Here's to getting the old me back!

What a day for you, brillint that you have had some good news, you so deserve it hun xx
well done spangly!!!
Spanglymum said:
AND I got a second interview!! Yay!:woohoo:

That's fantastic news good luck with it hun!
Sexy xx
Hi Spangly,
I've just had time to catch up a little.
First - I'm loving your new avatar pic - look at you. Sounds like you've bought some fab new clothes too.
WOW on the second interview -I KNEW that would be coming when they checked your availability. Well done you. Now, what will you wear for this one...............?
Hubby must be very proud.
Great news on your project too. On facing days like that I always tell myself it's only a few hours out of my life and it'll all be over soon - easier said than done.
I'm sure you are a woman of great talent and ability and it's fab for you that it's being recoginsed, especially at this time which is so challenging for you out of work. Not to mention doing LL.
Be very proud hun. xx
Congratulations on the 2nd interview :) What a fab day!! x
I went to TK Maxx yesterday and got SUCH bargains! :D

I actually found a Calvin Klein trouser suit in my size, reduced from £450 to £99!!! Woohoo! And I also got an a-ma-zing Alberta Ferretti suede coat which I really shouldn't have bought but is just phenomenal. Hubby tried to take some pics last night so I'll see if I can upload them. Am obviously going to wear the suit to my interview!! (but probably not the coat as I think it might scream "trying too hard" lol).

Ooh very excited.

Looking forward to a reasonably quiet and uneventful day today... probably had plenty of excitement for one week!

Had a weird moment scaleswise this morning. Apparently I've put on EIGHT POUNDS overnight :eek:. I think I'm dehydrated as I always forget to drink enough water at weekends - but really, eight pounds?!!! Mental. I haven't even gone "off road" so there's no reason! :confused:
It's phantom weight, Appears for no reason just to do our heads in lol

Hark at you Mrs Fashonista! Go that woman!
Oooooo I love the sound of your bargains, suit sounds perfect for your interview.

As for the scales this morning, I dont need to tell you that's impossible. It will soon change Hun xx

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No prizes for guessing why the big, superfast, gain... (Cue for song, "sometimes it's hard to be a womaaaaaan" :rolleyes: lol)

Obviously equally big and superfast loss! Hope scales at WI tonight balance out like my home ones have done!
good luck for WI!!!! x
Can I show off my new dress??
I feel so sexy and glam in it!!


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Stunning dress, is it for a special occasion xx
Going to wear it on our 1 year wedding anniversary on the cruise yay!
aww IBA (iveabigask shortened) what a lovely idea wearing the dress on ur 1 year ann!!! xxx
Wow what a lovely dress,something to look forward to hay! 1st of many!!
Sexy xx
Gorgeous dress, ask! I think we need a pic of you in it!
Well, last night I had stayed the same and given that I'm only 1 lb off my target we agreed it's not worth stressing over. Looks like my natural weight falls about here! I will keep a close eye out to make sure it doesn't creep up again but I'm pretty confident it won't, given that I basically don't drink alcohol at all and also really watch my refined carbohydrates, which seems to work for me!

Am loving rediscovering whole foods. I used to be a real health food nut when I was younger but it was exhausting lol. Am now picking and choosing what works for me. Found a no-gluten, no-sugar muesli base and added blueberries, brazil nuts and some small pieces of coconut, and had with unsweetened soya milk for breakfast. Delicious!! The key things for me seem to be to have protein with each meal and eliminate sugars as much as possible. Dried fruit and banana are fine as long as they are part of a meal - as snacks they make me SERIOUSLY hungry about half an hour later!

Really enjoy this part of the journey and am so glad I took the weight back off before I strayed even further. I've learnt a lot from it. My hubby is even making more of a point of cooking veggies, something I've been on at him about for years! He used to do pasta and bolognese and thought I was weird putting broccoli with mine (yes definitely weird I know) but now he does it and cooks less pasta!!

(I don't have pasta at all btw - but have got some spelt wholegrain pasta to try in case it doesn't spike my blood sugars...)

Btw am wearing the bathroom outfit from my pics today. Woohoo!!
When am I allowed to put a maintainer badge on??!