have been doing the jogging and hula hoops which tires me out! and then the yoga and muscle toning. My thighs are killing me today!! owie! ha. It's a nice feeling though, I feel so much better with myself :D

So I am smiley. And I am getting there. I am not too unhappy with my body at the moment. It's been through a lot in the last year, so now it's time to get it healthy :D
Just a quickie. Welcome Simon Le Bon :D ;)
Hehe Morning Cah-ching :) You do make me laugh :) You have got me into Duran Duran now, I listened to acouple :S hehe. Soooo cheesy and 80's! ha.
Right well I didn't go on the Wii Fit last night as we had a friend over... but then my thighs are still hurting so perhaps it was best... I have been walking to and from work again though, so I feel better about that. I think that this exercising is strengthening my foot, so it's great all round!

I like it that I now have a way to exercise, I feel much better. I am just not the kind of person that would put on a tracksuit and go to the gym or for a jog... It's too much of a big lifestyle change, whereas we play on the Wii lots and are gamers, so it makes it that bit easier to incorporate it into my day and I could end up being a proper jogger before too long, ha.

So I am happy with how I am doing food wise too :) Yesterday I had... a muller rice for breakfast, a quorn chicken salad sandwich and snack a jacks for lunch and then a frozen pizza which wasnt great but not too bad at 6% fat and we added more mushrooms and peppers and sweetcorn...

AND i need to point out that our friend suggested twice that we should order pizza, and I said both times that I didn't want one but them two should. And then in the end he went to Tesco's and got his own, and we had the frozen one. So that's a bloody achievement! I wasn't tempted and I sooo fancied chips with salt and vinegar! So i am happy with me :D

So today I have had a fruit salad thing I made from pineapple, peach and plums :) for my breakfast. Then lunch I have 2 breadbuns with quorn chicken and salad. Then I have a muller rice for a snack. For tea I'll have a salad and ommelette i think, or some more noodle soup... humm, it's a while away! so will see :)

Am feeling much better and well into the zone! This sunny weather helps!

Have also been thinking about my mortality.... someone I knew through the Lymphoma forum died and I was reading his wife's blog yesterday and it was just so awful! That could have been me! sooo easily! I could be there on my death bed right now, it's a horrible way to die! and I know i have recurance to worry about for the rest of my life, so I don't want heart desease, diabetes, high blood pressure... and all the other problems associated with obeseity to worry about too!! that really hit home yesterday.

So if that doesn't spur me on nothing will!!!
Well I had a very good day yesterday :D I had all healthy stuff and managed to resist chocolate in the afternoon which was a huuge mental battle!!

I went on the Wii Fit too, did lots of Yoga and stretching and then some Hula Hooping, Step and Jogging. I was knackered afterwards! but I feel much better knowing I am excercising each day, wooo.

Although I've not lost any weight yet :( gah. It'll take time i suppose. And i still eat too much i think... but this week i've started just having fruit when i am peckish, hopefully that'll help. So 3 meals and fruit should be ok. I am getting there :D

Today I shall carry on, I have had a banana for breakfast and will have my muller rice at 11. Then have 2 breadbuns for lunch and a banana for afternoon, then tea... well will see but we have plenty of healthy stuff in.

So I am pleased with myself :) I do feel a lot better from it all, and i can feel my fitness improving.. ok so it's not even been a week of Wii Fitting... but I am weak at the moment so I can feel my strength building up, which is all good :)
hey there honey. just wanted to pop by and say hello. you're doing SO well with the wii fit. well done you :) i need to get back into stepping :)

hope you are having a fab weekend.

am meeting up with jo tomorrow to talk about organising my hen night so she'll probably be in touch :)

abz xx