Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

I would say the same except we're out at a 30th with a 3 course meal on Friday (with some of OH's friends who I haven't met before and I don't want to do the whole 'I'm on a diet' thing) and seeing Muse at O2 on Saturday when I want to be able to have a few wines. Ah well, we'll see what happens! x
I weighed in Boots today ready for weigh in tomorrow. Good luck losers!
well im back. (not like it matters)

i gained 3lb. scales this morning are1.5lb down!? hope it stays away!!
she is gonna get us lol!

I so will get you lot in the playground later!!!! Be afraid, be very afraid! You have been warned ha ha:banghead:
I've only been doing SW 2 weeks but I've found I'm guilt of this, I tend to hop on the scales mid week just to see if I'm heading in the right direction, I know I shouldn't especially since my scales are rubbish and my floors are uneven but I can't help it :( scales tell me I'm 10st 7 (we love them today cos it means I've lost a stone, woohoo!) and WI is today. Usually a difference of +2lbs in the readings so I'm prob looking at around 10st 9 or 10st 10 in group giving me an official loss of between 1 and 2 lbs. Really wanted my stone award but I know it won't be today, ah well! I'll hopefully get it within the next few weeks and I'm determined to get to 10st for Xmas :)
Grrrr really really hate my scales today. I've not weighed myself since Monday morning but I am having trouble going to the toilet so my scales are being absolute ar*eholes! I've been doing red days to give myself a boost..... Obviously isn't working. :'(
Jenna88 said:
I love mine this morning-showing me as 8st13, 1 pound down from weigh in...granted they did that last week too...convinced me I would see a new stone bracket then savagely ripped it away from me, the little bestids!

Woohoo that's great Jenna hope they stay there for you!

I'm 12 on the dot today, however I'm still undecided as to what I'm actually doing sw wise. Not been to group in about 4 weeks (money) and been following plan as much as possible apart from some shocking off plan days, but if this weigh in is accurate I've still lost 2.5lbs in that time, which is good for me, especially considering I've not been on plan for some of that. Considering going it alone...eek!
Well to be honest the fact that I started at 12st12 in Jan and have got my 1st award 4 times and I'm still 2lbs from it I don't think it does! I just went cos I enjoyed it, if I was having a bad week there's not much to stop me to be honest so think I might just see how I get on at home. Still got 9lbs to target (if that 12st is correct) so will see how.I go getting back to 1st and if it takes silly time I will rejoin for the last 1/2st. X
I'm still +1 on WI. Damn my scales! With what I've got planned this weekend I might be in for a gain on Monday, which would be rrrrrrubbish!!
10st 9.5lbs at group - a 1.5lb loss. Very happy with that, another 1.5lbs next week gets me my stone award and I'm happy anyway cos my friendly scales tell me I've already done it :) Onwards to those 9s!!
Also got slimmer of the month at the end of class!!