Here's to getting the old me back!

Thanks, guys. I've maintained control but only just! I haven't managed to lose the weight I put on a week or so ago and have added a little more (0.8lb) this week :(. Still worried I'm going to keep gaining. The packs are so much easier! :rolleyes:

Ah well. Just need to try to stay calm...! I think sometimes what I find difficult is having the house full of guests. I like having space and quietness (two things in exceedingly short supply with two small children of course!) so losing the precious bits of solitude I usually have in the week is quite difficult.

Must definitely think of some "me" things to do, if I get a chance. Only problem is DH's foot is really bad at the moment so once his Mum goes home next week I will have to be on hand 24/7 to look after him and the girls.
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Sorry it's been a tough week for you Spangly.
I'm also one of those people who likes to be in control and usually orgsanise everyone and everything in sight, especially at home.
I'm a little better now because I'm more aware since having LL CBT
and I now realise it fulfills a need in me whereas before I had convinced myself it was because everyone else needed my intervention!
One difficulty though - when you become aware and decide to change things and back off a little - no-one else recognises your behaviour because they weren't expecting it!
Just try and remember that your family did those things with good intentions, even if they backfired. They were probably waiting for you to take over!
The tree can be moved again. The cats probably had the best idea- keeping out of the way :kitty::kitty:
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Having just finished reading your diary, I am amazed! You have done soo well given the difficulties you have faced. Not to have crumpled and thrown in the towel along the way is a real testiment to the determination that you have. Such an inspiration for all, especially those like myself who are in the early stages. Thank you for sharing your journey and I look forward to seeing how it unfurls.
Keep strong
Clara x
Hiya, Gem. I started LLT on 11 Sept last year. Did the 14 weeks, then another 3 of abstinence. Then had to go on to Lite to lose the last few pounds (which were by far the hardest!) as my BMI was under 25 by that point. Hope this helps!

thanks hun xxx
Hello, everyone! Just a quick post to say the service, party and hotel were brilliant. My weight, however, is not!! Off to my LLC tonight to pick up some packs for a 'refocus' week of abstinence. Not sure what happens when the week is up! Will see.

Was totally brilliant though. I have a lovely family and wonderful friends!!
Fabulous news glad it went well as it meant soo much to you.

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Hi Spangly,
So glad it went well. Pretty please from me too..........x
I will post pics once I have some - we had disposable cameras so haven't got them processed yet! (Sounds so old-fashioned!!) Thanks for all the "pretty please"s. Hope I looked ok even though I've gained...

Well, doing abstinence for a week and then cutting packs back gradually again. 10lb. Gulp. Oh well. At least I didn't let it get any further! Wish me luck!!

It's a bit scary how quickly the weight can pile back on. Not sure how I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen again. Does anyone have any good suggestions? I knew it had gone too far because my waistbands were getting tight :wave_cry:.

Ugh. I guess it takes time to put into practice the stuff you learn on LL. Packs are easy... living life afterwards is the tricky bit!
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So pleased it went well for you lovely, cant wait to see the pics. Good luck on your week of refocusing and being 100% abstinent. xx
Wide awake and pondering the last few weeks since finishing RTM. My triggers are alcohol and sugar. If I'm honest I think I probably need to cut both out completely if I want to stay slim - but that sounds overwhelming at the moment. Why does being on packs make it easier to say no?

Not looking forward to the next few days trying to get into ketosis. I will try to do the diary a lot so I have a record to remind me not to go 'off piste' again!
(and I did get 'piste'!)

( ta da boom)

(sorry!!! Couldn't resist!)
My word humour at that time in the morning, and getting back into abstinence. RESPECT ! lol
Glad you had a lovely time. Bet it didn't take long for you to get 'piste' lol. Good luck with getting back into abstinence. You can do it. Stay strong.
Been reading your diary hun. Your such an inspiration to us all. Xxx sending hugs xxX
Well, half way through day 1 of "refocusing" and have to say I feel miles better already. Wobbled this morning as I was picking up the shelves and organisation bits for an IKEA wardrobe and had to manage everything (as usual) myself... but miraculously, because I can't act out using food, I TALKED TO MY HUBBY! Gasp! What a revelation! Have been avoiding telling him when I'm frustrated because of the MS as I don't want him to feel bad... but then I eat or drink inappropriate stuff and make myself feel worse. Feel so much better for letting off steam! Still upset/angry/frustrated that I have to do so much though and he's struggling and in so much pain at the moment. Not fair!

No, it's not fair - and gaining back the weight you've lost won't make one iota of difference, you numpty!

(That's me told lol)
Oooo Spangly is back! yay!

Respect to you for dealing with the situation and also giving yourself a stern talking too lol xx
Just realised I got bars without thinking yesterday. You're not meant to have them til you're in ketosis, are you? Doh!

Been v grumpy this afternoon. Oops.
Well, day two and feeling better than yesterday. Just so relieved to be actively doing something about this rather than backsliding. Have also decided that the no alcohol thing is a v good idea and feeling very positive about it.

Done some gardening this morning and off to Pets at Home later to get some new bowls for our new cats. Life is good!

As the day goes on I'm getting some occasional carb cravings but I guess they will pass soon enough if I stick to plan... Trying to drink loads of water to take the edge off! Hey ho. It will be worth it to be back where I was again, and having learnt some important lessons en route I think.
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Just goes to show that change can happen and insight can be achieved into eating and managing emotions. Well done, sounds as if things are eally moving for you/
The question is how will I manage when I'm off packs again? I really need to use this time to work out what went wrong before... I have to say I'm also enjoying the sense of relief from 'what should I eat?' 'Can I have that?' etc which is really exhausting. Ah! I think I may have answered my question there. Perhaps I should use the next couple of weeks to collect some healthy recipes in a folder so I have good options ready to hand when I run out of ideas?

Today we're going to be painting eggs. I'm hoping this lovely weather is going to continue so we can do it outside! Planted loads of pots for the patio yesterday and it all looks lovely. I am so lucky to live where I do. When I think of some of the grungy flat-shares I've survived in my past I do count my lucky stars!

So - another week off work. Yay! I'm not a huge royal fan but I WILL be watching the wedding next week (and might also annoy DH by buying some super-trashy gossip magazines as well lol). Also - big news - got a job interview next week!! I wasn't looking but this job came up and it's too exciting to miss. The commute would be a total pain, so I'm reasonably ambivalent about it, (which will help if I don't get it!) but I'm very excited to have been selected as it's very senior.

(go me!)