HLV's Food Diary

I know, I suck at breakfast at the moment. I keep waking up really late and just going straight to lunch or shoving some fruit down me.
Green Day

I had breakfast today! Yay! So it was at around 2pm, but I still had it :D

Breakfast - Chocolate Weetabix (B + 2 syns) with Rice Milk (A). Strawberries

Lunch - 3x scanbran with lentil and carrot pate, topped with sliced cherry toms

Snacks - snack a jacks (4.5 syns) strawberries and tomatoes

Dinner - Mushy Pea Curry and rice

Drinks - Hot chocolate (3 syns) with rice milk (A) and squash

Syns - 9.5
mmm... I forgot about mushy pea curry till i read your thread, guess what I'm having for tea tomorrow?
Mushy pea curry!!!! So good!

Green Day

Breakfast - Chocolate weetabix (B + 2 syns) with rice milk (A)

Lunch - 3x Scanbran (B) with lentil and carrot pate, cherry tomatoes and raw carrot

Snacks - 2x branston pickle rice cakes (3 syns), strawberries and blackberries

Dinner - Stir fried veggies in brown sauce (onion, pepper, broccoli, mushroom, petit pois, 1/2 tbsp arrowroot (2.5 syns), 1 tbsp miso paste (1.5 syns), soy sauce, garlic, 1 tsp reduced fat pb (approx 0.5 syn) water. Served with brown rice.

Drinks - squuaasshh!

Syns - 9.5
Green Day

Breakfast - Chocolate Weetabix (B + 2 syns) and Rice Milk (A)

Lunch - Didn't really happen.

Dinner - Goodlife Bean Burger (5.5 syns) roasted tomatoes, carrots and green beans

Snacks - Strawberries and pears

Drinks - Squash, diet coke

Syns - 7.5

Brunch: 2 Linda Sausages (4 syns) with baked beans and 2x scanbran (B)

Snacks: 1 pack of dairy free white choc buttons (6.5 syns) and blackberries

Dinner: will be channa dal with brown rice. Gonna stir in some grated carrot and spinach to get some more veggies in

Drinks: squash

Syns: 10.5
Green Day

Breakfast - Fruit Salad

Lunch - Went to eat out at Prezzo. Had Pasta Arrabiata and a side tomato and onion salad with just balsamic vinegar on it. There was a fair bit of oil but counted it as 2 Bs

Dinner - 2 linda sausages (4 syns) and baked beans

Drink - Lots of water, diet coke and squash

Syns - 4
I really like white choclaot buttons, are they the ones in the blue packet? They seem pretty good syn wise?
Yeah they are, they're not bad syn wise and as I don't each much sweet stuff I don't feel like I want more after. Got some Caramel Flavoured Choices chocolates, put them in the syn calculator today and they're only 2 syns each, not bad and very yummy!

Green Day

So I'm quite rubbish on wi and generally don't eat until I've been to group..

Snacks - banana, strawberries, 2 choices choccies (4 syns), walkers baked crisps (5 syns)

Dinner - Roasted Veg couscous (B)

Drinks - green tea and squash

Syns - 9
I'm gonna start tracking the amount of syns I've saved, because I'm saving up to have a Linda veggie pie this week, they're 22 syns each!

Green Day

Breakfast - Chocolate weetabix (B + 2 syns) with soy milk (A)

Lunch - Roasted vegetable couscous (B)

Snacks - Strawberries and baked crisps (5 syns)

Dinner - Bolognese (3 syns, soya mince, courgette, asparagus, onion, garlic, pepper, mushrooms, tomatoes) with wholegrain pasta (thought I'd start eating more whole grain foods!)

