Here I go again.....

Hi Bexster, how's it going? Hope the pooch is feeling better x
My little angel Honey passed away today, I'm completely devastated. She went to the vets for an X-ray this morning and they saw something so opened her up to take a biopsy but when they did she had a tumour in her pancreas and secondary tumours completely covering her liver so they said the kindest thing was to let her go. She couldnt eat or drink yesterday so we know it was the right thing for her.

I will be back when I'm in the right head space, will keep checking in and seeing how everyone is doing xxx
Awh I'm am so sorry to hear about your loss, sending lots of hugs and love <3 :'(
Aw Bex so sorry to hear your sad news lovey. Look after yourself and come back when you can. I have a Cheechee cat and would be devastated if anything happened to her - I feel your pain. xxx
Thank you for all your lovely messages, we didn't sleep last night the house is so quiet :(
Thanks Clare, I'm still here just not posting as I'm trying to start but failing miserably. How are you getting on? I'm going to catch up on diarys to try and inspire me x
Glad you are still around, hope life is getting easier.
I am getting on ok thankyou, have ups and downs but generally staying 100%!

Your restart will come, once you are ready x
I'm still lingering! Today I've had a shake and a bar and then a low carb meal, I'm going to trial this for two weeks and see how I go and then re evaluate how much I've lost in two weeks. I've put approximately 1 stone on in 3 months, not as bad as I thought but still not great. Just trying to get through each day! Does anyone have any help for me dealing with a dog when they have lost their mate, it's hard enough for us to deal with our grief but I don't know how to help our little dog it's heartbreaking. We walk him and try to play but he's just not interested :( x
Aw Becky I'm so sorry. So sad for your poor little doggie. I hope he can perk up soon and that yo can all feel better.

I think to be doing anything diet-wise at a time like this is amazing. Aim to maintain for a while and not put any more on if it's too hard. I'll be signing off for the summer in another week or two, but will be back in September and I expect to see you front and centre by then!
Thanks I will be! I did ok yesterday thank goodness so same plan for today, got some shakes coming today - the 4 week gluten free offer @ £100 then with 45% off so a really good deal. 2 shakes a day an a low/no carb meal. Hoping to go back to TS but just cannot do it at the moment and would rather do that than just keep piling weight on and eating my feelings! X
Aww so sorry to hear about you dog
Brought a lump to my throat been thru it myself
Just do what's best for you
I think you are doing well to be trying at all, one day at a time!
I hope your other dog perks up soon, it is heartbreaking seeing them like that x
It's awful just don't know what to do to help him. Thanks for everyone's kind words, really means a lot x
Becky don't forget dogs feel their owners emotions first, so it's quote possible he's not just sad he lost his mate, but also feels the tension around him coming from you :(.
Just continue with the attempts to play with him, walks, talk to him in a positive voice and try to talk about positive things around him, dogs are very sensitive about tone you're using even though they don't necessarily understand the meaning (just like kids).
Try buying a new treat he hasn't had in a while and hide it around your house and then guide him to find it - turn it into a game, etc..
I'm sending you and your family loads of love and positive thoughts, I hope you'll all feel better soon! Xx