I fell off the wagon!

Oh Linda you are going to ache tomorrow.

Good luck Flex for your weigh in tomorrow night. Have everything crossed for you.
well I weighed myself this morning, I know that its not perfect but according to my scales Ive lost another 3lb this week, which I would be soooo very pleased with. Hoping for a couple. Since milk week, blip week things have been going soooo slow.

Im hoping to make my mini target today. Mid term goal of 5st loss by end of august is on just about (I hope)
IWGT I do ache....oh so very much! lol
Had to go shopping this morning and I could hardly lift the bags out the trolley. lol
Still garden looks nice. lol
LOL Linda. Just think of the muscles you worked tho huni :D
I was horse riding on monday evening and something spooked the horse and down she went - right to the ground - with me still on her. I honestly thought i was dead. I went down onto the concrete but as soon as her weight touched me she lept straight back up again. My right hand side from neck, arm, side and leg is black. Thought it would put me off but cant wait to get back on again.
IWGT, how brave are you? Horses scare me to death!
I am trying to find something I can do to get me out of the house when my son starts school next month. I just don't know what to do. I want to do something that takes me outside, prehaps I should get my bike out!!
Lind, bike is a brilliant idea. Free too! I will definitely be getting out on mine more once the kids are back at school. I'm planning to swim at least once a week too coz that's an exercise I enjoy, it doesn't seem like such a chore :)
Oh yes I forgot about swimming! I love doing that! I am just so bored of the gym, no-one talks to anyone and I feel like a hamster going around and around a wheel when I go there.
lol linda @ the hampster.....know what you mean but that made me laugh x
LOL that is funny Lind - thankfully my gym has some nice eye candy to gawp at :D
helps doesnt it AJB :) x
oh yes indeed and I have it on good authority that some of them are firemen ;)
Did i hear someone mention firemen :D
Firemen!! Where? what gyn do you go to AJB..maybe we should all join that one!! ....I don't mind a bit of travelling! lol
Oooooh I'll be more than happy to JOIN!
:) ooh talking of firemen we have them coming in here today .....thank god i washed my hair and look smart lol
God dont we sound like a right bunch of desperados lol.
Take a deep breath

No one are perfect at anything. Maybe salads will help battle the ketosis; or blend greens. Most important, go to god. All the best.
What the???????????????????