Drinks - squash

Syns - 10

Syns saved - 11
Green Day

Breakfast - Chocolate Weetabix (2 syns + B) with soya milk (A)

Lunch - Spag bol (3 syns)

Dinner - Plain brown pasta, a banana and a pack of baked crisps ( 5 syns) and 1 chocolate (2 syns)

Drinks - water water water

Syns - 12

Syns saved - 14
Hello! Thanks for the advice! For the last few weeks I've been much better at having my 2 Bs, usually 1 on cereal and the other on 1 tbsp of olive oil. I usually only get 1 A a day if I have cereal. I can't afford much vegan cheese and I don't like soy milk that much >_<

The last few days have been Green


Breakfast - Chocolate Weetabix (2 syns + B) with soya milk (A)

Lunch - Went to see a friend and she made me a quiche! Argh! I had the smallest portion with the least pastry but I'll count it as 10 syns + B for the olive oil. I had this with salad and corn on the cob...no soy butter!

Dinner - Spag Bol (3 syns) with brown pasta

Drinks - diet coke, squash and green tea

Syns - 15


Brunch - 2 scan bran (B) with baked beans, mushrooms fried in fry light and balsamic vinegar and 3 Linda sausages (6 syns)

Dinner - Stir fried veggies in brown sauce (onion, pepper, broccoli, petit pois, carrot, 1/2 tbsp arrowroot (2.5 syns), 1 tbsp miso paste (1.5 syns), soy sauce, garlic, 1 tsp reduced fat pb (approx 0.5 syn) water. Served with brown rice.

Drinks - water, squash and green tea

Syns - 10.5

Might have a chocolate or 2 at 2 syns each later
Another Green day here!

I went to The Pogo Cafe for brunch today with friends. Although not the most SW friendly breakfast ever, their Devil breakfast was far healthier for me than the Angel breakfast, which consisted of lots of salads with high fat dressings, nuts, seeds, hummus and avocado. Anyway, who has salad for breakfast!

I had scrambled tofu, 1 linda sausage (2 syns), bacon rasher, creamy mushrooms (A) baked beans and garlic oat bread. The garlic oat bread was so nice, it was sort of sweet but really good with the garlic butter. The scrambled tofu was far better than I could make and the creamy mushrooms were delicious. I'm basically going to use all the syns I saved during the week for this meal, plus today's. The bread will be high due to the flour and they probably used a fair amount of oil. But, I did say no to the fried potato, very pleased!

Dinner was just savoury rice with lots of frozen veg stirred in. I also had a banana

Good days eats! I avoided the Irn Bru cake too, so very pleased with myself.
It was so good! I've been dreaming of it! :D

Green again!

I made a massive pan of chilli today. It was my 'throw everything in chilli'. It had olive oil, onion, garlic, courgette, carrot, tinned toms, sweetcorn, kidney beans, cannellini beans, mixed beans in tomato sauce, stock, squeeze of marmite, splash of balsamic, salt, pepper, paprika, chilli powder, chilli flakes and some mixed herbs. It was epic and delicious!

Breakfast - ..bahh

Lunch - Chilli and brown rice (B)

Dinner - Chilli and brown rice (B)

Snacks - baked crisps (5 syns) and I'm about to have some Finn Crisps (B) with a syn free mushroom pate I made for taster tomorrow :)

Drinks - squash

Syns - 5
HOw do you make mushrom pate? sounds lovely!
Never thought of adding marmite to chilli? sounds weird but i might give it a go!
Mushroom Pate:

1 onion, chopped
1 pack of oyster mushrooms, chopped
1 pack of closed cup chestnut mushrooms, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
3 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
Pinch of thyme
Splash of soy sauce
1/8 tsp nutmeg
Salt and Pepper

1. Fry the onion in some fry light for about 5 minutes
2. Add the mushrooms, half of the parsley, garlic and thyme. Fry for 15 minutes.
3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add the soy sauce and nutmeg, salt and pepper and blend until it's relatively smooth (a few lumps are okay). Stir in the rest of the parsley, leave the mixture to cool and then put into the fridge for an hour before serving.

Well the pate went down well but I gained 1lb for NO reason. Grrr.

I've wanted a bloody pie for weeks and I've decided to have one tonight. I'm going to flexisyn this week as I have a housewarming party at the weekend.


Linda M Pie (22 syns) with leftover chilli (B)

Lots of grapes. Choco weetabix (2 syns + B) and soy milk (A)

Drinks - squash

Syns used - 24
Syns left - 81