i need a wii fit......

ah who needs a carpet!!!!!! you only have to hoover them.....i need to decorate too come to think of it.....we had to gut our house 2 years ago when we moved in. so had everything new...but i painted the inside the same colour everywhere just so i could get in , and it needs a change now....
this was sooooo bad when we moved in, they had stripped wallpaper but not completely, leaving clumps on the walls and then painted over it....obviously they werent decorators lol. the whole place plus gardens need doing but we are going slowly and steadily through it all bit by bit. am sure when its all done it will look lovely and i will love it all but at the moment i just want a wii fit!!!!!
My kids clubbed their birthday money together to get a Wii earlier in the year.

They want me to get a Wii Fit now and I want one as well.

We love the Wii, it's really good fun.
there is a site you can log onto that tells ou who has them in stock...not sure if anyone lives near sutton coldfield in birmingham but apparently theya re opening a new pc world and have 48 in stock!!
I'm starting as a teaching assistant in September so figured I deserved to treat myself(I must be saving a fortune on takeaways anyway lol) :)
Rest day today(still do the Body Test every morning though). Wii Fit age 31 :D (not bad for a 36 year old ;) ) According to the Wii Fit I have lost 5lbs since last Wednesday but we'll see when I weigh in on Friday :)
Woop woop!

Just managed to get a bundle from Game online! £250 for wii, wii sports and wii fit so no real money saving but I GOT ONE!! (dunno why i'm so excited - it's not for me it's for my mum but i'll be using it anyway!!)
I want one too, but i need to get a wii first. I think i'll have to wait for my birthday in December and get someone to buy it for me or get my brothers and sister to chip in, but i don't think thats going to happen any time soon :( xx
my kids are older - daughter 20 and expecting and doesn't live at home anymore and my son is 17 and in love with his xbox 360 - so no chance of me getting them interested in buying with me or sacrificing their birthdays for lol!! my step son has one but he doesnt live with us - only comes round fortnightly - i am sure he is going to sell it eventually!! I'll keep my fingers crossed!!
I got one

Went in to Game first thing, they'd just had 10 delivered and I got number 2 - was worth getting up for.

Am very happy and off to have a go now.
Yey! Enjoy!

Mums has been packed now - can't wait for it to arrive! I'll be round her house all the time once it does! lol!
you can start being a wii addict now too!!!
did another hour last night, mainly aerobic, jogging hula step and boxing.....the first level of boxing is dead easy but when you unlock to advanced i cant keep up with th moves!!! think the jogging and hula get me working the most im certainly quite warm when ive finished!!!!!
All those that have just got one- enjoy!
Only did 45 minutes this morning as my mum turned up for a cuppa :)
Did hula, step, boxing and all the yoga poses I have(fell over trying to do the 'king of the dance'-omg that is so hard!) :)
Weigh in tomorrow(and rest day) so already looking forward to my next session on Saturday morning :)
My Wii Fit age dropped to 29 this morning! Well chuffed :D :D
Well, i've done me hour on the wii fit tonight! Woop woop!

My little Mii is fat though! lol! :cry:

My wii fit age is......drum roll please.......22!!! I'm 24! Woop woop!

Partner (skinny beast) is 27 and his age is 43! haha!!
Well done lol :D
Rest day for me today but I'll be on it first thing tomorrow morning(after my shake and half a litre of water, of course) :)
im far too tired tonight...done an early shift today and i, done in!!!just waiting for my half litre of water to work its way thru ..will pee then off to bed for me!!!