Total Solution I will do this!!

-insert rocky motivation music here- :D
Jael, what's wrong with sodium? :( x
Everybody likes and dislikes different packs and some people hate the ones I love and vice versa (although I dont really hate any of them). I've found that I get the best consistency for the shakes with a shaker with a metal ball in it, they dont come out grainy at all. The soups I make with 400ml of water, I find I need the extra water to get a consistency that works for me and I add garlic powder to it. Exante do encourage us to add herbs and spices to the packs to make them to suit us. As for being satisfying, it can take a few weeks but now I find them quite filling, especially the carbonara which looks like a tiny portion when you make it, but sometimes I find it hard to finish, despite the fact that I love it.
You are so right...that was why last night I had to have a little proper food so made the omelette as per the recipe on here. But I felt I had eaten something that look and tasted like proper food! X
Now I've got "Eye of the Tiger" playing through my head! lol An omelette sounds SO good right now! Have you used your weights yet Hayley? x
Well I thought we could add salt to the soups anyway... In fact I think I remember it on the exante site.

Anyway I'm not too fussed about that, because I'm drinking about 3 ltrs a day and my pee is pretty much transparent x
I think I drink waaaaaaaay more than 3 liters of water a day! I drink from a pint glass with a straw and I've just looked up how many pints in a liter, yeah I'm more like 6-7 liters a day I think. There was a cute little rhyme to go with it! A liter of water is a pint and a quarter! lol. I'm definitely drinking over that amount! Hehe. x
Yeah Laura, I used them earlier :D it was effort! But fun lol. Had to put the smallest weights on though cus I'm soooo weak xD but when I'm ready, it goes up to 10kg each.

I'm gonna do at least 2 lots a day working out with them for a while, but only lightly so I can get used to them and slowly build my arms up.

My new sketchers running shoes should be arriving tomorrow :D all this new stuff! Definitely keeping my mind off of food :) x
Nooo it's a pint and three quarters! Lol 1litre = 1.75 pints x
Oh nice! Are they hand weights? Or is it a weight bench? The smaller the weights and more reps you do the more defined your arms will get. The more weight you use, the more "bulked" out your arms will get.

Oh what kind of sketchers did you get? I always wanted some in high school, but I never did get any lol. I'm about to watch CSI I think lol x

Also. Whoops. I mean three quarters! lol
I'll post a picture of them tomorrow :) already got a pair which are really nice, but the ones I ordered are more sporty. The weights are dumbbells :D I'll show u in my sketchers pic tomorrow haha
And I'm in bed! I actually got into bed at half 9, and I've just been messing about on my phone. All I ever seem to do!

Sleepy time now though. I have a feeling tomorrow is gonna be a hard day! X
Ok! Haha I do the same when I go to bed!
Sweet dreams! x
How are you doing today Hayley? x
Okay actually thank you :) had a coffee and 1/3 of my bar this morning, and just had my strawberry shake now! And I realised that to me, it tastes like a runny version of strawberry angel delight! :D

Also, my days going by pretty quickly, cus my in-laws asked ne to clean up their pc as they only had about 20mb of space left, so I've had my head stuck in it for the past hour and a half :) call me mad, but I enjoy doing it.

New shoes are due to arrive between 6 and 7 ^^,

How are you? X
Good! I'm glad you're having a better day than you thought you would! Did you have a black coffee? I have no idea what strawberry angel delight tastes like, I've never had it before.

Ah well that's good then! Nah I like doing that too! I always clear up my mom's laptop when I go visit.

Oh la la! Bet you're excited!

I'm back to being Bruce Banner today lol. But it is only 3:30, so we shall see lol x
Lol! Control that inner hulk! I'm sure you'll be just fine :p

And nope! My coffee had a tiny splash of skimmed milk in it. And before anyone has a go, I don't care! Lol. I've given up everything else, so one cup a day I think I deserve :p. Especially after this morning when I sat and helped feed my son honey glazed sausages and fried eggs, with ketchup and bread covered in butter! Lol.... It wad torture! X
Haha. I'm controlling it lol.

Ah ok. I'm not gonna have a go! I like that we are our own monitors on this diet. Plus who would? lol. Does a splash of milk make a lot of difference? The fried egg sounds delicious!

Sooooo have you got your shoes yet?? x
Yeah they just come! They're soooooo comfy! I usually have trouble with new shoes being too narrow, but these are just great :)

And yeah, the splash of milk makes all the difference since I hate black coffee so much! And it just makes it bearable to drink lol x
Oh nice! That's great they are comfy!

Ah ok well that's good then! I usually have my coffee really milky. I definitely have to get used to the black coffee taste but it's better than nothing at all! x