IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

have a lovely lunch ladies ...mouse the salmon is great !!!!
Mouse says hello to everyone. I told her she was now slimmer than me, but she doesn't believe me.

She's finding Paris very expensive (yep!), and it's quite hard sticking 100% to plan when hotel breakfasts are obviously catering for carboholics. I admire her for her yoghurt + lettuce + tomato breakfast ;) (yum NOT!).

She's bearing up well, and sticking to her guns, and says her Dukan lunch with me is the best meal she's had so far.

Tomorrow night we meet with our other halves and offspring (hers, not mine - my four legged ones wouldn't appreciate the outing!)
Hi everyone lunch was this great place where you can have salmon or meat and a choice of 3 veg and they heat it up for you in a kind of silicon parcel (papillote) or you can have salad. Mine was lovely but when I saw the people with salads I wanted that too! We are going into Paris again tomorrow, all of us so I may try and drag the kids in there for lunch! Also found Jo's amazing little shop (with her instructions) and bought myself some more aromes (the first being a second bottle of the caramele beurre that Jo gave me a while ago, which I love!)
I had steamed salmon, green beans, broccoli and courguettes. Followed by fat free fromage blanc, then black coffee.

Mouse had steamed salmon and I saw carrots, but I'm not sure which other veggies she chose. She skipped dessert, having already had her yogurt + lettuce + tomato breakfast (hhaaa), and had coffee.

How good are we?!
ooooh Mouse is here :D
What fabulous restraint! It still sounds delicious, though. How wonderful it is to find somewhere so Dukan-friendly.

I'm glad that you've had such a lovely time on your latest meet.

Mousie (apologies, I know I should be posting this on your thread), but what did the house you're renting turn out like? Are you thrilled with it? Hope you have fun for the rest of your holiday. :)
She's in a hotel for now, moving onto somewhere else when she leaves the city for her second destination further south... (I think that lovely house we saw was reserved for the week she wanted.)

morning hun xx
Hello! I just typed a long one in the Daily chat, then edited it cos not really the right place.

here's the bit I cut out of the daily chat one!

We met early and Mouse's hubby, two kids and my other half had starters. We just nattered, drinking our water. (I didn't have a problem not eating starter because it was quite early - around 7pm - and I don't eat dinner that early anyway.)

Then there was quite a lull before the main courses arrived, and then I was hungry... and there were bread rolls on the table, so we pushed them up towards the others, and kept chatting. I could have eaten my arm by then. Service was so slow. Mouse loved her chicken(!) and salad... my côte de boeuf was ok and the green beans not overly hot! Then our other halves and Mouse's son had puds. They did look amazing. Next time, hey?!

I was proud of us both for our restraint - it would have been easy to say "s*d it" but I haven't yet undone all the weight damage caused over 14th July long weekend, so I'm hanging in there. I'm even inspired to try to continue over this coming long weekend which will be a feat if I pull it off!! No promises there!!
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69.7K this morning so (almost?) ready to let go of the ketosis crutch again. Visitors arrive in the country tomorrow. Little visitors. The sort who want baker's produce each morning, home made d'nuts and c*kes, and food round the clock. I shall do my best because, as we all know, it's easy to refuse... until you say "yes" just the once.

Little person's birthday on the Monday (I'm off work) will be a tough one... still, I do like Mouse's goji victoria sandwich cake, and I've some Philly Xlite to make a filling, so I shall (try to) stick to my own cake and fodder! Even if it means carrying food with me everywhere - as, last time they came, being late risers meant that lunch never really happened for them but lots of snacks ensued until dinner. Not good for me so I'll possibly go into "weird mode" and eat on my own!

<My name is Jo. I'm a compulsive eater and I now eat strange things round the clock!>
Thank you! I'll be sane (but they'll think I'm a loon!)
Oh wow - just started to read through your diary but clearly need to get a nice cup of tea and come in for a good 'ol read!

Your foods sounds awesome (mmmmm can't wait to have green beans and VEGETABLES!!!!)

Thanks for being such an inspiration, and I look forward to reading your posts :) x
Slow service can be so excruciating when you're trying to eat sensibly or stick to a diet. It's the equivalent of going supermarket shopping when you're feeling really hungry. Not good! You both did very well to ignore those bread rolls. (I always used to immediately reach for them.)

Good luck with the little ones. My nephew and friends' little boys used to call me Auntie Silly when they were little. Kids love people who seem a bit mad! ;-)