IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

nah night out smash sandwich with salad cream and cheese and marmite bits thrown in for good measure
Thank you scrumper. I was starting to think I was the only one that liked salad cream with my mash. You just made my tummy rumble when I read that list of food :)
Maybe she's actually doing some work, unlike the rest of us!!! LOL
she has commented on weigh in
hellooooo ... yeah, end of trimester (is that an English word?) means I'm trying to play with numbers... "WORDS" are my game NOT numbers, but I bluff well, blame the machine if (when?!) things go wrong, and regularly regret never having learned how to use Excel properly!!

A friend's coming here to eat her INTERESTING tupperware of food with me and mine is a little err strange (cos of eating dinner in car)...

Today's food (after 6km walk early am):
Breakfast - 1 of my 3 muffins only (sniffle...) and a chicken thigh (not easy to eat when typing, trust me!

Lunch - oooh I hope not many people are in the lunch room to see me tuck into: errr a bit of roast beef, a chicken leg, and a little unidentified frozen package I grabbed to make up the quantity (one of Vicky's marinades on some unidentified meat I expect!)
oooh and a fat free yoghurt

Snack will be a few plums, and another yoghurt

Dinner in car will be an apple... 2 muffins... a boiled egg...
when we get there, a flan by the fire... LOVELY (fire more than flan!).

Menus planned for weekend, so if I could but stick to them, it'll be a GOOD weekend! PV + fruit. No carbs. No alcohol. No nutting I oughtn'ta!!
whizzing around...
I'm just planning my weekend menus so I can go out and get what I need food wise. I'm not a big alcohol drinker so don't miss it - but do miss fruit - so can't wait to add rhubard when back on PV
woo Jo. omg I could imagine me picking a unidentifieable package out of the freezer, only to open it at lunch and realise id thrown the chicken in the bin and put the full poo bag in the freezer...yak!

have a fab weekend - is it that cold you need the fire?
I have a waste disposal chute in my kitchen, so whizzzzz down go the poo bags as and when I retrieve! My [chicken/turkey/veal/whatever meat] with Vicky marinade was really nice!

Because we're not there all week, and the house has 70cm thick walls and all shutters are closed, it's always cold when we arrive! In the real winter it'll be far worse of course but once we've unpacked the car and got ourselves straight, the next step is "man make fire".
Have a great, and v v good weekend.

I think accidently cooking puppy poo would be great for the diet, the appetite would disappear in a flash.
Wouldn't it just...!! You too Jac!
hey jo have a good weekend and be good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks jet! I'll try... really I will...
Hey Jo

Sorry I missed you earlier :) hope you had a stressless trip to your country abode :) and enjoyed the kip after the toll booth :)

thinking of you
morning Jo how was your weekend honey?
Hi all... and thanks for asking!

Frankly, my weekend was GREAT! Not only did I not experience urges, I quite cheerfully served my other half all sorts of non-Dukan foods without even licking my fingers. As I mentioned on the daily chat thread, my only lapse on my "Dukan + fruit weekend" was inadvertent and a strange one for a virtual teetotaller. I was offered a glass (ok TWO!) of port, and had them and ate the toast/paté offered with it too. I didn't even THINK, and only realised a few hours later at home, patting myself on the back for almost having completed a "clean weekend"!

I gained 1lb on the weekend which is fine (as two veggies days plus unlimited fruit ... and I did have plenty!).

Will catch up on other diaries over the lunch hour... gotta run!