Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Oh dear! This is terrible! I'm on holiday and thre are no scales in the bathroom. I'm being extra good but the first thing I'll do when I get home is jump on the scales :)

There will be no justice in the world if I've not gone down!


Brilliant results! I'd gone down three pounds at wi this morning. Mind you I had already weighed myself so knew I'd gone down :D

It's so good to be back with my trusty scales. Somehow I don't think hubby will let me take them on our next holiday!

I really find they help me. If I've gone up a little or not lost I put in extra effort and if I've gone down I put in extra effort to lose more. Being without them made me so overcautious I was dreading every meal. Silly I know, but that's how it is :eek:.

My weigh in day is on a monday, then I normally weight myself at home on a wednesday and sunday, and sometimes monday morning, I cant help meself I know my scales and the ones at meeting is 2.5lbs difference :eek:
Thanks Jen and stivesliz. You are both doing so well losing weight. I can't wait for the day when I'm down to. Reasonable bmi.

Hubby is also a daily weigher. He sort of keeps an eye on his weight but it's very halfhearted. He's good when I feed him but has far too many meals out with colleagues! He has such a ritual too. He showers, brushes his teeth, combs what little hair he has left and then gets on the scales and he never deviates. Lol.

Well I weighed first thing and was 10st 1/2lb. Weighed just before leaving for class 10st 2!!! Weigh in at class 10st! Was so upset prior to leaving for class the moral being throw the b****y scales away!!
Day 2 of no scales and I even spotted them this morning (my boyfriend really put a lot of effort into hiding them!!!), but still managed to resist. Can't decide whether to do my mid-week weigh in tomorrow or Saturday. Doesn't really make any difference really, I don't know why I'm agonising about it! I think I need to get a hobby! lol
Mid-week weigh in this morning and only 1/2lb down. Bit disappointed as I've been 100% so far this week, but at least I've got 4 more days to keep at it. Would love to get another 2lbs off this week. Lots of water for the next few days methinks!
Awesome work, Liz! I got overexcited on Sunday as scales showed 4lbs but today scales can't decide between 2 and 3lbs. Either way I'm happy though :)
I really find they help me. If I've gone up a little or not lost I put in extra effort and if I've gone down I put in extra effort to lose more. Being without them made me so overcautious I was dreading every meal. Silly I know, but that's how it is :eek:.


I am exactly the same as this! i'm really bad at being on the scales morning and night!! I find i don't generally get disheartened more spurred on by what i do or don't see x
Ok, I know we're meant to weigh our cereal but I am self confessed SERIAL weigher. I know I shouldn't do it, I know that the only weight I should pay attention to is the one from the scales in class but I just can't stop myself!
Without fail every morning, and every night and quite often a sneaky hop on through the day too. My consultant knows my guilty secret and even went as far as taking my scales off me until I pleaded for them back lol.

I have done this in the past but after joining this forum got some good advice ( put them out of sight ) & not weighed at all this week :) Feeling much better, in the past if I lost or gained it always messed with my head feeling more in control it's taken the pressure off don't know how ! A friend of mine only weighs in once a month & after years of dieting has got to goal so it worked for her. Don't think I could do that though but guess it could be good for some. My overall feeling is to do what works for you if weighing every day makes you feel in control that's fine but for me weighing at group once a week is what's best for me . x

The downside is that our weight does fluctuate and it often takes a week for losses to show - thats why we get weighed weekly - but I have often got on the scales 3 days before class, saw that I have gone up and then thought ''oh sod it''.

The upside is that generally it does keep me focussed and if a day or so before there's not much movement it does give me a kick up the bum to be extra good.

My scales weigh in at a pound under the class ones so I always have some idea as to what to expect but does anyone else have this naughty habit? x

I have done this in the past but after joining this forum got some good advice ( put them out of sight ) & not weighed at all this week :) Feeling much better, in the past if I lost or gained it always messed with my head feeling more in control it's taken the pressure off don't know how ! A friend of mine only weighs in once a month & after years of dieting has got to goal so it worked for her. Don't think I could do that though but guess it could be good for some. My overall feeling is to do what works for you if weighing every day makes you feel in control that's fine but for me weighing at group once a week is what's best for me . x
I couldn't resist during my first week of SW and had a cheeky hop onto my home scales...only for it to say I'd PUT ON 3lbs. Had a little cry and went to my first WI anyway, where I discovered I'd actually lost 5lbs, so my home scales were out by over half a stone! They are now in the bin and I've sworn to only get on the scales once a week at class!
I have decided to get rid of my scales too. It can get quite addictive and at one point I was weighing myself 3 or 4 times a day. And like others have said your weigh fluctuates so much that its upsetting if the number gets bigger and you know you have stuck to plan.
Letting the scales affect my mood again tonight. Ugh! I really need to ignore them but it's soo hard. Anyone else struggling?

Well this is the week mid month that I never lose, infact I often put on - my BNS ( beautiful new scales ) are showing a maintain so I am ok with that and they haven't been subject to me kicking them across the bathroom.........................yet!