Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Jenna88 said:
Wine is gooood (not necessarily for our scales obsession but ya know...). Did you have a good night last night?

Awesome thanks hun, really nice. Not bad food wise either and drank about 4 pints of water with lemon!

How was your eve? We're just about to go to Waitrose to get ingredients for the SW sausage rolls you made last weekend because Dave is hungover and needs comfort food!


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Kelly that's amaze! Ooh let me know if you guys like them, I'm always scared when I recommend things incase other people think they taste like $hit. I did NOTHING last night and can't say I'm sorry I spent it that way haha! Out tonight (still hoping for willpower...I just want to KNOW I can go out and have fun without finishing the night talking to the big white telephone) and then the parentals are off to Dublin for 2 days on Sunday so the house is mine as the wee sisters are being shipped off to live with granny woohoo!
I am STILL the same grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
:argh::p:rolleyes::eek::banghead: Oh dear! Are my little icons trying to tell you something Liz!! Ha ha, just a little joke to set you up for the day and to cheer you up hun! You will get there you know! Sending hugs x
After drinking a bottle of wine last night, eating way too much cheese than I should've on my lovely SW-friendly pasta bake AND eating half a bag of peanuts covered in a sweet chilli crusty thing (yuuum) I feel like a right rough flabberface. Ate a breakfast bap of egg, bacon, tomato and mushroom (all SW friendly but it felt naughty). Got on the scales expecting to see something awful and have lost 2lbs since Wednesday! That's not to say last night won't catch up with me before weigh in on Monday.... Must spend the rest of the weekend being angelic.
I step on my home scales a couple of times a week between WI's though it doesn't make a difference to me because they're so old/ out of sync especially with the ones at group they don't know what they want to do! Thinking about buying some new more modern ones with all the electronicy things on them haha!
I'm still the same but no idea how after the amount that was eaten and drunk last night. My head is killing me!!!

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Well I think my scales are lying....I'm not complaining but they say 12st1 today! After this week I was expecting at least 12st4! I will be starting weighing from home tomorrow, going to do it first thing every monday morning and using the last official sw weigh in as my guide. It was around 4-5 weeks ago and since then I've gone up and back down again so I'm hoping to be able to record a loss since last time then get back to once a week officially weighing at home. Wish me luck! X
LIz!!!!!!!!!!! (Sending hugs). You will get there you know! Wish you lived near me and we could meet up for a chat! Also sending extra slim vibes down the tinterweb for you!!! :)
well i knew the loss at the start was too good to be true.. scales -1lb from weigh in.. tues will find out, just hope they dont more up anymore!!!
Ok it's official weigh in day today. I don't get weighed until 5:30 this evening, and my scales weigh the same as class ones. My scales this morning show a 3.5lb loss but I think accounting for food and drink in the day will maybe put on a lb in weight as it usually does so I'm hoping at looking at a 2.5lb loss tonight.
Well, by some miracle I managed a STS this week. Did a huge shop yesterday afternoon so there's going to be some Success Express going on this week!!
This is my first week I'm resisting the urge to get on the scales even though I really really want to. This is the first time I've ever been this ...motivated! I think if I don't see a loss I'll be really gutted. What kind of results should I be setting myself up for? 1lb?
Well the good news is that I'm 2 down from my mahoosive plus 3 yesterday thank goodness. Am still one up on last week's weigh in but I can live with that.

A miracle maintain or even more of a miraculous loss would be even better though for tomorrow x
I could cry.

Last day I weighed (2 days ago) my scales said 10st 5lbs.

Today, it's 10st 9lbs :( :( :(

I had a big dinner yesterday which had some naughties in it, but made in a healthy way...think the wholemeal stuffing has probably caused a loooooot of fluid retention, not to mention the salty gammon. I really haven't been "bad" but have had more carbs than usual. Lesson learned!

I know those 4lbs couldnt possibly be fat but still...very very downhearted to see it. Will be an absolute angel from here onwards as I haven't been keeping my food diary. Not overeating or anything but definitely have loosened the reigns perhaps a bit too much.

Back to the grindstone...I need to see that even 10st.