Interesting info about nutrition on S&S

Vit A is also dangerous in pregnancy, so something to think about for those wanting quick weight loss for TTC

For woman of child bearing age, its best to take a pregnancy multi vit and min, as these dont have Vit A in them. Tesco do a own brand Woman one, this has no vit A in
Very interesting to know, I started having a multi-vit then stopped when I went to 4 packs.
Thanks Divster, that's exactly why I wanted quick weight loss. I take a conception support one which I've continued with whilst on Cambridge as I wanted the increased folic acid.
I'm the most impatient person every so it's a good but hard lesson. I don't want to start trying until I am overweight rather than obese, which is in about 4 stones' time. But conscious of age as will be nearly 35. Usually would feel so down about ruining things for myself I'd overeat so the abstinence of Cambridge is good. Thanks for the advice :)
My BMI was 43, when we started TTC, I was 35. I had been saying since I was late 20's, when my bmi is down we will. Then hit 35, and realised time wasnt on my side anymore. The pregnancy was fine, and my BMI afterwards was 37, lost weight by eating healthy while pregnant, madness! lol
Thanks so much for sharing that. Makes me feel a lot better. Presumed I'd get a lot of grief if I conceived whilst I was technically obese. I was even considering lying about my height to bring my bmi down!
No grief, but blood pressure can be higher, birth might be difficult leading to c section. No one will say you shouldnt of at your weight! Oh ultra sound scans are more difficult as well, due to tummy fat. I aimed not to put any weight on, and I didnt, so after I was lighter than I was when I started. I think if you are overall healthy now, its a good place to start.
Wow, that's a great result, being lighter at the end! Am happy to wait until June to start trying, hopefully give me a chance to lose a lot on vlcd & flood my body with the vitamins & minerals I definitely wasn't getting eating junk. I work long hours & commute about 3.5 hrs a day so it'd be better for me to lose some beforehand. Especially if it helps the birth too!
I Know I definitely wasn't getting enough vitamins etc before S n S. I do four packs a day and take multi vit and min as I was feeling strange - feel much better since taking it daily. I also take one omega 3, 6 and 9 capsule too!
It is amazing isn't it. I usually have stomaches everyday - but I haven't had one since i started this diet and off course the upping of water has helped! :)
When I did Exante last year, my husband had a try of it too, not that he needed to lose any weight! But he said his IBS was much better!
I think that many people feel much better when they do a VLCD. I know I don't get that bloated feeling as much (no doubt caused by overeating previously!).

I think if you had real problems before and now you don't then when you start refeeding you could start introducing foods on a systematic basis to see what may have been causing the issues before. Many people find that wheat gluten is an issue for them and cutting it out or cutting down improves things no end post diet.